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Fakultas Teknik Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya
Types of research used in this study is the survey method. This study is correlational. In this study population is used TRAC ASTRA customer Rent a Car Bandung. While the sample of this research is the customer TRAC Astra Rent a Car London to represent the population. In determining the sample, the authors use the sampling is non-probability sampling with accidental sampling technique, this technique is used because of accidental random samples taken are not unlimited and researchers assume that consumers have the same intentions. That samples can be taken is 100 respondents. For data analysis the authors using Spearman rank correlation analysis method, intended for both variables are measured in ordinal scale as well as to determine how strong the relationship, also the direction of the relationship between the independent variable on the dependent variable service quality customer satisfaction. Respondents to the quality of service at PT. TRAC Astra Rent a Car Bandung can be said AGREE, thus it can be stated that the respondents to the question regarding the quality of service at PT. TRAC Astra Rent a Car Bandung WELL said, because the average value of the entire statement is at 3.60 which is in the interval from 3.40 to 4.19. Respondents regarding customer satisfaction at PT. TRAC Astra Rent a Car Bandung can be said AGREE, thus it can be stated that the respondents questions about customer satisfaction at PT. TRAC Astra Rent a Car Bandung WELL said, because the average value of the entire statement is at 3.70 which is in the interval from 3.40 to 4.19. Based on the calculation of correlation coefficients using the Spearman Rank correlation obtained a value of 00.694. Statistical inference, there is a positive and direct relationship between quality of service (X) to customer satisfaction (Y) at PT. TRAC Astra Rent a Car Bandung. Determination coefficient test results influence of service quality on customer satisfaction with PT. TRAC Astra Rent a Car London is at 48.1% while the remaining 51.9% is influenced by other variables not examined in this study. Based on the obtained t significance test of 13.260, while ttable 0.195, t greater than t table (13.260> 0.195) and hypothesis testing based on criteria, ie if t> t table, then Ho is rejected and Hi is accepted. Thus the author proposed that the hypothesis, which is: "Quality of Service (X) The Customer Satisfaction (Y) at PT. TRAC Astra Rent a Car Bandung "Acceptable.
Kualitas Pelayanan, Kepuasan Pelanggan, Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction