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- ItemPENGARUH PENGENDALIAN INTERN TERHADAP PENCEGAHAN KREDIT MACET ( Pada Tiga Bank Konvensional BUMN di Area Jawa Barat )(Forum Keuangan dan Bisnis Indonesia V, UPI, Bandung, 2016-12-08) Novatiani, R. Ait; Rachman, Taufan SadeliLoans is large source of Bank income, because it can affect to Bank the financial condition. Bank business stability is strongly influenced by how the Bank to manage loans to pressed the number of bad loans. The prevention of bad loans needs adequates of internal control. The aims of the research is to know the internal control, to know the prevention of bad loans and to know the affect of internal control to prevention of bad loans. The research method used are explanatory method. Sampling techniques used are non probability sampling with saturated sampling approach. Statistical test are pearson correlation analizing, determination coefficient analizing (R2) and t test. The research result show that internal control are adequates and good categorized, prevention of bad loans are adequates and good categorized and internal control affect to prevention of bad loans
- ItemPENGARUH PENERAPAN KODE ETIK TERHADAP PROFESIONALISME AUDITOR INTERNAL (Pada Tiga Perusahaan BUMN di Bidang jasa – Bandung)(Conference on Management and Behavioral Studies, Universitas Tarumanagara, Jakarta, 2016-10-27) Novatiani, R. AitAudit internal merupakan fungsi penilaian yang independen yang ada dalam perusahaan yang ada dalam suatu organisasi dengan tujuan menguji dan mengevalauasi kegiatan -kegiatan organisasi yang dilaksanakan. Untuk mencapai audit internal yang memadai maka diperlukan auditor internal yang profesionalisme dengan memiliki kode etik yang memadai. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui penerapan kode etik, mengetahui profesionalisme auditor internal dan mengetahui pengaruh penerapan kode etik terhadap pofesionalisme auditor internal. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode eksplanatory. Teknik penarikan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Non Probability Sampling dengan pendekatan sampling jenuh. Analisis statistik yang digunakan adalah analisis korelasi rank spearman, koefisien determinasi, dan uji t. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa penerapan kode etik dikategorikan baik, profesionalisme auditor internal dikategorikan baik dan penerapan kode etik berpengaruh terhadap profesionalisme auditor internal.
- ItemPENDIDIKAN DAN PEMBERDAYAAN KOPERASI(Institut Manajemen Koperasi Indonesia (IKOPIN), 2014-10) Suratman, Maman-
- Item
- ItemHUBUNGAN BRAND IMAGE DAN KUALITAS JASA DENGAN LOYALITAS KONSUMEN ELFA MUSIC SCHOOL CABANG ANTAPANI BANDUNG(1st National Conference on Business, Management, and Accounting, Universitas Pelita Harapan,, 2015-03-19) Zulganef; Rachim, Taufik; Kusumadewi, DeasyThis study aims to examine the response of consumers on brand image and service quality on customer loyalty in Elfa Music School of Bandung. Preliminary data of the observation of this study indicate that the number of consumers Elfa Music School (EMS) has increased. Whereas, Elfa Music School (EMS) course prices tend to increase year by year. The condition is contrary to the theory of demand which reveals that "if the price rises, the demand will decrease." Based on gap between the phenomenon and the theory, the authors assumed that the increase in demand, in this case the consumer loyalty in Elfa Music School (EMS) is not affected by the price, but is influenced by other variable, those are brand image and quality of services provided by EMS. The results showed that brand image and quality of services have a relationship with customer loyalty, so it can be said that the increase in consumer EMS does not occur because of the price, but because of the image of the brand and the quality of service provided by EMS. The authors also made some recommendations.