
Recent Submissions

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    (International Conference on Education For Economics, Business, and Finance (ICEEBF), Universitas Negeri Malang, 2016-09-15) Sari, Diana
    The problem that continues to exist in the taxing jurisdiction is the level of compliance is still low. The Directorate General of Taxes through tax reform using a risk management approach. The risk management process consists of risk identification, risk measurement, risk mapping, risk management, and control and supervision of risk. Implementation of risk management in the field of taxation is geared towards improving tax compliance. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of risk management to increase tax compliance. This research was conducted by distributing questionnaires to respondents consisting Account Representative and the taxpayer. The method used is descriptive method. Statistical testing using simple linear regression analysis where its influence the second variables tested by using t test. The results showed the application of risk management to be effective in improving taxpayer compliance. Research proves that the effectiveness of the risk management have influence significantly to taxpayer compliance rate to with positive direction. Risk management information can be used by the tax authorities in determining priorities in supervision, so as to increase tax compliance of the formal and material.
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    WHY ARE STUDENT RELUCTANT TO BE ACTIVE IN STUDENT ACTIVITIES? (a Case Study of Widyatama Taekwondo Team Bandung)
    (3rd International Conference on Management Economics and Business of Universitas Mercu Buana (ICMEB), 21-22, 2018-02) Kuswara, Galuh Boga; Anwar, Tezza Adriansyah
    Taekwondo is a popular martial arts sport among Students, because its activities are almost there in all educational institutions in Bandung. One of the educational institutions in Bandung that has a very good achievement in Taekwondo is Widyatama University. Taekwondo Activity Unit at Widyatama University has won the National Champion among Students for 6 times in a row. Many of the Students at Widyatama University have been in Taekwondo since elementary and even up to senior high school. However, they are reluctant to follow Taekwondo activities when entering college. This study aims to find out the reasons Students' reluctance to be active in student activities unit, especially Taekwondo unit. In addition, this study also aims to find the effort that can be done to increase student participation in the student activity unit. The research method used is descriptive-verificative. Respondents in the study amounted to 115 respondents, and counting techniques in this study using path analysis techniques. Students' reluctance to be active, especially Taekwondo, is caused by the time of practice that coincides with the lectures. Taekwondo is also not a martial art that is currently a trend when compared with other martial arts (eg Mixed Martial Arts, Muay-Thay). While Students are happy to follow the trend. Therefore, it takes effort to make Taekwondo martial arts back into the trend. This can be done by making Taekwondo viral through Korean movies or dramas that are being liked by Students. In addition, it can also create a documentation that shows Taekwondo can be used as a self-defense when conditions are pressed. Changes in practice time to Friday and Saturday, where Students are not studying, can increase student participation in campus activities.
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    (3rd International Conference on Management Economics and Business of Universitas Mercu Buana (ICMEB), 21-22, 2018-02) Virgana, R.A.E.; Harahap, Parlindungan; Anwar, Tezza Adriansyah
    Islam is the religion of rahmatan lil 'alamin / Al Anbiya: 107, bringing blessings and welfare to the whole universe, all Moslem majority states, hoping its country is "thayyibatun wa rabbun ghafur [A good land [have you], and a forgiving Lord] / Saba': 15". The number of Moslems around the world is around 1.6 billion, about 24% of the world's total population, 31% are in southern asia, 22% in southeastern Asia, 47% spread around the world. The country with the world's highest gross domestic product (at purchasing power parity [PPP]) is Qatar, Brunei is the 4th, 5th place in Kuwait, 8th place in United Arab Emirates, 12th place in Saudi Arabia, and Bahrain ranks 14, 10 Countries with the largest oil reserves in the world, 9 Countries are in the majority Moslem countries, 17 Largest oil producing countries in the world, 10 Countries are in Moslem majority countries, from 228 Countries with Moslem, 76 countries has more than 10% of the population of the country. These are the facts that Allah SWT has given His mercy to us the major Moslem states, fertile lands, prosperous countries, rich countries, but why most Moslems in Moslem countries are not prosperous. There are many reasons for this, mismanagement of the land, misinformation of the economy, fragile monetary system, inexhaustible debt, those who consume interest (naïsiah and fadhl) rampant, greed, corruption, wealth and uneven prosperity. The concept of sharing, wealth and prosperity among Moslem countries, not a new concept has ever been implemented by Moslem countries since then, from Andalusia-Spain to the far east, has a similar economic concept model, one of them is not consume interest. In this prelimanry research the researcher proposes a conceptual research: sharia-based cryptocurrency, hopefully bring goodness of wealth and prosperity for the good of the world and the hereafter.
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    (3rd International Conference on Management Economics and Business of Universitas Mercu Buana (ICMEB), 21-22, 2018-02) Harahap, Parlindungan; Virgana, R.A.E.; Hapsari, Wiwik Tri; Anwar, Tezza Adriansyah
    One of Indonesia's commodities that has great potential is rice. Rice is a strategic commodity and is a staple food of the Indonesian nation. The consumption of rice every year always increases along with the rate of population increase while the increase of rice consumption is not comparable with the rate of increase of production and harvest area. The sequence of rice processes undergoes several stages of the supply chain: agriculture (growing), harvesting, harvesting, packing, and transportation. In terms of actors, the supply chain consists of several businesses such as farmers, local wholesalers such as collecting traders, traditional retailers / supermarkets, and customers. PT. Jatisari Sri Rejeki Karawang is one of the companies that organize the management of food industry business especially the rice along with its chain of activities in an integrated manner by utilizing all resources effectively, efficiently and synergistically so as to increase business growth to achieve the intent and purpose of the company.
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    (3rd International Conference on Management Economics and Business of Universitas Mercu Buana (ICMEB), 21-22, 2018-02) Anwar, Tezza Adriansyah
    E-commerce is an innovative step in marketing electronically. This business electronically is more emphasis on customers in meeting their needs independently. The existence of customers not only as a source of revenue for the sustainability of electronic business activities, but rather as an asset that needs to be managed and maintained. Services in e-commerce can be identified by the features provided within the site. These features can affect customer interest in transactions, so that customers feel satisfied or not with the services provided. Customer satisfaction with services of these features can be measured by Kano methods. The object of this research using various types of e-commerce. Depend on the habit of respondents in using e-commerce.