Browsing by Author "Santoso, Anton Budi"
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- ItemANALISIS BUDAYA PERUSAHAAN PT. BANK "X" (Studi Kasus di PT. Bank "X" Kantor Pusat Bandung)(Jurnal Bisnis, Manajemen & Ekonomi, Universitas Widyatama, 2011-02) Santoso, Anton BudiCorporate culture can be explained as a set of basic assumptions, values, and norms that are believed its truth and owned collectively in a company or organization. Corporate culfure personate giudance of behaviour in overcoming problems that happened in company, goodness in course of adaptation with external environment and also internal integration. PT Bank "X as one of the local development bank which changed its legal form regional company (PD) become limited company (PT) in the year 1999 has statement of company culture sounding "Mitra Usaha Menuju Sejahtera" Futhermore, statement of the company culture is formulated again into cultural pillars of company as fundamental reference how behaviour all overall employees of Bank "X" in conducting management of its business. As for intention of this research are knowing cultural values what expanding in PT. Bank " X in face of emulation in banking area and knowing how far that corporate culture have been applied by all its officer until can be known and measured the strength of company culture. In this research, the writer used survey method and the kind of the research is descriptive analysis. The data was collected by interview, spreading of guestionaries, documentation study, and bibliography study. The collected data was analysed and the result was translated by using table of frequency distribution This research has the amount of samples counted 70 from 235 amount of all officers at each division exist in PT. Bank "X". But from the amount of the samples only 50 samples which expressed are valid. Based on the result of this research, then can be obtained conclusim that basically company culture expanding in this company has strength which strong relative where all laboring officers have known and comprehended better ascription or assumptions, norms, and cultural values of PT. Bank "X" which elaborated into behavioral items of culture company of PT. Bank "X.
- ItemANALISIS KEPUASAN KERJA PEGAWAI PT BANK “X” BANDUNG(Seminar Nasional Call For Papers forum manajemen Indonesia (FMI) ke 5, Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Tanjungpura, 2013-10-23) Santoso, Anton BudiKepuasan kerja pegawai didefinisikan sebagai cara pandang atau sikap emosional seseorang, baik secara positif maupun negatif atau menyenangkan maupun tidak menyenangkan, terhadap pekerjaannya. Untuk bisa mencapai tingkat kepuasan kerja pegawai yang tinggi bukanlah sesuatu hal yang mudah karena kepuasan kerja itu sendiri dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor, seperti faktor pekerjaan itu sendiri, besaran gaji/ upah yang diterima pegawai, dukungan atau bimbingan dari atasan dalam bekerja, dan lain-lain. Adapun tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sampai sejauh mana tingkat kepuasan kerja pegawai yang ada di perusahaan ini. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian survei dengan jenis penelitian yang bersifat deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui cara interview, penyebaran kuesioner yang diberikan kepada para pegawai di perusahaan ini, studi dokumentasi dan juga studi kepustakaan. Data yang telah dikumpulkan kemudian dianalisis dan diterjemahkan dengan menggunakan tabel distribusi frekuensi relatif. Penelitian ini sendiri memiliki jumlah sampel sebanyak 204 responden dari jumlah keseluruhan pegawai yang berada pada masing-masing divisi di perusahaan ini, yaitu sebanyak 417 pegawai. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diketahui bahwa tingkat kepuasan kerja dari pegawai yang bekerja di perusahaan ini sudah berada pada kategori yang dgolongkan tinggi, yang mana aspek penentu kepuasan kerja yang memiliki nilai rata-rata persentase tertinggi dalam penelitian ini terletak pada dimensi rekan kerja, sedangkan untuk aspek penentu kepuasan kerja yang memiliki nilai rata-rata persentase terendah ada pada dimensi promosi jabatan.
- ItemANALYSIS OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF LEARNING ACTIVITIES AND LEARNING MOTIVATION ON STUDENTS' LEARNING ACHIEVEMENT DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC (Case Study at the Faculty of Business Economics, Widyatama University)(WIBEST-III, 2022) Athallah, Mochamad Ridho; Rahmat, Habib Triyadi; Gustira, Ikhsan Fawwaz; Raafi, Duigary Muhammad; Arofah, Arief Bidjak Nur; Santoso, Anton Budi-
- ItemTHE CONCEPT OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE TOURIST VILLAGE AREA (A CASE STUDY ON GUNUNG MASIGIT DESA, KEC. CIPATAT)(International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol.24, Issue 01, 2020) Widyaningsih, Niluh Putu; Hasanah, Annisa Aulia; Suprajaka; Santoso, Anton BudiMany regions or cities in Indonesia utilize tourism as the spearhead in developing the economy and strengthening regional autonomy. One example is the Gunungmasigit Village area. Gunungmasigit Village is a beautiful and beautiful village located in Cipatat District, West Bandung Regency, West Java. This village is considered to be very strategic because it is in the location area to Guha Pawon and Stone Garden, close to the Padalarang toll access, and also between Cianjur and Cimahi City. Because of its strategic location, it is easy for tourists to visit this village. However, the village of Gunungmasigit can be said to be undeveloped so it needs to explore issues and further information to find out the problem also the solution to the development of this village because it is not impossible, if the accommodation facilities and supported by other infrastructure In this study, data processing uses 3 (Triple) analysis A. After conducting the research, the researcher examines various references to find out the ideal conditions of a Tourism Village so that researchers can find out the appropriate development concepts for Gunungmasigit Village to become a Tourism Village. From the ideal conditions a Tourism Village can be a platform for researchers to develop a good concept for Gunungmasigit Village so that in the future the development of Gunungmasigit Village becomes a Tourism Village that can provide benefits for many parties. These benefits include improving the economy of the local community, preserving the environment and supporting tourism activities in Guha Pawon and Stone Garden. Some of the development concepts offered by the author are the construction of accommodation facilities, the construction of economic facilities for the sale of souvenirs and regional specialties, promotions, cultural villages, and public facilities such as toilets, parks and Kids Camp.
- ItemThe effects of Motivation and Interpersonal Communication on Work Productivity Employees in Polytechnic 'X' Bandung, West Java(International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol.24, Issue 02, 2020) Budiawan, Andi; Santoso, Anton Budi; Astuti, Eriana; Mohd Saudi, Mohd HaizamThe relatively low impulse arising from self-employment of employees to increase productivity, in the sense that they tend to wait for orders from the leadership. Extrinsic motivation is still poor extension to all employees within the meaning of motivation did not consider the level of heterogeneity that exists on the employee. This makes the indication of job that does not reach the target time, the number and quality or a predetermined quality. Frequent errors in carrying out the work, which shows the low effectiveness of the employee. According to provisional estimates the author of this was due to employee motivation in not growing well, besides motivating held leadership is not right when seen from motivational techniques, as well as internal communication has not worked as expected. It is, if not addressed will influence / resulted in employee productivity decline may be a result of a delay in the achievement of an organization. Based on this phenomenon the authors were interested to study and further research. The method used in this research is descriptive research method that provides an overview or affirmation of a concept, danmenjawab symptoms and answer questions regarding the status of the study subjects. Methods This descriptive study is associative. namely a study looking for a relationship between one variable to another variable. This research was conducted at the Polytechnic 'X' Bandung. As for research and observations carried out from June to November 2018. The study population is the entire Employee Polytechnic "X" which amounted Engineering samples used in this study is saturated sampling techniques and data analysis is a technique using multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS version 18. From the whole description in the discussion, it was discovered the fact that employee motivation and Interpersonal Communication Polytechnic 'X' Bandung in outline has been as expected and has been running optimally. Similarly, for a variable number of interpretation productivity score of 4.42 which is the category of Very High. It can be concluded in employee productivity has gone well. Based on regression analysis turned out to be both the independent variables significantly affect the productivity of pegawi either partially or simultaneously, Based on the analysis appropriate calculation of Pearson correlation coefficient (R) obtained a yield of 0.887 means that the relationship between motivation and interpersonal communication with employee productivity is very tight and strong. Through R Square (R2) of 0.638. or it can be said that the magnitude of the coefficient of determination (KD) amounted to 78.70% means that 78.70% Employee productivity is influenced by variables Motivation and Communication and the remaining 21.30% influenced by other factors not examined in this study.
- ItemIMPACT OF HIGHER WORK MOTIVATION TOWARDS IMPROVEMENT OF EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE(International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol.24, Issue 02, 2020) Oktafien, Shinta; Santoso, Anton BudiThe purpose of this research is to find out how much influence work motivation has on employee performance in the West Java Province Human Resources Development Agency. As for the population in this study were all employees who worked at the Human Resources Development Agency of West Java Province, totaling 122 people with a total sample of 93 respondents taken. Meanwhile, the research method used in this study is a survey research method with data processing and analysis techniques in the form of simple regression analysis. Based on the results of the study, it is known that work motivation has a significant effect on employee performance in the West Java Province Human Resources Development Agency. This shows that the more motivated the employee is at work, the better the work that is shown by the employee.
- ItemIMPROVEMENT OF EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE THROUGH PROVIDING FAIR COMPENSATION(Solid State Technology Volume: 63 Issue: 3, 2020) Santoso, Anton Budi; Oktafien, ShintaThis study aims to determine to what extent the effect of fair compensation on improving employee performance at PT. Beyond Property Bandung. For the population in this study is the entire number of employees who work at PT. Beyond Property Bandung with the same number of samples as the population, which is 30 people. The research method used is descriptive and verification research methods. Meanwhile, data processing and analysis techniques are used, namely in the form of simple regression analysis, the calculations are made using statistical tools in the form of the SPSS 25 for Windows software program. Based on the results of processing and data analysis, it is known that fair compensation has a positive and significant effect on increasing employee performance. Thus, it is concluded that if the compensation can be done in a fair and proper manner, the results of the work shown by the employees while working can be better.
- ItemTHE INFLUENCE OF CAREER DEVELOPMENT ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT(Solid State Technology Volume: 63 Issue: 3, 2020) Oktafien, Shinta; Santoso, Anton BudiThis research was conducted with the aim of analyzing how much influence career development has had on improving employee performance at PT. Bandung Urban Design Study Center. As for the population in this study are all employees who work in this company with the same sample size as the total population, namely as many as 60 respondents. Meanwhile, the research method used in this study is a survey research method where the processing techniques and data analysis uses simple regression analysis. Based on the research results, it is known that career development has a significant effect on improving employee performance at PT. Bandung Urban Design Study Center. Thus, it is concluded that if every employee is given the opportunity to be promoted as part of his career planning, the employee's performance at work can be even better.
- ItemTHE INFLUENCE OF LEADERSHIP STYLE AND WORK ENVIRONMENT ONTHEPERFORMANCE OF PT.BUKALAPAK.COM Tbk EMPLOYEES(WIBEST-III, 2022) Rivalda, Davina Luthfiyya; Albany, Fitra Uli; Setyawan, Indriani; Puspita, Lady; Fauziah, Rheina Fatmah; Santoso, Anton Budi-
- ItemTHE INFLUENCE OF THE WORK ENVIRONMENT ON WORK ATTACHMENT THROUGH SELF EFFICACY IN THE BALITBANG OF THE INDONESIAN MINISTRY OF LAW AND HUMAN RIGHTS(International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Issue 1, 2020) Tyas, Ari Anggarani Winadi Prasetyoning; Nurhasanah, Nina; Sugiharto, Amo; Santoso, Anton BudiThis research aims to determine the effect of the Work Environment on Employee Engagement, Self Efficacy on Employee Engagement, Work Environment mediated by Self Efficacy on Employee Engagement on Employee Engagement mediated by Self Efficacy. Employees as the driving force of the activities of the Republic of Indonesia Ministry of Law and Human Rights must have a good commitment to be able to produce quality human resources who are able to adjust to the community. Employee engagement can be seen from the implementation of the work he does. The analysis method used in this study is path analysis. Respondents studied were 100 respondents who were Permanent Employees at Balitbang of the Indonesian Ministry of Law and Human Rights. The results showed that there was a significant influence between the work environment variables on Self Efficacy. The direct effect between work environment variables through Self Efficacy on Employee Engagement. So, it can be said that a good Work Environment will encourage strong Self Efficacy, so that Employee Engagement can be optimized.
- ItemPARTNERSHIP AS A STRATEGY IN REALIZING THE SMART CITY PROGRAM(Solid State Technology Volume: 63 Issue: 4, 2020) Santoso, Anton Budi; Rahayu, Agus; Ahman, Eeng; Sugiharto, Moch. DudihThis study aims to determine how much influence the partnership strategy has on the realization of the Smart City development program (Survey on Cities and Regencies in West Java Province). The population in this study were the heads of city and regency Bappeda throughout West Java Province, totaling 27 cities and districts, while the sample units taken were as many as the whole of the population studied who were used as respondents. The research method used in this study is a survey research method, in which information and data related to the problem under study is collected through a written questionnaire / questionnaire distributed to the heads of city and regency Bappeda in West Java Province as respondents. Meanwhile, the data processing and analysis techniques used were carried out using the PLS-SEM approach, which was calculated using statistical tools in the form of the SmartPLS-3 software program. Based on the results of data processing and analysis, it is known that the partnership strategy has a positive and significant effect on the realization of the Smart City development program. Thus, it is concluded that a well-executed partnership relationship between the partners can be used as a strategy in realizing the Smart City development program.
- ItemPARTNERSHIP IN IMPROVING SMART CITY PERFORMANCE(Solid State Technology Volume: 63 Issue: 3, 2020) Santoso, Anton Budi; Rahayu, Agus; Ahman, Eeng; Sugiharto, Moch. DudihThe aim of this research is to analyze to what extent the effect of the partnership on the improvement of Smart City performance (Survey on Cities and Regencies in West Java Province). For the population in this study were the heads of city and regency Bappeda in West Java Province, totaling 27 cities and districts, with the sample unit taken, namely as much as the whole of the total population studied as respondents. Thus, the sampling used in this study, namely saturated samples or census, which is a sampling method in which all members of the population are used as samples. The research method used is a survey research method, in which information and data related to the problem under study is collected through a written list of questions / questionnaires distributed to Bappeda structural officials as respondents. Meanwhile, the data processing and analysis techniques used are in the form of the PLS-SEM approach, which is calculated using statistical tools in the form of the SmartPLS-3 software program. Based on the results of data processing and analysis, it is known that partnerships can have a positive and significant impact on improving Smart City performance. Thus, it is concluded that if the implementation of the partnership strategy goes well, the performance shown by the city / local government in realizing the Smart City program can be even better.