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2nd National Post Graduate Conference on Business & Management, Program Doktor Ilmu Ekonomi Kekhususan Managemen Bisnis Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Padjadjaran
Biggest share capitalization with the market composite index is research object used by writer in this compilation ascription is writer interested to check second of the object because of both there are related. Usually price change of a share which is the inclusive of into big Share capitalization category will be able to influence the movement IHSG. To that's hence writer interested to check whether there are influence of among both .pursuant to. Result of research of big biggest the tenth Share capitalization noted at 20 May 2003 and released by Take Caring visible Trimegah Securities Tbk of Share movement experience of the increase and degradation. Highest Share price is share GGRM of equal to Rp9.450. and lowest share is share UNTR of equal to Rp 265. Highest increase is share ISAT of equal to 500 highest point degradation and from 15 shares is share of ISAT and GGRM of equal to - 400 point. While Movement of the market composite index with the highest position equal to 473, 93 point and experience of the position lower of equal to 379, 35 point. and highest Increase equal to 18, 14 or equal to 4, 47% and highest degradation equal to - 11, 79 point or equal to - 2, 91% and if conducted by a hypothesis test collectively to IHSG, there are influence which significantly of among both of the variable because of assess from its correlation coefficient is to show number 0,981 and f value count > its F Tables (211,780 > 1, 95). While to test the hypothesis by partial among Big the tenth Share capitalization by IHSG, the following show the result: For the share of International Astra, Asian Bank Central, Gudang Garam, H.M Sampoerna, Indofood Sukses Makmur, Indosat And Telkom, Assess the correlation coefficient of partial is 0,647 ; 0,690 ; 0,720 ; 0,598 ; 0,489 ; 0,660 ; 0,885. Value from t count the > t table, for the Share of Astra ( 3,628 > 1,987), Asian Bank Central Share ( 5,925 > 1,987), Share of Gudang Garam ( 4,672 > 1,987), Share of H.M Sampoerna ( 7,559 > 1,987), Share Indofood ( 3,302 > 1,987), Share Indosat ( 4,303 > 1,987), Share Telkom ( 11,294 > 1,987) that by partial is there are influence which significantly among International share Astra, Asian Bank Central, Gudang garam, H.M Sampoerna, Indofood Sukses Makmur, Indosat And Telkom by IHSG For The Share Of United Tractor, Bank of Nature of Indonesia and everlasting Share Ramayana, assess the correlation coefficient 0,710; 0,123; 0,556.Value from t count the < t table, for the share of United Tractor (0,085 < 1,987), Share of Bank Buana of Indonesia Nature (1,179 < 1,987) and Share Ramayana (1,828 < 1,987) this means by partial do not there are influence which significantly of among United Tractor by IHSG, Bank Buana of Indonesia Nature by IHSG, Ramayana by IHSG
Biggest share capitalization, price change share, Composite Share Price Index