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- ItemANALISIS KINERJA KEUANGAN DAN DAMPAKNYA TERHADAP HARGA SAHAM PADA INDEKS BISNIS27 PERIODE 2009-2013(Sustainable Competitive Advantage-4, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, 2014-11-19) LasmanahFinancial ratios are one of the tools used to measure the financial performance of a company. Therefore, financial ratios is important information for investors considering an investment in the shares of the company. Financial ratios which used as analysis of the company's financial performance by investors is liquidity ratio as measured by the quick ratio, the ratio of leverage as measured by debt-to-equity ratio, the ratio of activity measured by total asset turnover and profitability ratios as measured by return on assets. These ratios are used as indicators in the measurement of financial performance because it can represent the health conditions of the aspects of a company's financial norms. Good financial performance will improve investors to invest in the shares of the company, which in turn will increase the company's share price. Based on these considerations, this study aims to analyze the Quick Ratio, Debt to Total Equity Ratio, Total Assets Turnover, and Return on Assets and the impact on stock prices on companies listed in the index Bisnis27. Research method in this research is descriptive and verification method with sample selection techniques through purposive sampling. The analysis data are through correlation and multiple regression. Analysis with simultaneous hypothesis is through F test and the partial hypothesis is through t test. The results of this study are expected to strengthen the theoretical study of previous studies.
- ItemANALISIS NlAT SlSWA SMU UNTUK MELANJUTKAN STUD1 KE PERGURUAN TlNGGl MELALUI THEORY OF PLANNED BEHAVIOR(Jurnal Bisnis, Manajemen & Ekonomi Vol 8 No. 3, Universitas Widyatama, 2007-02) Zulganef; LasmanahTo comprehend the consumer behaviour is one of the most importance things amongst others in the field of marketing. This research analyzed the intention of high school students to continue to higher education. The analysis conducted through the theory of planned behavior, which is the most popular theory in term of predicting an individual bvehavior. Through this theory the researcher could analyze some factors behind individual intention to behave. The factors are attitude toward behavior, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control. This research found that the three factors have no significant correlations to intention to continue to higher education for the nigh school students, however, they attitude toward continuing to tertier education are positively. This paper also discussed some recommendations for higher educations management. The authors tested theory of planned behavior through two steps structural equation modeling.
- ItemANALISIS PERBANDINGAN SISTEM PERWALIAN POLA l DENGAN - POLA II DlTlNJAU DARl KEPENTINGAN MAHASISWA PADA FAKULTAS BlSNlS & MANAJEMEN UNlVERSlTAS WIDYATAMA(Penelitian Internal Universitas Widyatama, 2006) Wiludjeng, Sri; LasmanahPenelitian ini menjelaskan tentang tanggapan mahasiswa terhadap system perwalian yang sudah dan akan dilaksanakan oleh Universitas Widyatama khususnya Fakultas Bisnis & Manajemen. Pelayanan perwalian disediakan dengan maksud untuk mendukung mahasiswa dalam menentukan arah dan sasaran yang tepat dalam menempuh pendidikannya agar tercapai kesuksesan menyelesaikan kesarjanaannya dengan tepat waktu dan dengan IPK yang memuaskan serta dengan sendirinya akan mengurangi drop . out mahasiswa Universitas Widyatama. Masalah yang akan diteliti dalam penelitian ini adalah mengenai tanggapan mahasiswa atas pelaksanaan sistem perwalian yang telah dilaksanakan oleh Universitas Widyatama saat ini (sistem penvalian pola I), tanggapan mahasiswa terhadap sistem perwalian pola 11, dan ada atau tidaknya terdapat perbedaan yang cukup signifikan antara sistem perwalian pola I dengan sistem perwalian pola 11. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei dengan sampel adalah mahasiswa Fakultas Bisnis & Manajemen Universitas Widyatama yang aktif melakukan herregistrasi dari angkatan 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, dan 2004. Sampel yang diambil sebanyak 286 responden. Data diolah dengan menggunakan alat analisis Oneway Anova melalui perangkat lunak SRSS V. 13.00. Data yang akan diolah diuji terlebih dahulu kehandalan (reliability) dan kesahihannya (validity). Uji kehandalan yang digunakan adalah nilai Cronbach Alpha, sedangkan uji kesahihan menggunakan Corrected Item - Total Correlation. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa alat ukur yang digunakan handal dan sahih. Hasil penelitian rnenunjukkan bahwa rata-rata tanggapan mahasiswa terhadap tingkat kepentingan pada sistem penvalian Pola I sebesar 5,278. Artinya bahwa tanggapan responden terhadap sistem perwalian Pola I dilihat dari sudut pandang dimensi tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance dan emphaty agak penting, karena berada pada interval 4,430 - 5,286 . Sedangkan rata-rata tanggapan mahasiswa terhadap tingkat kepentingan pada sistem penvalian Pola I1 sebesar 5,660. Artinya bahwa tanggaaan responden terhadap sistem perwalian Pola I1 dilihat dari sudut pandang dimensi tangible, reliabiliy, responsiveness, assurance dan emphaty penting, karena berada pada interval 5,287 - 6,143 . Selanjutnya uji signifikansi adanya perbedaan tanggapan mahasiswa terhadap sistem perwalian Pola I dengan Pola I1 menunjukkan adanya perbedaan yang cukup signifikan, karena dilihat dari sudut pandang dimensi tangible, reliability, I responsiveness, assurance dan emphaty diperoleh hasil lebih kecil dari 0,05.
- ItemANALYSIS OF COMMUNITY SERVICE IMPLEMENTATION IN SUPPORTING THE GROWTH OF MICRO AND SMALL ENTERPRISE(11th Annual SEAAIR Conference, 2011-11-04) Lasmanah; Aida, Rafael GOne of the role of a University as a Higher Education Institution is as the centre of research and development of science and technology. This is described in the three roles of Higher Education Institutions; those are education, research, and community service. The community service is a form of awareness of a university towards the community. Training for micro and small enterprise entrepreneurs is one program of the community service in the University. The goals were to increase their knowledge in business through management trainings and to increase their capability in preparing financial reports. The business training provided them with business knowledge so that they would be able to run their business effectively. The reporting training provided them with the skill to prepare simple financial reporting, in hope that the reports would help them in joining any business development programs organized by the government and to help them in searching for financial funding for their business. The prospect of food and beverages business of the micro and small enterprise entrepreneurs in the city was promising; they contributed to the non-oil and gas national industry growth for 34.35%, therefore, we included them in the trainings. This research analyzed the responses from the entrepreneurs regarding the trainings, to evaluate the outcome of the program, and to identify necessary training subjects. We observed the data from the questionnaire, and then analyze it using the descriptive method of analysis. The results would contribute to the continuance of this program.
- ItemANALYSIS THE INFLUENCE OF EFFECTIVENESS INTERMEDIATION FUNCTION BANKS ON EFFICIENCY BANK ( CASE STUDY : CONVENTIONAL BANKS AND ISLAMIC BANKS IN INDONESIA)(11th International Annual Symposium on Management, Departement of Management Faculty of Business and Economics Universitas Surabaya, 2014-03-15) Amaliawiati, Lia; LasmanahCommercial banks can be said to be effective in intermediary function as an institutions intermediaries when followed by a high level of efficiency in their business activities . This study aims to determine: 1 . Is of banks ( measured by LDR or FDR ) influence on the efficiency of Conventional Banks and Islamic Banks ( measured by OEOI ) , 2 . Is there a difference level of effective intermediation function between Conventional Banks and Islamic Banks ? The analysis technique used by multiple regression is to obtain an overall picture of the relationship and influence between the dependent and independent variables , and used different tests to see the difference in the level of efficiency . The object of this research is a conventional banks and Islamic banks operating in Indonesia starting in April of 2010 ( the start time separated financial statements of a conventional bank and Islamic banks ) until September 2013 by using the times series of data monthly . The samples were used together with the population . The analytical method used is multiple regression analysis using secondary data and to determine the accuracy of the model testing of some of the underlying assumptions of classical regression models include test , multicollinearity , and autocorelations heteroscedatis , and use average different test analysis. LDR and FDR has a negative effect on ROA and showed statistically significant, it means that when the effective intermediation functiong of conventional banks and Islamic banks increases, there will be increase in efficiency (because the value OEOI down). Based on the average difference test showed that there were significant differences between the effectiveness of intermediation between Conventional Banks with Islamic Banks.
- ItemTHE COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF ACADEMIC ADVISOR PATTERN I AND PATTERN II CONSIDERED FROM STUDENT’S INTEREST IN BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT FACULTY OF WIDYATAMA UNIVERSITY(11th Annual SEAAIR Conference, 2011-11-04) Wiludjeng, Sri; LasmanahThis research aims to find a student response to the academic tangible dimensions, reliability, responsiveness, advisor system pattern I and pattern 11. The academic advisor assurance, emphaty, achievement system is applied in particular Widyatama University Faculty of ~usiness & Management. Trusteeship services are provided in order to support students in determining the direction and the right target in his education in order to achieve complete success in a timely manner and scholarly, with a satisfactory CAI (Cumulative Achievement Index) and by itself will reduce the drop out students. Problem under study is about the student response system for the implementation of a trust that has been conducted by the University Widyatama current (trusteeship system pattern I), student responses to the trusteeship system of pattern 11, and whether there are significant differences between the pattern I trusteeship system with pattern I1 trusteeship system. This research uses survey patterns with a sample of populations. The results showed that the average student response to the level of interest in the trusteeship system for pattern I significant. This means that respondents to the trusteeship system of pattern I viewed from the standpoint of tangible dimensions, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and emphaty rather important, because it is on the interval from significant up to significant enough. While the average response of students to the level of interest in the trusteeship system of pattern I1 by significant. This means that the response patterns of respondents to the trusteeship system of pattern I1 from the perspective of tangible dimensions, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and emphaty important, because it is on the interval from significant up to very significant. Further tests of significance of differences in student responses to the trusteeship system with pattern I pattern I1 showed is a little bit difference, with value is significant enough. Based on this research can be concluded, there is a significant difference between the academic advisor pattern I and pattern 11, it is advisable for students to use the service on the trusteeship system of pattern I1 that students feel comfortable and satisfied, so the student can improve his performance.
- ItemFAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI INDEKS PRESTASI KUMULATIF MAHASISWA TAHUN PERTAMA UNIVERSITAS WIDYATAMA(Penelitian Internal Universitas Widyatama, 2010) NURSJANTI, FARIDA; LasmanahSebagai perguruan tinggi swasta yang berorientasi pada mutu, Universitas Widyatama rnerniliki beberapa karnitmeri mutu, aritara lain menerirna calan mahasiswa berpotensi [ Apabila proses awal dalam penerimaan calon mahasiswa sudah cukup sesuai dengan standar mutu yang ditetapkan maka diharapkan prestasi akademik yang diharzpkan pada semestersemester selanjutnya bisa memenuhi harapan. Proses penyeleksian yang sesuai desgaa standar memungkinkan tercapainya prestasi akademik yang memuaskan. Pada penyelenggaraan Ujian Saringan Masuk (USM) terdapat banyak informasi .yang dapat digunakan untuk memprediksi IF# mahasiswa dan juga untuk mengidentifikasi mahasiswa yang beresiko memiliki prestasi akademik yang rendah, sebagaimana yang diungkapkan oleh Curtis et al(2007) dan Green 12098). Semaldn Qini perguruan tinggi mengetahui rnahasiswa yang beresib ini, akah semaikin baik pula perguruan tinggi tersebut mengupayakan pelayanan bagi mereka. Dengan demikian dapat diharapkan. mereka mampu mernpemleh IBK pfig trukup baik pada mhurr perrtama yarrg pada &hap selanjutrrya cukup menentukan keberlangsungan studi mahasiswa (Bareto, 2005). Penditian ini mengacu pada penelitian mengmai ~ o r = f a k t oya~n g dapat mempengaruhi IPK. Sasaki (2009), Green (2008), Astin (dalam Purdie, 2007), dan Bareta (2005) menyimpulkan bahwa nilai akademik pada trngkat pendidikan serbelumnya fsekolrrh Mencmgah Ams/SMA) rncrniliki hubungan dengan IBK mahasiswa. Faktor lain yang turut mempengaruhi IPK adalah nilai ujian masuk sebagaimana yang dinyatakan oleh Purdie (2607j, Smriti (2006) dan Bareta (2005). Bareto (2005j yang mengkaji tentang profil mahasiswa pada phun pertama, rnengungkapkan pula gender dan tipe sekolah (negeri/swasta) dapat memiliki hubungan dengan IPK mahasiswa. Objek penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa dua fakultas di Universitas Widyatama. Dengan menggunakan analisis regresi berganda diperoleh hasilr (1) Nilai Ujian ~ a s k n a l memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap IPK mahasiswa tahm gertama, (2) Nilai Ujian Saringan Masuk (USM) baqengaruh seeara signifikan te~hadap. IPK rnah&siswa tahun pertstma,' Ban [3) Gender rnemiliki pengarah terhadap IPK mahasiswa tahun pertama.
- ItemGOAL PROGRAMMING SEBAGAI ALAT BANTU MANAJEMEN DALAM MEMPERKIRAKAN TARGET PERUSAHAAN(FOKUS : Jurnal Akuntansi dan Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Widyatama Volume 4 No.3, 2003-02) Lasmanah-
- ItemIMPLEMENTATION OF GOOD UNIVERSITY RESPONSIBILITY(Widyatama International Seminar, 2014-02-14) Wijaya, Aida; LasmanahContracting with social matters, females tend to be more affective compare to males. In a university, when student body consists of more females than males, there should be advantages in making the implementation of Good University Responsibility (GUR) successful. We surveyed the students, then comparing between female and male regarding their intention in implementing Good University Responsibility. The finding of this research was that there was no significant difference between male and female students, of both their intention and action, in implementing GUR.
- ItemKAJIAN EKONOMI PEMUTUSAN / PEMBATALAN. PERJANJIAN BGSJBOT ANTARA PDJM DGN PT. PNP 2011(Penelitian Internal Universitas Widyatama, 2013-12) Zulganef; Garniwa, Iwa; LasmanahKajian ini menelaah kerugian-kerugian yang dialami oleh PD.Jati Mandiri (PD.JM) terkait dengan ketidak mampuan PT-Pilbers Nusa Perkasa (PT.PNP) untuk melaksanakan kinerjanya / prestasinya berdasarkan perjanjian Bangun Guna Serah (BGS) yang dilakukan oleh PD.Jati Mandiri dengan Pt.Pilbers Nusa Perkasa yang ditandatangani dihadapan Notaris lin Abdul Jalil,S.H.,Sp.N. Nomor 16 Tanggal 26 September 201 1. Ketidakmampuan tersebut diperkirakan akan mengakibatkan dampak kerugian bagi PD.Jati mandiri, terutama kerugian faktual dan kerugian potensial. Kedua bentuk kerugian tersebut dihitung berdasarkan kajian metode deskriptif dan verifikatif, yaitu metode yang menjelaskan dan memverifikasi data-data sekunder yang sudah ada (ex post facto) selama berlangsungya perjanjian kerjasama tersebut. Berdasarkan kajian, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa kerugian faktual yang dialami oleh PD.JM akibat ketidakmapuan PT.PNP melaksankan kinerjanya adalah sebesar Rp.ll.l35.674.150,42 (sebelas milyar seratus tiga puluh lima juta enam ratus tujuh puluh empat ribu seratus lima puluh rupiah empat puluh dua sen)sedangkan kerugian potensial adalah sebesar Rp. (Delapan milyar seratus delapan puluh empat juta seratus tiga puluh empat ribu enam ratas enam puluh empat) Berdasarkan kajian tersebut, maka Rekomendasi yang diberikan kepada PD.JM adalah: jika secara hukum PT.PNP memang sudah dianggap tidak mampu lagi untk melaksanakan kinerja sesuai dengan perjanjian, maka PD.JM segera mencari pengganti PT.PNP yang mungk/n sudah dianggap tidak mampu lagi, sehingga memberikan kerugian secara faktual maupun potensial. Penggantian tersebut diperlukan terutama untuk tetap mempertahankan nama baik (bonafiditas) Perusahaan terkait dengan pengelolaan tanah milik Pemkot, terutama nama baik dalam dunia bisnis sangatiah penting dan memberikan rasa aman dan percaya kepada para peminat yang I sudah memberikan uang muka dengan total nilai Rp.3,4 milyar rupiah. Selain itu juga untuk tidak membuat semakin bertambahnya kerugian faktual yang diakibatkan oleh ketidakmampuan PT.PNP melaksanakan kine rjanya.
- ItemLEARN FROM OTHERS: REVIEW ON COMPANIES WITH SUSTAINABLE GOING CONCERN ISSUE AUDIT OPINION (Study on Manufacturing Company Listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange at the Period of 2009 – 2011 and 2012 - 2017)(Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 11, 03-Special Issue, 2019) Wijaya, Aida; Lasmanah; Fitriani, RikaThe purpose of the study was to measure the influence of auditor’s reputation, company’s financial condition, previous audit opinion, and company growth on the possibility of getting audit opinion with going concern issue and then review the company with the most influencing factor. Method used was descriptive method and the correlation research approach. The sample selected was 17 manufacturing company for the 3 year periods of observation (2009 – 2011). The result showed that only previous audit opinion had a significant influence toward the possibility of getting audit opinion with going concern issue. We then reviewed the companies’ financial statements, which had going-concern issue audit opinion for the 5 periods after (2012 – 2017).
- ItemLEASING SEBAGAI ALTERNATIF PENDANAAN PERUSAHAAN SEBAGAI PENUNJANG PEREKONOMIAN(FOKUS : Jurnal Akuntansi dan Manajemen Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Bandung, Volume 2 No.1, 2000-08) Lasmanah-
- ItemLECTURERS' AND EMPLOYEES' PERCEPTION ON GCG IMPLEMENTATION IN WIDYATAMA UNIVERSITY(11th Annual SEAAIR Conference, 2011-11-04) Aida, Rafael G; LasmanahIndonesia has a guidance in implementing Good Corporate Governance (GCG) for profit-oriented organizations, however, we do not have specific guidance for non-profit organizations. A university is under a Foundation, which is a non-profit organization, in other words, the organization that supposed to focus on social matters. Assuming that GCG also focusing on social matters, the implementation of GCG in a Foundation (in this case, University) should be easy. But, is that so? For example, transparency is one of the components of GCG. One way to achieve the goal of transparency is that a company has to make its financial report available for its stakeholders. Yet, not one university has done so. In fact, there are common beliefs that a Foundation (university) does not have to report to its stakeholders at all. We modified the GCG implementation guidance for profit-oriented organization to be applicable for a foundation. Then we surveyed the lecturers and employees of Widyatama University to find out, according to their perception, how far was the Good University Governance (GUG) implementation in the university. Then we analyzed the result using descriptive models and described what points had been implemented, what points had not been implemented or less in implementation. We analyzed what caused it, what were the hindrances or problems, and how the stakeholders could cooperate to help solving the problems. Therefore, we hoped that in the future the university would be able to implement GUG as a whole.
- ItemNEW PRODUCT PRICING(FOKUS : Jurnal Akuntansi dan Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Widyatama Volume 2 No.3, 2001-02) Lasmanah-
- ItemPENGARUH KEBERADAAN FASILITAS PRAKTIKUM MANAJEMEN TERHADAP NIAT MAHASISWA MENGAMBIL KONSENTRASI MANAJEMEN KEUANGAN DAN MANAJEMEN PEMASARAN PADA FAKULTAS BISNIS & MANAJEMEN PROGRAM STUD1 S-1 UNIVERSITAS WIDYATAMA BANDUNG(Penelitian Internal Universitas Widyatama, 2010) Lasmanah; NURSJANTI, FARIDAPenelitian ini menjelaskan tentang bagaimana niat mahasiswa mengambil konsentrasi bidmg manajemen setelah mereka menempuh kuliah praktikum manajemen. Masalah yang akan diteliti dalam peilelitian ini adalah mengenai persepsi mahasiswa terhadap fasilitas praktikiun manajemen dan hubungannya dengan niat mahasiswa mengambil konsentrasi bidang manajemen. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode metode deskriptif dan metode verifikatif dengan pendekatan survei dengan sarnpel sebanyak 260 mahasiswa Fakultas Bisnis & Manajemen Universitas Wi&jatama yang aktif melakukan herregistrasi pada semester genap tahun akademik 20091201 0. Sample yang diambil merupakan mahasiswa angkatan 2006,2007, dan 2008 yang telah menempuh mata kuliah praktikurn manajemen. Analisis data menggunakan alat statistika parametric dengan analisis korelasi Rank Spearman dan pengolahan data melalui melalui perangkat lunak SPSS V. 16.00. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa item fasilitas dan pelaksanaan praktikum manajemen keuangan, manajemen pemasaran, manajemen sumber daya manusia dan manajemen operasi memadai, baik dan lancar untuk mendukung proses belajar mengaj& Selanjutnya item pernyataan mahasiswa mengambil konsentrasi manajemen keuangan dan manajemen pemasaran dipersepsikan bahwa kedua konsentrasi ini dapat dijadikan pilihan berkarir ketika mahasiswa menyelesaikan studinya, sedangkan untuk niat mahasiswa mengambil konsentrasi manajemen sumber daya manusia dan manajemen operasi direspon dengan sikap tidak berpendapat. Hubungan antara persepsi mahasiswa terhadap fasilitas praktikum manajemen keuangan, manajemen pemasaran, manajemen sumber daya manusia dan manajemen operasi dengan niat mahasiswa mengambil konsentrasi manajemen keuangan, manajemen pemasaran, manajemen sumber daya manusia dan manajemen operasi adalah rendah secara signifikan. Sedangkan hubungan antara manajemen keuangan, pemasaran, sumber daya manusia dan operasi dengan konsentrasi bidang manajemen yang tidak searah menunjukkan hubungan masing-masing fasilitas praktikum dengan konsentrasi bidang manajemen tidak memiliki hubungan secara signifikan karena memang fingkat korelasinya sangat rendah.
- ItemPENYUSUNAN PORTOFOLIO OPTIMAL DENGAN METODE CAPITAL ASSET PRICING MODEL (CAPM) PADA SAHAM-SAHAM SEKTOR KEUANGAN DI PT. BEJ (Periode Jan 2004 - Des 2004)(JURNAL BISNIS, MANAJEMEN & EKONOMI, Vol.9 No.5, Fakultas Bisnis & Manajemen Universitas Widyatama, 2008-08) Lasmanah; Diptyoadi, Eko-
- ItemTHE PREDICTION OF FINANCIAL DISTRESS ANALYSIS AND ITS IMPLICATION TO STOCK PRICE’S SUB SECTOR TRANSPORTATION IN INDONESIA STOCK EXCHANGE PERIOD 2007-2011(11th International Annual Symposium on Management, Departement of Management Faculty of Business and Economics Universitas Surabaya, 2014-03-15) Lasmanah; Amaliawiati, Lia; Lestari, LarasatiBased on data from the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) showed that one of the rertiary sector decreased the decreasing of investments in the tertiary sector one more for the transportation sector. The Impairment of investment in the transportation sector gives an indication of changes in the expectations of the shareholders to invest in this sector. The Low investment realization led to the company's performance decrease, then the companies have financial distress. To predict the condition of the company's financial distress can use the method of Altman Z-Score. Through the prediction of company’s financial distress can analyze the company's stock price movements. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to predict financial distress and its influence of stock price on the transportation sector in Indonesia Stock Exchange. This study is an explanatory survey using descriptive analysis and verification methods. Statistical correlation analysis, regression, the coefficient of determination and hypothesis testing is used in this study. The results show that the prediction of financial distress’s transfortation sub sector influenced the stock price of transportation sector listed on Stock Exchange positifly and significance.
- ItemSUDAH SIAPKAH BISNIS ANDA MENGHADAPI ANJLOKNYA RUPIAH?(FOKUS : Jurnal Akuntansi dan Manajemen Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Bandung, Edisi perdana Mei 1999, 1999-05) Setiadi, Nugroho J; Lasmanah-