Browsing by Author "Haruman, Tendi"
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- ItemANALISIS BEBERAPA FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI KEBIJAKAN DIVIDEN DAN PENGARUHNYA TERHADAP NILAI PERUSAHAAN PADA INDUSTRI BARANG KONSUMSI PERIODE 1994-2003(Seminar Nasional Knowledge Management 2006, ITB dan Universitas Widyatama, 2006-08-05) Haruman, Tendi; Komariah, SitiDividend policy is one of the company function to reach the increasing of company value. Company should determine dividend policy in a good way because with it company can decide how many percent from company profit would be shared to the stock holders until the company target to increase prosperous ofstockholders can be full filled The purpose of this research is to know how far the dividend policy variable which are liquidity, profitability, risk, financing, investment and ownership simultaneously or partially to dividend policy and stock price company which are unite in consumers goods industry period 19942003. Population that used are 43 companies with 27 samples and after normality test had been done, the result only 8 companies. Research method used to reach that point is description method or systematically visual offact, characteristic or relationship inter phenomenon from the malleI' that is investigated then test hypothesis or variable relationship from statistic calculation by analyzed verivicative using double regret ions method. And to make it easier, Excel and SPSS are used in this research. Simultaneously test result show that variable dividend policy significantly influence to DPR 22,2%' Partially only liquidity, profitability, risk and investment variable significantly influence. Test result to stock price showed that significantly dividend policy variable simultaneously influence to stock price 23, I %. And partially, only financing, investment and ownership variable significantly influence to stock price. Test result of inter dependent variable showed that DPR is not influence significantly to stock price.
- ItemANALISIS PERBANDINGAN KINERJA REKSA DANA KONVENSIONAL DAN REKSA DANA SYARIAH SEBAGAI DASAR PENGETAHUAN BAGI PENGAMBILAN KEPUTUSAN INVESTASI DI PASAR MODAL INDONESIA(Seminar Nasional Knowledge Management 2006, ITB dan Universitas Widyatama, 2006-08-05) Hayati, Neuneung Ratna; Haruman, TendiBerkembangnya pasar Syariah di luar negeri menimbulkan kesadaran umat Islam di Indonesia akan pentingnya hasil yang halal dari investasi yang dilakukan. Bagi masyarakat Indonesia yang umumnya adalah umat Islam, Reksa Dana (secara konvensional) merupakan hal yang perlu diteliti kembali, karena masih mengandung hal-hal yang tidak sejalan dengan ajaran Islam, misalnya investasi Reksa Dana pada produk-produk yang diharamkan dalam Islam, seperti minuman keras, judi, pornografi, dan jasa keuangan non-syariah. Untuk aIasan tersebut di atas maka dibentuklah Reksa Dana Syariah.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi kinerja Reksa Dana baik Konvensional maupun Syariah dalam pasar modal di Indonesia setelah industri Reksa Dana mengalami booming dan juga sekaligus kehancuran hanya dalam jangka waktu 2 (dua) tahun (20042005). Metoda penelitian yang digunakan adalah Ex Post Facto yaitu untuk melihat dan mengkaji hubungan an tara dua variabel atau lebih, di mana variabel yang dikaji telah terjadi sebelumnya melalui perlakuan orang lain. Hasil penelitian secara rata-rata untuk periode 2004-2005 menunjukkan, dari sisi return dan risk, Reksa Dana Saham dan Reksa Dana Pendapatan Tetap berkinerja buruk karena memiliki return di bawah return market serta risk di atas risk market. Sedangkan untuk Reksa Dana Campuran, Reksa Dana Pendapatan Tetap Syariah dan Reksa Dana Campuran Syariah berkinerja baik (memil iki return di atas return market dan risk di bawah risk market) Sehingga dapat disimpulkan, secara umum kinerja Reksa Dana Konvensional yang mempunyai kinerja baik serta dapat bertahan dari redemption adalah Reksa Dana Campuran, Reksa Dana Pendapatan Tetap Syariah dan Reksa Dana Campuran Syariah . Dengan kinerja yang baik seperti ditunjukan oleh ketiga jenis Reksa Dana di atas, diharapkan akan memberikan pembelajaran berivenstasi yang baik dan benar bagi investor, institusi Pasar Modal maupun Pemerintah dalam hal ini sebagai regulator.
- ItemANALISIS STRUKTUR DANA DAN PENGARUHNYA TERHADAP KINERJA BANK (Studi Kasus Pada PT. Bank PIB,Tbk)(FOKUS : Jurnal Akuntansi dan Manajemen Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Bandung Volume 4 No.3, STIEB, 2003-02) Haruman, Tendi; Mahmud-
- ItemANALYSIS OF SETTING UP PROVINCIAL CREDIT GUARANTEE INSTITUTION TO ASSIST MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISE IN WEST JAVA, INDONESIA(the Universiti Teknologi MARA Johor, 2011) Haruman, Tendi; Hendri, MerizaPURPOSE - The purpose of this study is to provide assessment for the establishment of the Local Credit Guarantee institution in West Java which prudent, transparent, efficient, sustainable, and beneficial to society and national economy. DESIGN - The research method used is descriptive research method. According to Malhotra, descriptive research is a type of conclusive research That has its major objective the description of something - usually characteristics or functions (Malhotra, 2004: 78). In this research, descriptive research is used to describe the environmental conditions of economic, social and cultural laws and institutions Credit Guarantee Corporation of West Java, which will be established. FINDINGS - This study found that analysis of Economics environment, Politics, Law, Social and Cultural have an opportunity to set up this institution. Local Credit Guarantee Institution in West Java which prudent, transparent, efficient, sustainable, and beneficial to society and the national economy is feasible and economically profitable to be set up after analyzing operations management, human resources management, finance management and marketing management analysis. RESEARCH LIMITATION - This research is limited to analyze on the quantity of micro, small and medium enterprise in West java. This research has not calculated the quality of each micro, small and medium enterprise from aspect of business potential, moral hazard and comparison to other previous program that has been implemented by government. PRACTICAL IMPLICATION - This study can be used by West Java Governor to set up Local Credit Guarantee Institution which prudent, transparent, efficient, sustainable, and beneficial to society and the national economy can be established as feasible and economically profitable. ORIGINALITY - This paper is new way to analyze probability of setting up Local Credit Guarantee Institution from aspect of legal, economic, social and culture
- ItemBANKING ; ACCORDING TO ISLAMIC SYARIA CONCEPTS AND ITS PERFORMANCE IN INDONESIA(2010-11-22) Hasbi, Hariandy; Haruman, TendiThis study investigates empirically Islamic Syaria Banking concepts and to determine the performance of its based on Bank Indonesia Act No.9/1/PBI/2007 on assesment system for performance level to Commercial Banks based on Islamic Principles which consists of the aspects: capital, assets, management, earning, and likuidity which called CAMEL. The all of aspects use financial ratios as follow CAR, ROA, NPF, OEOI, FDR and Depositor Funds as a comparison as a reflect level of public trust on Islamic banking. Samples were taken from Bank Indonesia as a central bank period of 2007-2009 with 31 sample of Islamic Bank (BUS, UUS, BPRS) which was chosen based on a purposive sampling method. Using descriptive method and multiple regression analysis, the results of this study indicate that the Islamic banking have a good performance reflected CAMEL on Depositor Funds.
- ItemCORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIDILITY AND SMALL BUSINESS(THE 1" ASIA PACIFIC CONFERENCE, 2006-11-20) Pratminingsih, Sri Astuti; Haruman, TendiThe purpose ofthis paper is to offer a preliminary study exploration of the corporate Social Responsibility issues being implemented by small business in Bandung. This paper begins with a discussion ofthe characteristics and origins of Corporate Social Responsibility and followed by the development ofsmall business in Indonesia. Despite an unclear definition of Corporate Social Responsibility, small business seems to be engaged in socially responsible activities in various ways: involve in social issues, donation, human resource management practice which promote equality, diversity and respectillJ: human right. HQwever the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility in small business needs to be increased by focusing in low cost Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives.
- ItemIDENTIFlKASI FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI KUALITAS KEWlRAUSAHAAN Survey PADA WlRAUSAHA MAHASISWA di WEe Universitas Widyatama(Konferensi Nasional, FE Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala, 2008-09-06) Ariyanti, Maya; Haruman, Tendi; Ridwansyah, Iwan; Lisdayani, AnisaPenomena krisis yang memiliki dampav buruk pada ekonomi Bangsa Indonesia, ternyata juaga membawa dampak positif dalam konstelasi bisnis di Indonesia, yaitu dengan lahirnya kesadaran bahwa wirausaha lah yang menentukan mene!1tukan keberhasilan ekonomi bangsa. Perguruan tinggi dapandang sebagai institusi yang mampu melahirkan wiratl:,aha yang handal karena pada hakekatnya wirausaha bisa dilahirkan. Beberapa perguruan Tinggi di Indonesia meresepon hal ini dengan mengusllng spirit kewirausahaan c1alall1 proses pendidikannya . . Penelitian ini pertlljuan untuk melakukan idel1lifikasi faktor-faktor yang mempengartlhi kualitas kewirausahaan mahasiswa seeara generil: yang terdiri dari 1) Ketaatan pada kontrak kelja; 2) Penearian infonnasi; 3) Penetapan tujua.1; 4) Penearian peluang; 5) Pereneanaan dan monitoring; 6) Tuntutan terhadap kualitas; 7) Penanggungan risiko; 8) Pereaya diri: 9) Kegigihan dan ketekunan; dan 10) Jaringan usaha. Adapun yang menjadi objek penel itian adalah wirausaha mahasiswa yang tergabung dalam Widyatama Entrepreneursip Club (WEC). Sedangkan metcde penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survey deskriptif. Berdasarkan hasil peneIitian diketahui bahwa seeara umum tingkat peneapaian kualitas kewirausahaan mahasiswa tergolong tinggi. Seeara khusus indikator kualitas yang tertinggi adalah penearian informasi, penetapan tujuan, dan penearian peluang, serta pereaya diri. Sedangkan yang terendah adalah penanggungan risiko, jaringan usaha dan ketaataE pad a kontrak kerja. Berdasarkan temllan ini, maka institusi pergurrJan tinggi dapat mendorong lahimya wirausaha dengan memutakhirkan proses pendidikan yang berorientasi pada bisnis yang menageable dan terintegrasi dengan industri untllk mene~ptakan jaringan usaha.
- ItemTHE INFLUENCE OF CURRICULUM AND LECTURERS TOWARD QUALITY OF ENTREPRENEURIAL GRADUATES IN BANDUNG(CIEL SBM-ITB Gedung SBM-ITB, 2009-07-20) Haruman, Tendi; Hendri, Meriza; Hendrawan, RikoIs an entrepreneur born or created? This is a hard question in the middle of higher competitions among universities and institutes which are offering entrepreneurship as their competitive advantage since our government is focusing on this concept to face global economic crises. The goals of this study are to know and analyze entrepreneurial curriculum, lecturers who teaches entrepreneurship, quality of entrepreneurial graduates and the influence of curriculum and lecturers toward quality of entrepreneurial graduates. Research objects are graduates from universities and institutes which offer entrepreneurship in Bandung City. This study uses descriptive – verificative method with descriptive and explanatory survey. Path analysis is used to analyze data. The result shows that curriculum and lecturers influence quality of entrepreneurial graduate 73.9% and it means high. Lecturer is more dominant influence quality of entrepreneurial graduate such as 39% meanwhile curriculum 34.9%.
- ItemTHE INFLUENCE OF ENTREPRENEURIAL CURRICULUM, LECTURER, AND EXTRA CURRICULUM PROGRAMS TOWARD STUDENTS OF BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT FACULTY OF WIDYATAMA UNIVERSITY INTENTION TO BE AN ENTREPRENEUR(CIEL SBM-ITB Gedung SBM-ITB, 2010-07-11) Haruman, Tendi; Hendri, MerizaBusiness and Management Faculty of Widyatama University gives entrepreneurial curriculum, lecturers and other extra curricula programs to the students. Prof Koesbandijah, the founder of Widyatama University and she is also an entrepreneur, has taken part to promote entrepreneurship. Her involvement is to give students direct example that owner of Widyatama University support and encourage them to be entrepreneur after graduate. Unfortunately, this goal has not been seen yet. The aim of this research is to find the influence of entrepreneurial curriculum, lecturers and extra curricula activity toward students of Business and Management Faculty intention to be an entrepreneur. Research objects are 353 students of Business and Management Faculty, Widyatama University. This study uses descriptive-verificative method with descriptive and explanatory survey. Path analysis is used to analyze data. Curriculum, lecturers, and extra curriculum activity give positive influence on student’s intentions to be an entrepreneur 25.2%. Other factors is bigger than curriculum, lecturers and extra curriculum activity influence on student’s intentions to be an entrepreneur such as family, entrepreneurship event and media. Curriculum and lecturers influence student’s intentions to be an entrepreneur. But, extra curriculum activity does not give positive influence on student’s intentions to be an entrepreneur.
- ItemKEPUASAN KERJA : KONSEP , TEORI , DAN SKALA PENGUKURANNYA(Jurnal Bisnis, Manajemen & Ekonomi Vol 6 No. 3, Universitas Widyatama, 2005-02) Paramarta, Vip; Haruman, Tendi-
- ItemPENGARUH KEPUTUSAN KEUANGAN DAN KEPEMILIKAN INSTITUSIONAL TERHADAP NILAI PERUSAHAAN (STUDI KASUS PADA PERUSAHAAN MANUFAKTUR YANG LISTING DI BEJ)(The 1st PPM National Conference on Management Research, Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM Jakarta, 2007) Haruman, TendiThis study aimed to test three financial decisions (financing decision, investment decision, and dividend decision) that predicted to influence firm value. The empirical examination is carried out using two regression models, namely the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) and simultaneous equation system of the Two-Stage Least Square (2LS). The first model is to test the effect of financial decisions factors to financing decisions, investment decisions and dividend policy. The later one is to test the effect of financial decisions and institutional ownership to firm value. The research population is all off manufacturing companies listed at Jakarta Stock Exchange and sample was taken using purposive sampling technique and resulting in a set of 94 companies which fulfills the cretaria for sample. The method of data collection is done by using pooling method and give 940 companies year observation and after normality test had been done, the result only 799 companies year observation. The result show that financing decision, investment decision, and dividend policy had negative effect and significant to the firm value. Institutional ownership had negative effet and not significant to the firm value.
- ItemPENGARUH KEPUTUSAN KEUANGAN TERHADAP NILAI PERUSAHAAN BERDASARKAN STRATA STRUKTUR KEPEMILIKAN (Studi Pada Industri Manufaktur Periode 1994-2003)(Departemen Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi dan Manajemen IPB, 2006-09-16) Haruman, Tendi; Komariah, Siti; Wijaya, John HenryManajemen perusahaan melalui peran Chief Financial Officer mempunyai tujuan untuk meningkatkan nilai perusahaan. Hal ini dicapai melalui implementasi keputusan keuangan yang terdiri dari financing decision, investment decision dan dividend policy. Penelitian ini menjelaskan pengaruh keputusan keuangan tersebut terhadap nilai perusahaan pada berbagai strata struktur kepemilikan. Struktur kepemilikan dalam penelitian ini dibagi menjadi dua strata, yaitu dominan (lebih besar dari 25%) dan moderat (5%-25%). Penelitian ini mengambil objek perusahaan industri manufaktur, dim ana industri ini merupakan emiten yang paling dominan yang tercatat di PT. Bursa Efek Jakarta,. Adapun metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode ex post facto, sedangkan metode analisis yang digunakan adalah metode Regresi Linier Berganda. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa pada strata kepemilikan dominan, keputusan keuangan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap nilai perusahaan. Sedangkan pada strata kepemilikan moderat, keputusan keuangan tidak berpengaruh terhadap nilai perusahaan. Berdasarkan temuan ini disarankan bahwa emiten sebaiknya melepas kepemilikan saham lebih dari 25% agar pasar merespon positifsehingga nilai perusahaan meningkat.
- ItemPengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Mahasiswa Universitas Widyatama Bandung(Universitas Widyatama, 2006) Ariyanti, Maya; Haruman, Tendi; Ridwansyah, Iwan; Setiawan, Stevanus A CIn the higher education the competitive being increasing. To be surviving the school has to be fulfilling the need from the stakeholder. One of the stakeholders for higher education school is the student. So the satisfaction of the student is one of the criteria for higher education. From the survey, the affect of service quality to satisfaction student Widyatama University is 18%. The biggest affect is from reliability, then responsiveness, empathy, tangible and the last is assurance.
- ItemPENGARUH MANAJEMEN DANA BANK TERHADAP PROFITABILITAS(FOKUS : Jurnal Akuntansi dan Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi, Volume 1, No.4, Unit Penelitian Dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Bandung, 2000-05) Haruman, Tendi-
- ItemPENGARUH STRUKTUR KEPEMILIKAN TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN KEUANGAN DAN NILAI PERUSAHAAN Survey Pada Perusahaan Manufaktur di PT. Bursa Efek Indonesia(Simposium Nasional Akunatnsi XI, IAI dan FE Universitas Tanjuang Pura, 2008-07-23) Haruman, TendiTop manager through the role of financial manager as the agent hired by the principal made three major decisions, which are: investment decision, financing decision, and dividend policy. Those decisions are interconnected and will create a value. Agency theory argued that in practice there will be conflict of interest between manager and the principal which is called as agency conflict. Ownership structure plays an important role to minimize the problem result from agency conflict in a company through the increase of managerial ownership and institutional ownership. The objective of this research is to investigate the effect of ownership structure to the financial decision and the value of the company, this research used for regression model. The models are: First Model to investigate the effect of ownership structure to the financing decisions. 2nd model, used to investigate the effect of ownership structure to investment decision. 3rd model used to investigate the effect of ownership structure to dividend policy and the 4th model used to investigate the effect of ownership structure to financial decision and company value The population of this research is manufacturing companies listed in BEJ. The sampling method used in this research is purposive sampling. The results are 94 companies. Pooling data method is used to collect the data and two stage least squares (2 SLS) is the analysis method. Base on the hypothesis test it can be summarized that simultaneously all predictor have significant effect. Partially: 1) Managerial ownership, Institutional Ownership and Dividend Payout Ratio Effect that to Equity Ratio (DER). 2) Managerial ownership, Institutional Ownership Debt to Equity Ratio (DER), dividend Payout Ratio, profitability to Growth effect the total Assets Growth (Investment decision). 3) Managerial Ownership, DER, Company Risk Effected Dividend Payout Ratio. 4) Managerial Ownership, Institutional Ownership, Investment and DPR Effect the Market Value of Equity (MVE). Finally the ownership structure (Managerial Ownership and Institutional ownership) and DPR Effect the Share Price.
- ItemPENGARUH STRUKTUR KEPEMILIKAN TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PENDANAAN (Perspektif Agency Theory) Survey Pada Perusahaan Manufaktur di PT. Bursa Efek Indonesia(Konferensi Nasional Penelitian Manajemen 2008, PPM School of Management dan Program MM Universitas Hasanuddin, 2008-11-27) Haruman, TendiAgency theory argued that in practice there will be conflict of interest between manager and the principal which is called as agency conflict. Ownership structure plays an important role to minimize the problem result from agency conflict in a company through the increase of managerial ownership and institutional ownership. The objective of this research is to investigate the effect of ownership structure on financing decisions . The population of this research is manufacturing companies listed in BEI. The sampling method used in this research is purposive sampling. Pooling data method is used to collect the data and multiple regressions is the analysis method. Base on the hypothesis test it can be summarized that simultaneously ownership structure have effect on financing decisions
- ItemPERANAN MANAJEMEN KONTRIBUSI DALAM MODAL INTELEKTUAL SUMBER DAYA MANUSIA UNTUK MENJADI JUARA(JURNAL BISNIS, MANAJEMEN & EKONOMI, Vol.7, No.4, Fakultas Bisnis & Manajemen Universitas Widyatama, 2006-05) Haruman, Tendi; Mardiana, Nova; Pramarta, Vip-
- ItemREKSA DANA : SUATU ALTERNATIF INVESTASI DAN TEKNIK MENGUKUR KINERJANYA(FOKUS : Jurnal Akuntansi dan Manajemen Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Bandung Volume 1 No.1, 1999-08) Haruman, Tendi-
- ItemREVITALISASI KONSEP & IMPLEMENTASINYA DALAM UPAYA MENINGKATKAN KINERJA BISNIS KOPERASI(Jurusan Manajemen FE UKM, 2007-11-03) Mardani, Yhani; Haruman, TendiKoperasi sebagai badan usaha di Indonesia memiliki landasan historis, ideologis dan politis yang sanqat kuat. Bahkan pendiri bangsa berharap menjadi soko guru perekonomian bangsa Indonesia. Namun yang terjadi sangat kontradikiti( koperasi bukan hanya belum (tidak) mampu mewujudkan seperti yang diharapkan, tetapi mulai dilupakan bahkan ditinggalkan. Bisa dilihat bahwa amandemen UUD 45 khsusunya pasal 33 tidak lagi menyebut koperasi sebagai satu-satunya budan usaha yang "cacok" untuk menciptakan kesejahteraan ekonomi Indonesia. Lebih Ianjut, dalam wacana akademispun khususnya diseko/ah ekonomi dan bisnis, koperasi hanya sekedar 'Iembaga bisnis figuran"yang /idak mendapatkan parsi yang cukup untuk dibahas. Tentu yang menjadi pertanyaan, betulkah koperasi tidak mampu menjawab tantangan mensejahterakan ekonorni rakyat ditengah era ekonomi kapi/alis? Jawabnya adalah tidek benar!. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa terdapat kelemahan yang mendasar dari para pembuat kebjiakan dan praktisi koperasi dalam memahami koperasi sebagai badan usaha, dim ana penyusunan program-program nya bertumpu pada "hard capita/" dan mengesampingkan "soft capital'. Dengan demikian, maka koperasi per/u segera melakukan revitalisasi dalam konsep dan implementasinya melalui pendekatan manajemen yang profesional. Sehingga koperasi mampu menunjukkan kinerja bisnis yang diharapkan dan berkontribusi nyata terhadap perekonomian bangsa Indonesia. Makalah ini adalah hasil studi pustaka didukung oleh bukti empirik dan pengalaman sebagai praktisi koperasi yang menyimpulkan bahwa koperasi "Iayak' diberi tempat baik dalam konstelasi ekonomi dan bisnis ataupun akademis.