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Tesis Magister Management, Universitas Widyatama
ABSTRACT Competition among higher education institutions in Indonesia occurs as a result of the fast growing number of private higher education institutions. State higher education institutions are encouraged to become state-owned institutions (BHMN) so that they become more aggressive in recruiting new students by opening new diploma and extension programs. Penetration from foreign university and fast development of communication technology that enable distance learning program has also growing up in Indonesia. This condition is not equivalent with the development of the number of new students that tends to be decreasing as the present economic condition has not been fully recovered. Therefore private education institutions will be more naturally selected and in turn this situation will lead to an extreme competition among them in recruiting new students which finally it will influence their existence. Based on the above fact, it is essential to conduct a research concerning the best strategy to win the competition in recruiting new students. The strategy that is concerned with this research is “Brand Image” where offer is considered to be more relevant with the target market. Since brand is believed as a major defense in today’s competition, a strong brand will create bigger trust as well as image of better quality compared to another brand. This research is aimed at looking into the application of “Brand Image” at PKN and STMIK LPKIA. The research methods used in this study are descriptive and explanatory survey. The data are collected through questionnaires, interviews, and field observations. Data collection from primary sources are obtained from a population consisted of 138 new students of PKN LPKIA from various study programs in 2008/2009 academic year. This research uses path analysis as the analysis method. The result of this research shows that the six aspects/dimensions of LPKIA’s Brand Image do influence the decision-making process of student candidates to become students of PKN and STMIK LPKIA. The percentages of the influence are: service quality of the job market 15%, facilities 11%, the quality of remuneration 9.5 %, the intensity of work field 9.31%, student affairs 9.06 %, and the teaching and learning process 7.65 %. Based on the above results, it is concluded that PKN and STMIK LPKIA Bandung as a higher education institution that belongs to pure service category, where the product offered by the institution is intangible, has been successful in marketing its product with three levels of comprehensive offer: Core Offer that offers students relatively easy access to employment after graduation, Tangible Offer that offers students buildings for teaching and learning process, facilities, and high-quality lecturers/teaching and learning process, and Augmented Offer that offers students student affair activities and assistance to get a job soon after graduation. LPKIA’s Brand Image offer, “Its graduates are easy to get a job and qualified”, is suitable with LPKIA’s target market: students from Middle Lower socio-economic status who tend to choose higher education institutions that can give them easy access to employment soon after graduation so that they can help their family’s economic condition immediately.
ABSTRAK Persaingan antar Perguruan Tinggi (PT) terjadi akibat pesatnya pertumbuhan jumlah Perguruan Tinggi Swasta (PTS) di kota-kota propinsi dan daerah-daerah. Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (PTN) dipacu untuk mandiri dan menjadi BHMN sehingga PTN semakin agresif menambah mahasiswa dengan membuka program baru diploma dan ekstensi. Penetrasi juga dilakukan oleh Perguruan Tinggi luar negeri serta perkembangan teknologi yang sangat pesat memungkinkan dilakukannya kelas jarak jauh. Hal ini tidak setara dengan pertumbuhan jumlah calon mahasiswa yang cenderung menurun karena kondisi ekonomi belum pulih sepenuhnya. Dengan demikian PTS akan makin terseleksi dan mendorong terjadinya persaingan ketat untuk mendapatkan mahasiswa yang mempengaruhi kelangsungan hidup PT yang bersangkutan Atas dasar itulah dirasakan adanya kebutuhan untuk diadakan penelitian tentang strategi yang terbaik untuk memenangkan kompetisi memperoleh calon mahasiswa baru. Secara khusus strategi “Brand Image”. Karena brand diyakini menjadi pertahanan utama dalam persaingan saat ini. Terlebih di sektor jasa, yang sifatnya intangible, dimana pembeli tidak dapat menikmati produk yang akan dibelinya di awal, karena yang ditawarkan adalah manfaat. Brand yang kuat akan menciptakan kepercayaan dan keyakinan yang lebih besar akan kualitas yang lebih baik dari brand yang lain. Penelitian dilakukan di PKN – LPKIA, yang mencanangkan strategi pemasarannya pada Brand Image “Lulusan Mudah Bekerja dan Berkualitas”. Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan adalah deskriptif dan verifikatif dengan metode descriptive survey dan explanatory survey. Data diperoleh melalui kuesioner, wawancara dan observasi lapangan. Hasil pengumpulan data dengan sumber primer diperoleh dari sampel sebesar 138 calon mahasiswa baru LPKIA berbagai program studi pada tahun akademik 2008/2009. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisa jalur (path analysis). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa ke enam aspek/dimensi Brand Image LPKIA memang berpengaruh terhadap pengambilan keputusan calon mahasiswa menjadi mahasiswa PKN & STMIK LPKIA. Pengaruh masing-masing sebagai berikut, kualitas layanan bursa tenaga kerja 15%, sarana prasarana 11%, kualitas imbal jasa 9.5%, intensitas bidang kerja 9.31%, kesiswaan 9.06% dan proses pembelajaran 7.65%. Tiga tingkatan penawaran yang menyeluruh dalam bidang jasa berhasil dipenuhi LPKIA, yaitu Core Offer atau penawaran inti yang menawarkan pendidikan vokasi yang berorientasi kerja, Tangible Offer dengan sarana prasarana penunjang yang memadai, kualitas pembelajaran dan dosen yang dianggap baik, kegiatan kemahasiswaan yang menarik serta brand image yang positif dan mampu dibuktikan dengan konsisten dan Augmented Offer berupa aktivitas layanan serta bantuan lain untuk segera mendapatkan pekerjaan setelah lulus. Brand Image “Lulusan Mudah Bekerja dan Berkualitas” ini sangat sesuai dengan pangsa pasar LPKIA, yaitu Midlle Lower Class yang memang harapannya adalah sekolah/kuliah untuk segera mendapatkan pekerjaan dan turut membantu perekonomian keluarga.
Brand Image, Pengambilan Keputusan, Politeknik, Komputer