Browsing by Author "Wiludjeng, Sri"
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- ItemANALISIS FAKTOR-FAKTOR MOTIVASI BELAJAR MAHASISWA FAKULTAS BISNIS DAN MANAJEMEN UNIVERSITAS WIDYATAMA BANDUNG(Penelitian Internal Dosen Universitas Widyatama, 2008) Riantani, Suskim; Wiludjeng, SriProses belajar mengajar pada suatu universitas, merupakan upaya untuk mengembangkan kemampuan serta kepribadian mahasiswa yang dalam hal ini merupakan tanggung jawab semua pihak (institusi universitas, fakultas, program studi, dosen, serta mahasiswa itu sendiri). Program Studi dalam hal ini melalui para dosennya mempunyai peranan yang sangat penting dalam menumbuhkan motivasi, minat, dan disiplin mahasiswa dalam belajar. Mengetahui faktor-faktor motivasi belajar merupakan langkah awal sebagai upaya menumbuhkan motivasi belajar mahasiswa serta memperbaiki proses belajar mengajar. Dengan demikian mahasiswa akan merasa senang dan terpanggil untuk lebih meningkatkan mutu pembelajaran agar dapat mencapai prestasi belajar secara optimal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengetahui bagaimana motivasi belajar mahasiswa Fakultas Bisnis dan Manajemen Universitas Widyatama Bandung, (2) menganalisis dan mengetahui faktor apa yang paling dominan menentukan motivasi belajar mahasiswa Fakultas Bisnis dan Manajemen Universitas Widyatama Bandung. Penelitian ini mengambil sampel 330 mahasiswa Program Studi S1 dan D3 Fakultas Bisnis dan Manajemen Universitas Widyatama Bandung sebagai responden. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik Simple Random Sampling. Analisis statistik menggunakan metode deskriptif analitis dan teknik Analisis Faktor. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) secara keseluruhan motivasi belajar mahasiswa Fakultas Bisnis dan Manajemen Universitas Widyatama adalah baik, hal ini ditunjukkan oleh nilai rata-rata yang diperoleh dari jawaban seluruh responden pada seluruh pernyataan yang diajukan melalui kuesioner menunjukkan nilai sebesar 3,4 yang berada pada kisaran 3.4 – 4.1 yang menunjukkan interpretasi tanggapan responden baik, (2) dari empat faktor motivasi belajar yang diidentifikasi menggunakan model ARCS, berdasarkan analisis faktor, ditemukan enam faktor motivasi belajar mahasiswa Fakultas Bisnis dan Manajemen Universitas Widyatama, yaitu pengembangan diri (self actualization), satisfaction, relevance, confidence, penghargaan (self esteem), dan attention, (3) dari enam faktor utama yang terbentuk dari hasil analisis faktor tersebut, dapat dinyatakan bahwa faktor utama 1 yang paling dominan menjadi penentu motivasi belajar mahasiswa, yaitu ditunjukkan oleh nilai SRW paling tinggi sebesar 2,354. Faktor utama 1 tersebut adalah faktor pengembangan diri (self actualization).
- ItemANALISIS PERBANDINGAN SISTEM PERWALIAN POLA l DENGAN - POLA II DlTlNJAU DARl KEPENTINGAN MAHASISWA PADA FAKULTAS BlSNlS & MANAJEMEN UNlVERSlTAS WIDYATAMA(Penelitian Internal Universitas Widyatama, 2006) Wiludjeng, Sri; LasmanahPenelitian ini menjelaskan tentang tanggapan mahasiswa terhadap system perwalian yang sudah dan akan dilaksanakan oleh Universitas Widyatama khususnya Fakultas Bisnis & Manajemen. Pelayanan perwalian disediakan dengan maksud untuk mendukung mahasiswa dalam menentukan arah dan sasaran yang tepat dalam menempuh pendidikannya agar tercapai kesuksesan menyelesaikan kesarjanaannya dengan tepat waktu dan dengan IPK yang memuaskan serta dengan sendirinya akan mengurangi drop . out mahasiswa Universitas Widyatama. Masalah yang akan diteliti dalam penelitian ini adalah mengenai tanggapan mahasiswa atas pelaksanaan sistem perwalian yang telah dilaksanakan oleh Universitas Widyatama saat ini (sistem penvalian pola I), tanggapan mahasiswa terhadap sistem perwalian pola 11, dan ada atau tidaknya terdapat perbedaan yang cukup signifikan antara sistem perwalian pola I dengan sistem perwalian pola 11. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei dengan sampel adalah mahasiswa Fakultas Bisnis & Manajemen Universitas Widyatama yang aktif melakukan herregistrasi dari angkatan 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, dan 2004. Sampel yang diambil sebanyak 286 responden. Data diolah dengan menggunakan alat analisis Oneway Anova melalui perangkat lunak SRSS V. 13.00. Data yang akan diolah diuji terlebih dahulu kehandalan (reliability) dan kesahihannya (validity). Uji kehandalan yang digunakan adalah nilai Cronbach Alpha, sedangkan uji kesahihan menggunakan Corrected Item - Total Correlation. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa alat ukur yang digunakan handal dan sahih. Hasil penelitian rnenunjukkan bahwa rata-rata tanggapan mahasiswa terhadap tingkat kepentingan pada sistem penvalian Pola I sebesar 5,278. Artinya bahwa tanggapan responden terhadap sistem perwalian Pola I dilihat dari sudut pandang dimensi tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance dan emphaty agak penting, karena berada pada interval 4,430 - 5,286 . Sedangkan rata-rata tanggapan mahasiswa terhadap tingkat kepentingan pada sistem penvalian Pola I1 sebesar 5,660. Artinya bahwa tanggaaan responden terhadap sistem perwalian Pola I1 dilihat dari sudut pandang dimensi tangible, reliabiliy, responsiveness, assurance dan emphaty penting, karena berada pada interval 5,287 - 6,143 . Selanjutnya uji signifikansi adanya perbedaan tanggapan mahasiswa terhadap sistem perwalian Pola I dengan Pola I1 menunjukkan adanya perbedaan yang cukup signifikan, karena dilihat dari sudut pandang dimensi tangible, reliability, I responsiveness, assurance dan emphaty diperoleh hasil lebih kecil dari 0,05.
- ItemTHE COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF ACADEMIC ADVISOR PATTERN I AND PATTERN II CONSIDERED FROM STUDENT’S INTEREST IN BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT FACULTY OF WIDYATAMA UNIVERSITY(11th Annual SEAAIR Conference, 2011-11-04) Wiludjeng, Sri; LasmanahThis research aims to find a student response to the academic tangible dimensions, reliability, responsiveness, advisor system pattern I and pattern 11. The academic advisor assurance, emphaty, achievement system is applied in particular Widyatama University Faculty of ~usiness & Management. Trusteeship services are provided in order to support students in determining the direction and the right target in his education in order to achieve complete success in a timely manner and scholarly, with a satisfactory CAI (Cumulative Achievement Index) and by itself will reduce the drop out students. Problem under study is about the student response system for the implementation of a trust that has been conducted by the University Widyatama current (trusteeship system pattern I), student responses to the trusteeship system of pattern 11, and whether there are significant differences between the pattern I trusteeship system with pattern I1 trusteeship system. This research uses survey patterns with a sample of populations. The results showed that the average student response to the level of interest in the trusteeship system for pattern I significant. This means that respondents to the trusteeship system of pattern I viewed from the standpoint of tangible dimensions, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and emphaty rather important, because it is on the interval from significant up to significant enough. While the average response of students to the level of interest in the trusteeship system of pattern I1 by significant. This means that the response patterns of respondents to the trusteeship system of pattern I1 from the perspective of tangible dimensions, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and emphaty important, because it is on the interval from significant up to very significant. Further tests of significance of differences in student responses to the trusteeship system with pattern I pattern I1 showed is a little bit difference, with value is significant enough. Based on this research can be concluded, there is a significant difference between the academic advisor pattern I and pattern 11, it is advisable for students to use the service on the trusteeship system of pattern I1 that students feel comfortable and satisfied, so the student can improve his performance.
- ItemEFFECT OF DEMOGRAPHIC FACTORS AND PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTORS DECISIONS TO PURCHASE DIGITAL WORKS OF ART LA DEL MAGIA COLORE(Seminar Nasional dan Call For Paper Suitainable Competitive Advantage 3, Universitas Jendral Sudirman, 2013-11-01) Wiludjeng, Sri; Utama, Fiman PrayudiThe rapid development of today's business is inseparable from the rapid development of technology. Technological developments can generate ideas, innovation, creativity business sector. La Magia del Colore as a work of art created digitally by the children of the nation, a result of the times especially in the field of technology. Currently La Magia del Colore use Facebook as a major media distribution. This allows great access visitors Facebook account La Magia Del Colore to see and buy the work of the preferred. This study aims to determine the influence of demographic factors and psychological factors account visitors La Magia del Colore on Facebook media on purchasing decisions digital artwork La Magia del Colore. Methods of research conducted using descriptive methods, with respondents coming from La Magia Del Color page. Tools of data analysis used in this study is multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed psychologist demographic factors and factors significantly influence decision making. For the La Magia del Colore suggested an evaluation design presented and cooperation with galleries allowing offline work can be seen directly.
- ItemFAKTOR-FAKTOR STORE ATMOSPHERE PERGURUAN TINGGI YANG MEMPENGARUHI MOTIVASI BELAJAR ( Study Kasus Pada Mahasiswa Universitas Widyatama)(Conference on Management and Behavioral Studies (CMBS) 2014, Program Studi S-1 Manajemen Bisnis Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Tarumanagara, 2014-10-29) Wiludjeng, Sri; Pramadika, GemmaPerguruan Tinggi merupakan salah satu Lembaga pendidikan yang bertujuan mengembangkan potensi manusiawi yang dimiliki oleh para mahasiswa agar mampu menjalankan tugas-tugas kehidupan sebagai manusia, baik secara individual maupun sebagai anggota masyarakat. Kegiatan untuk mengembangkan potensi itu harus dilakukan secara berencana, terarah dan sistematik guna mencapai tujuan tertentu. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, Perguruan Tinggi harus mampu menyediakan fasilitas-fasilitas dan dapat mendesain lingkungannya agar para mahasiswa mampu meningkatkan motivasi belajarnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi motivasi belajar dan untuk mengetahui faktor mana yang paling berkontribusi pada motivasi belajar. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan sampel mahasiswa sebanyak seratus mahasiswa. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik acidental sampling dan alat statistik analisa berganda (Multiple Regresion). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor exterior yang paling besar berpengaruh pada motivasi belajar mahasiswa. Hal ini, karena faktor exterior dapat meningkatkan motivasi belajar dan hal ini dapat dijelaskan bahwa lingkungan Universitas Widyatama merupakan kampus yang aman dan nyaman, karena berada pada lokasi yang jauh dari jalan raya, serta halaman yang luas dan pepohonan yang rindang dan asri. Sehingga dapat menambah suasana yang tenang dan nyaman. Untuk itu, penelitian ini menyarankan pada fihak Universitas untuk meningkatkan layanan exterior yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan belajar mahasiswa , misalnya dengan memperkuat jaringan wireless, sarana ibadah, dan kantin atau foodcourt yang lebih bersih, nyaman dan aman.
- ItemGREEN CONSUMER’S BEHAVIOR, PRICE, AND BRAND IMAGE INFLUENCE ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION OF LE MINERALE GALLON(Solid State Technology, 2020) Yunita, Bertha; Karenina, Almira; Utami, Karina Budi; Prasetya, Wahyu Budi; Wiludjeng, SriTwitter users are discussing the latest product from Le Minerale which is a disposable gallon. They think that Le Minerale’s disposable gallons are considered not environmentally friendly. The government through the Ministry of Environment and Forestry has issued a policy on the reduction of waste by producers. However, PT Mayora Indah Tbk as Le Minerale manufacturer still uses disposable gallons. Although it has been regulated by the regulation of the Minister of Environment and Forestry, there are still consumers who complain about the gallon of Le Minerale. Therefore, further research is needed to find out how respondents responded to Green Consumer's Behavior, Price, and Brand Image to Customer Satisfaction with Le Minerale Gallon. Research method used is descriptive and verification method. While the data to support this research is secondary data and primary data. The population of this study was a customer of Le Minerale gallons in West Java by taking representative samples. The analysis tool used is logistic regression analysis. The sampling technique used is Accidental Sampling. The results of this study showed that price and brand image positively affect customer satisfaction, while green consumer's behavior has no effect on customer satisfaction. Therefore, it is recommended to the company to pay attention to the price and brand image so that consumers feel satisfied with Le Minerale gallon products.
- ItemIDENFICATION OF THE FACTORS IN BUILDING CUSTOMER LOYALTY AT RESTORANS TULANG JAMBAL BANDUNG(11th International Annual Symposium on Management, Departement of Management Faculty of Business and Economics Universitas Surabaya, 2014-03-15) Wiludjeng, Sri; Faturachman, RullyCulinary business is a major attraction in the city of Bandung . Many local and foreign tourists who flock to the city of Bandung . Culinary business is a business that emphasizes the taste and service , so that it can be expected to determine the success of the business . The purpose of this study to determine what are the factors that can build customer loyalty in the restaurant “Tulang Jambal” and which is the most dominant factor in the loyalty may develop. This study used a sample with accidental sampling techniques and statistical analysis using Analysis Factor. The results showed that the factors that can build customer loyalty is the service, price, promotion, product. The fourth factor is based on customer feedback indicates both categories. While further analysis by Analysis Factor, of these four factors resulted in six factors: service, brand, size, price, packaging and presentation. These six key factors that form can be explained that representation becomes the most dominant determinant in building customer loyalty at restaurants “Tulang Jambal”. This is because the presentation in a restaurant “Tulang Jambal” fish bone fragments were still inserted Jambal salted fish meat. Based on research , it may be advisable to offer the dishes are more diverse with new menus are not inferior to the existing unique and high flavor .
- ItemIDENTIFIKASI FAKTOR-FAKTOR WISATA DALAM MEMBANGUN BRAND IMAGE KOTA BANDUNG(Forum Manajemen Indonesia ke 4, Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Islam Indonesia, 2012-11-13) Wiludjeng, Sri; Prasadja, Geger Jalu-
- ItemTHE IMPACT OF THE USE OF OUTSOURCING EMPLOYEE AGAINST PRODUCTIVITY COMPANIES IN PT.PINDAD BANDUNG(Universitas Surabaya, 2013-03-16) Wiludjeng, SriThe development of systems outsourcing lately due to the explosion of inflation and unemployment in Indonesia, the more difficult jobs to get. Such conditions prompted many companies that use outsourcing services to meet the needs of the employees. This study aims to determine how the use of outsourced employees at PT Pindad Bandung, how the level of enterprise productivity PT Pindad Bandung and how much impact the use of employees of outsourcing on the productivity of the company. The research method used is the census on 7 departments PT Pindad Bandung. Data analysis tools used in this research is the analysis of linear regression. The results showed that the use of outsourced employees significantly positive impact on the productivity of the company. For that reason, it is recommended PT Pindad continue using outsourced employees that the company's productivity can be achieved. Keyword : Outsourcing Employee, Company Productivity
- ItemTHE IMPLEMENTATION OF CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT (CRM) ON A LOCAL REGIONAL GOVERNMENT BANK ATWEST JAVA(2nd Terengganu International business and Economics Conference 2010, Faculty of Business Management Universiti Teknologi MARA terengganu, Malaysia, 2010-08-05) Faritzal, Adam; Wiludjeng, Sri; Hasanah, AlfiahThe competition in banking industry is running progressively. In the situation where there is not many financing for corporation then bank tend to look closer to their customer. To succeed in this kind of competition bank should change its business paradigm. One of the strategy applied by banks is the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) method to make a closer relationship between company and its customer. The purpose of the closer relationship between company and its customer is to increase the loyalty of customer so that they will continue to consume company products or services. The fine and closer relationship between company and its customers will create a better company reputation. Employing 106 customers as sample, the research investigate the implementation of three variable of CRM which are acquiring, retaining and partnering. Using literature, interviews, observation and questionnaire to collect data and applying the path analysis the investigation found that all of the three variables showed a positive relationship to CRM of this local regional bank.
- ItemPENGARUH E-COMERCE DAN KEPERCAYAAN TERHADAP KEPUASAN KONSUMEN PADA FORUM JUAL BELI KASKUS DI BANDUNG("SEMINAR NASIONAL TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI DAN KOMUNIKASI TERAPAN (SEMANTIK) 2013 ,Universitas Dian Nuswantoro, 2013-11-16) Wiludjeng, Sri; Daniarsa, MuhamadPerkembangan internet semakin melaju pesat, hal ini ditandai meningkatnya pengguna internet. Internet bukan hanya sekedar menciptakan kemampuan untuk mencari informasi, namun internet sekarang mampu mengubah batasan proses bisnis atau perilaku bisnis. Perilaku pembelian secara online sangat berbeda dengan pembelian secara konvensional atau secara umum. Kaskus mempunyai wadah yang namanya forum jual beli. Wadah ini menampung penjual dan pembeli beriklan, berkomunikasi dan bertransaksi. Proses ini disebut dengan e-comerce, namun tidak hanya faktor e-comerce yang dapat membangun kpuasaan konsumen namun faktor kepercayaan juga ikut andil daalam membangun kepuasan konsumen dalam bertransaksi secara online pada forum jual beli di kaskus Bandung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana tanggapan pengguna tentang e-comerce pada forum jual beli di kaskus Bandung , bagaimana tanggapan tentang kepercayaan konsumen pada forum jual beli di kaskus Bandung, bagaimana tanggapan kepuasan konsumen pada forum jual beli di kaskus Bandung, serta seberapa besar dampak e-comerce dan kepercayaan terhadap kepuasan konsumen pada forum jual beli di kaskus Bandung. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dan survey. Analisa data menggunakan regresi berganda (multiple regresion). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan e-comerce dan kepercayaan memberikan dampak yang positif dan significant terhadap kepuasan konsumen pada forum jual beli pada kaskus Bandung. Untuk itu, penelitian ini menyarankan dalam rangka meningkatkan kepuasan konsumen pada forum jual beli pada kaskus Bandung, dengan meningkatkan pelayanan melalui peningkatan keamanan, peningkatan intensitas komunikasi/interaksi serta menggalang recommended seller, hal ini guna meningkatkan kepercayaan konsumen, sehingga menumbuhkan kepuasan konsumen.
- ItemPENGARUH GREEN MARKETING TERHADAP KEPUASAN KONSUMEN (Studi Kasus Bisnis kuliner di kota Bandung)(Seminar Nasional Kewirausahaan dan Inovasi Bisnis V, Universitas Tarumanagara, 2015-05-05) Wiludjeng, Sri; Putri, Rr.Azhrie KoeswardhaniToday the environmental problem is a complex issue that it should receive serious attention. Environmental problems began much discussion since the convening of the United Nations conference on environment in Sochlom Sweden on June 15, 1972. This is an opportunity for the business world in order to attract consumers through Green Marketing. The purpose of this study to determine the respondents about Green Marketing through marketing strategies Green Product, Green Price, Green Place and Green Promotion, and as well as to determine customer satisfaction as well as to determine how much influence the Green Marketing on Consumer satisfaction in the field of culinary business in Bandung . The method used is descriptive method and the sampling technique used was accidental sampling. Statistical analysis used is multiple regression analysis. The results showed that the Green Marketing through Green Product, Green Price, Green Place and Green Promotion significantly influence consumer satisfaction., This study suggests that manufacturers are sensitive to global environmental issues that will be noticed in doing business's security, consumer convenience by offering kosher product, equipped with a label of BP-POM, ISO from relevant institutions. Besides, it also advised the producers who are willing to be able to set the price paid by consumers, service and timely ethical and unethical promotion anyway.
- ItemPENGARUH PERUBAHAN HARGA SAHAM BERKAPITALISASI BESAR TERHADAP PERGERAKAN IHSG DI BURSA EFEK JAKARTA(2nd National Post Graduate Conference on Business & Management, Program Doktor Ilmu Ekonomi Kekhususan Managemen Bisnis Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Padjadjaran, 2010-04-23) Faritzal, Adam; Wiludjeng, SriBiggest share capitalization with the market composite index is research object used by writer in this compilation ascription is writer interested to check second of the object because of both there are related. Usually price change of a share which is the inclusive of into big Share capitalization category will be able to influence the movement IHSG. To that's hence writer interested to check whether there are influence of among both .pursuant to. Result of research of big biggest the tenth Share capitalization noted at 20 May 2003 and released by Take Caring visible Trimegah Securities Tbk of Share movement experience of the increase and degradation. Highest Share price is share GGRM of equal to Rp9.450. and lowest share is share UNTR of equal to Rp 265. Highest increase is share ISAT of equal to 500 highest point degradation and from 15 shares is share of ISAT and GGRM of equal to - 400 point. While Movement of the market composite index with the highest position equal to 473, 93 point and experience of the position lower of equal to 379, 35 point. and highest Increase equal to 18, 14 or equal to 4, 47% and highest degradation equal to - 11, 79 point or equal to - 2, 91% and if conducted by a hypothesis test collectively to IHSG, there are influence which significantly of among both of the variable because of assess from its correlation coefficient is to show number 0,981 and f value count > its F Tables (211,780 > 1, 95). While to test the hypothesis by partial among Big the tenth Share capitalization by IHSG, the following show the result: For the share of International Astra, Asian Bank Central, Gudang Garam, H.M Sampoerna, Indofood Sukses Makmur, Indosat And Telkom, Assess the correlation coefficient of partial is 0,647 ; 0,690 ; 0,720 ; 0,598 ; 0,489 ; 0,660 ; 0,885. Value from t count the > t table, for the Share of Astra ( 3,628 > 1,987), Asian Bank Central Share ( 5,925 > 1,987), Share of Gudang Garam ( 4,672 > 1,987), Share of H.M Sampoerna ( 7,559 > 1,987), Share Indofood ( 3,302 > 1,987), Share Indosat ( 4,303 > 1,987), Share Telkom ( 11,294 > 1,987) that by partial is there are influence which significantly among International share Astra, Asian Bank Central, Gudang garam, H.M Sampoerna, Indofood Sukses Makmur, Indosat And Telkom by IHSG For The Share Of United Tractor, Bank of Nature of Indonesia and everlasting Share Ramayana, assess the correlation coefficient 0,710; 0,123; 0,556.Value from t count the < t table, for the share of United Tractor (0,085 < 1,987), Share of Bank Buana of Indonesia Nature (1,179 < 1,987) and Share Ramayana (1,828 < 1,987) this means by partial do not there are influence which significantly of among United Tractor by IHSG, Bank Buana of Indonesia Nature by IHSG, Ramayana by IHSG
- ItemPERSEPSI MAHASISWA BARU TENTANG BRAND EQUlN UNlVERSlTAS WIDYATAMA(Jurnal Bisnis, Manajemen & Ekonomi, Universitas Widyatama, Volume 9 Nomor 4, 2008-05) Wiludjeng, Sri; Faritzal, AdamMelalui sebuah merk, perusahaan afau organisasi dapat dikenali oleh konsumen, anggofa afaupun masyarakat. Brand afau merk dapaf membedakan penjual, produsen, afaupun pmduk. Perusahaan atau organisasi hams mampu mengelola brand agar brand afau merk menjadi kuaf. Strafegi unfuk mengelola brand agar menjadi kuaf disebuf dengan "brand equity? Mengefahui persepsi mahasiswa merupakan referensi bagi pengelolaan brand atau merk khususnya Universifas Widyatama. Terdapat empat unsur brand equity yaifu brand awareness, brand association, brand qualify dan perceived Quality. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengetahui persepsi mahasiswa baru fentang brand equity Universifas Wdyatama, (2) mengefahui unsur brand equity apa yang menenfukan mahasiswa dalam memilih Universifas Widyatama. Responden penelifian ini adalah mahasiswa Fakultas Bisnis dan Manajemen Program S-1 Universifas Widyatama. Teknik pengambilan sample menggunakan feknik Simple Accidental Random Sampling. Analisis stafistik pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskhptif dan menggunakan analisis faktor. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa (1) secara keselvruhan rafa-rata fanggapan afau persepsi mahasiswa atas brand equity UniveMas Wdyatama rendah atau kurang baik, (2) menurut persepsi mahasiswa Fakutfss Bisnis dan Manajemen Universifas Wdyatama, unsur brand equfity yang paling menentukan untuk memilih Universifas Wdyafama adalah brand awareness
- ItemTHE ROLE OF PROMOTION STRENGTHENING POSITIONING IN BANDUNG CITY (Case study 7 Priority Programs in Bandung city)(International Seminar , Universitas Mercubuana, 2012-12-12) Hidayah, Riski Taufik; Wiludjeng, SriThe research was conducted in Bandung city community by taking a sample of 100 people. This study aims to identify three main issues namely, how the community feedback on the implementation of promotions in order to strengthen the positioning of Bandung city, and how the positioning of Bandung city, and how large the role of promotion in order to strengthen the positioning of Bandung city in the case studies of 7 priority programs in Bandung. The purpose of this study as a whole is to determine how large a role in strengthening the promotion of positioning of Bandung city in the case study of 7 Priority Programs of Bandung city. Using the Spearman’s correlation analysis and obtained a yield of 0.293 which means, that the promotion by positioning has a weak association, whereas the tests of significance obtained sigma α (0.003 <0.05). It can be explained that relation of campaigns and positioning has positive relationships and weak. It is thought to be cause of less aggressive promotional activity undertaken Bandung City, because there are many people who do not understand Bandung City and do not feel the benefits of seven priority programs of Bandung. It is recommended that Bandung City conduct promotional activities intensively and aggressively in order to position of Bandung city as the service city that are dignified, and the need for consistency of the government to implement the programs running.