Browsing by Author "Dyahrini, Wien"
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- ItemANALISA PENERAPAN SISTEM MANAJEMEN KESELAMATAN DAN KESEHATAN KERJA (SMK3) PADA PROYEK PEMBANGUNAN RUMAH TOKO (RUKO) CIREBON DI P.T. KOPRIMA SHANDY SEJAHTERA KONTRAKTOR (KKS)(Universitas Widyatama, 2010) Dyahrini, Wien; Hasanah, AlfiahThe research investigated the implementation of the management system of Job Safety & Healthy (SMK3) at PT. Koprima Shandy Sejahtera (KSS). The purpose of the implementation of the management system of Job Safety & Healthy (SMK3) is to help company increase the productivity of their labor. The risk of accident at job and the health of labor effect the productivity of companies.Using descriptive method and based on the primary data the research found that most of the accident at work is due to human error for example the worker do not obey the safety job rules (K3) by ignoring to use the self protect equipment provided by company and labor also tend to have low level of understanding in safety work. Investigation of the implementation of SMK3 at company is one way to predict accidents at work and analyze the cause of accidents and as a result is a better working safety. Professional and continuous implementation of SMK3 will result in a safe, efficient, productive working condition and it can control and reduce the risk of accident at work
- ItemANALISIS DAMPAK YENDAKA BAG1 PEREKONOIMIIAN INDONESIA(Penelitian Internal Universitas Widyatama, 1994) Dyahrini, WienKebijakan fiskal dan moneter merupakan instrumen pemerintah untuk mencapai sasaran makro ekonomi melalui APBN (penerimaan pajak perusahaan-perusahaan, bantuan asins dan pinj aman pemerintah) dan h bij akan moneter adalah mempengaruhi jumlah uang )-r?~lgb erednr yang pertamn-tamn di!aliulcan oleh Bank Sentral dan. kequdian pengaturan dilahvkan mslnlui bank-bank lnimj-a. Niiai uang suatu negara ierhadap negara lain yang biasa dlkatakan Lxrs dipengaruhi oleh kondisi perdngngan negara tersebut terhadap negara-negara lain. Bagi Indonesia Jepang mempalan negara donor utama dari keseluruhan pinjaman Indonesia bernda dari Yendaka, dan bertambahnya hutang luar negeri -v nnn CI hbrus dipkul Indonesia. Conioh : pada tahun anggaran 1993/1394 beban hutang luar negeri Lndonesia vang jatuh tempo dalnm bent& Yen lebh kuranp 43% dari keseluruhan beban hutangnyn. . Dampak Yendaka terhadap perekonornian Indonesia adalah bertarnbahqa beban hutang luar neeeri (cicilan dan bunganya) 5-ang hams ditanggung oleh Indonesia. Di samping itu juga dampak negatif yang lain yaitu menggoj-ahkan posisi neraca pembayaran untuk mengatasi ha1 ini perlu dilakwkan pe~baikan dalam iklim inestasi dan antisipasi Yendah dengan pajak dan juga meninnkatkan b cadangan devisa dalam bentuk Yen melalui ekspor lie Jepang.
- ItemANALISIS FAKTOR AGAMA, TEKNOLOGI DAN FASILITAS YANG BERPENGARUH TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN NASABAH DALAM PENGGUNAAN PRODUK KARTU SHAR-E(Seminar Nasional Kewirausahaan & Inovasi Bisnis VI, Jurusan Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi, UPT MKU dan Magister Manajemen Universitas Tarumanagara, 2016-05-12) Rozak, Abdul; Dyahrini, Wien; Rachman, IbnuFocus this research is to analyze the influence religion, technology, and facilities at customer's decision in using product of Shar-E. Variable of religion (X1), technology (X2), and facilities (X3) are expressed asindependent variable, while purchase decision (Y) is expressed as dependent variable. The sampling technique is purposive sampling, with accumulated total sample of 200 respondents spread in the city of Bandung and Cimahi. Methods using multiple regression and test hypotheses of T & F test. Results of multiple regression analysis showed that the variables of religion, technology and facilities affect the customer's decision to use the Shar-E product amounted to 64.2%, while the remaining 35.8% influenced by other variables such as the benefits of the product, purchase motive for culture. Then the results of partial test (t test) or simultaneously (F test) each have a significant impact on the use of product Shar-E.
- ItemANALYSIS OF COMPENSATION AND JOB SATISFACTION, ON THE PERFORMANCE OF KPSBU LEMBANG EMPLOYEES(WIBEST-III, 2022) Hayla, Nickita; Abdullah, Lutfiah Salma; Hardiansyah, Anwar; Agustina, Rhena; Permatasari, Putri; Dyahrini, WienHuman Resources play an important role in a company. Providing the resources needed enable companies to compete with other in achieving goals. The company strives to increase employee productivity to improve employee performance. KPSBU Lembang or North Bandung Cattle Breeders Cooperative is a single primary cooperative business as an institution that has a role and provides good services for farmers in Lembang sub-district. To improve employee performance, it is necessary to analyze employee compensation and job satisfaction. Researchers conducted a survey of 104 respondents of KPSBU Lembang employees. A simple random sampling technique is a random sampling technique in the population. This study uses the proposed Multiple Linear Regression method to analyze the correctness of the data in order to know the influence between free variables and bound variables. The results of this study can be concluded that compensation variables and simultaneous job satisfaction that have a significant effect on employee performance are proven using the results of simultaneous tests (test f) and partial tests (t test).
- ItemCOMMERCIAL BANKS’ PERFORMANCE AND CREDIT RISK IN INDONESIA(International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Issue 2, 2020) Riantani, Suskim; Sumadhinata, Yelli Eka; Dyahrini, Wien; Kuswara, Galuh Boga; Purwaningdyah, Sri Wiludjeng SunuThis research aims to measure financial performance and its effect on the level of credit risk. Financial performance used to predict credit risk consists of the level of capital adequacy measured through the Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) and the amount of credit measured through a Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR), while credit risk is measured through the level of Non-Performing Loans (NPLs) . The research method uses descriptive and verificative methods. The research was conducted on commercial banks listed on the IDX during the period of 2014- 2018. Observations were made on 35 commercial banks through the purposive sampling method. Data analysis using panel data regression models by testing as required. The results showed that the Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) has a significant effect on credit risk (NPLs), while the Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR) has no significant effect on credit risk (NPLs).
- ItemCONTRIBUTION OF SME AND MSME BUSINESS IN THE BANDUNG RAYA REGION AGAINST THE ECONOMIC IMPROVEMENT OF WEST JAVA REGION BEFORE AND IN THE MIDDLE OF THE PANDEMIC COVID 19(Solid State Technology Volume: 63 Issue: 3, 2020) Dyahrini, Wien; Purwaningdyah, Sri Wiludjeng SunuSmall entrepreneurs who are often referred to as SMEs and small and medium entrepreneurs who are often called UMKM in the Greater Bandung area, before the Covid 19 pandemic, had a strategic role in improving the economy in the West Java region. Referring to the research that has been done, it is found that the small entrepreneurs are able to face the economic crisis, with the competitive advantages possessed by the products produced by these small entrepreneurs. It is best if the entrepreneurs by the local government in 3 districts, namely: Bandung, West Bandung, Sumedang and 2 municipalities namely Bandung and Cimahi get more attention from their respective regional governments. With the partnership of SME and MSME entrepreneurs in the industry, they have been able to contribute around 30.26% to West Java's GRDP for the economy of the Greater Bandung Region in particular and West Java Province in general. However, during the Covid 19 Pandemic, it experienced a decrease in its contribution to GRDP when compared to the time before the pandemic occurred. Thus it can be stated that these business actors from the SME and MSME sectors make a real contribution to improving the economy of the Greater Bandung and West Java regions. To maintain the role of SME and MSME business actors, government assistance is needed in developing business partnerships, especially in capital, online marketing, and other assistance needed by the sector.
- ItemCONTRIBUTION OF SMES AND SME BUSINESS IN BANDUNG, SUMEDANG, CIANJUR, GARUT AND ECONOMIC IMPROVEMENT IN THE REGION IN WEST JAVA(2015 International Conference of Organizational Innovation (ICOI 2015), International Association of Organizational Innovation, USA; Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia; Huaqiao University, China; Chang Jung Christian University, Taiwan ROC, 2015-08-04) Dyahrini, Wien; Rachman, IbnuMicro Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the four cities of Bandung, Sumedang, Garut and Cianjur in West Java has a strategic role in economic development in West Java, because in addition to a role in economic growth andemployment work also plays a role in the distribution of development outcomes.This study analyzes the contribution of business conducted SMEs and SMEs in four cities of Bandung, Sumedang, Garut and Cianjur in order to achieve economic improvement in the four cities in terms of Gross Domestic Regional Product (GDRP) of each of the city coming from the SME sector and SMEs.Unit population in this study is SMEs and SMEs that have partnered businesses with medium-sized companies or other economic institutions in Bandung, Sumedang, Garut and Cianjur in West Java. In this study used survey methods, while the technique of data collection by means of random sampling and taken a sample of 151 respondents. Other data sources are derived from secondary data from institutions associated with the research. Based on the results obtained by the fact that SMEs and SMEs in all the four cities have been able to contribute to the value of regional gross domestic product (GDRP) at current prices of the four cities in West Java on average by 15%. While the contribution of SMEs to GDP West Java amounted to 6.53%, thus it can be concluded that the role of SMEs and SMEs have a considerable contribution to the development of the economy in West Java.
- ItemDESIRABLE LECTURER CHARACTERISTICS: FINDINGS FROM MANAGEMENT AND BUSINESS SCHOOL STUDENTS IN JAKARTA AND BANDUNG, INDONESIA(The 1st International Conference on Business, Economics and Social Sciences (ICBESS) 2014, Indonesia College of Economics (STEI) Jakarta, 2014-06-25) Handaru, Agung Wahyu; Achmad, Adzhani; Hidayat, Nila K.; Dyahrini, WienTwo hundred and sixty respondents out of eight hundred students from four universities at two cities, Jakarta and Bandung, were surveyed to obtain information on what characteristics of lecturer that the Management and Business school students really want. Using Factor Analysis with Principal Component Extraction method and Equamax rotation after several trials, the Kaiser Meyer Olkin measure of sampling adequacy value is 0.829, with 0.000 significant levels and 53.94% cumulative percentage. This study has formed 7 new components from 30 important indicators which are selected rigorously in focus group discussion session among faculty students. Some important findings in this study are: 1) the first component consists of “caring”, “open minded”, “value student opinion”, “value to diversity”, “be fair”, “wise”, and “open to critics”; 2) the second component consists of “response precision”, “media for teaching”, “vast knowledge” and “examples”; 3) the next group comprises “appearance”, “media use” “humor”, “beauty”, “handsomeness”; 4) the fourth component consists of “experience” “reputation”, “English”, and “foreign language”; 5) the fifth component consists of “relationship”, “motivator”, “religious”, and “anti corruption”; 6) the sixth component consists of “on-time”, “syllabi”, and “grading”; 7) the seventh component consists of “old”, “young” and “academic degree”.
- ItemEFFECT OF COMPETENCE AND WORK DISCIPLINE TO PERFORMANCE AND ITS IMPACT ON REVENUES INCREASING COOPERATIONSEA FISHING IN INDRAMAYU(International Conference on Islamic Economics Management Accounting Business and Social Sciences (ICIEMABS)I, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Padjajaran, STIE Ibnu Sina, APTISI, 2016-08-10) Dyahrini, WienMaintain a presence and existence of the cooperative cannot be separated from factors and the role of the existing human resources that is associated with competence and discipline work, because in the operational activities cannot be forgotten the importance of the role of the board and employees in the cooperative. One of them is the factor of competence management and discipline of employees to achieve cooperation in carrying out activities in order to support the achievement of high performance. Marine Fisheries Cooperative as a cooperative engaged in marine fishing requires officers and employees who have both factors. This study aims to determine the effect of two variables on the performance of the board and employees of the cooperative. In this study a sample of 97 people were taken as respondents from the existing population. The research method used is descriptive and verification. As for the technique of data collection using questionnaires and direct observations, and for the calculation using SPSS 18. The result obtained results of correlation (r1) of 0.575 for competence (X1), and the results of correlation (r2) of 0.352 for labor discipline ( X2) is 0.557, which are all included in the category of moderate or good enough.Effect of Competence and Discipline simultaneously work on the performance was 66.9%. Based on the results of the above calculation proved that performance management and employee well, and this has an impact on increasing cooperative efforts so and will be able to provide increased revenue for fisheries cooperative ocean at Indramayu.
- ItemEFFECT OF HEALTH AND SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM WORK TO PERFORMANCE EMPLOYEES IN LIMITED COMPANY KSS BANDUNG(Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 11, 03-Special Issue, 2019) Dyahrini, Wien; Simatupang, Ervina CMIn addressing the importance of the influence of Occupational Health and Safety (OHAS) to the employees of the operational performance of limited Company (PT) KSS Bandung need attention. This study aims to determine the application of Occupational Health And Safety Management System (OHSMS) conducted at Limited Company (PT) KSS in implementing safety management systems and occupational health and safety (OHSMS) in its operations as a contractor in the construction field. The method used in this research is descriptive analysis. According to the research done shows that Limited Company (PT) KSS has implemented OHSMS well by setting some rules, policies, and procedures appropriate work that aims to prevent and reduce the potential danger of accidents arising in the work process. This is proven by the results obtained in the study that the accident happened is relatively small, meaning that the system safety management and occupational health (OHSMS) on Limited Company KSS was good that there were no accidents that can result in death to workers, does not occur their heavy work accident, because each value is 0, and what happens is just a light accident with the number 1 on a monthly basis only light accident or only reached 0.01%. Thus it can be said that (OHSMS) on Limited Company KSS has gone well and this gives the impact of high performance for the contracting company.
- ItemEFFECT OF HEALTH AND SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM WORK TO PERFORMANCE EMPLOYEES IN LIMITED COMPANY KSS BANDUNG(8th Widyatama International Seminar on Sustainability (WISS 2016), Widyatama University and IEEE, 2016-09-05) Dyahrini, Wien; Simatupang, Ervina C.In addressing the importance of the influence of Occupational Health and Safety (OHAS) to the employees of the operational performance of limited Company (PT) KSS Bandung need attention. This study aims to determine the application of Occupational Health And Safety Management System (OHSMS) conducted at Limited Company (PT) KSS in implementing safety management systems and occupational health and safety (OHSMS) in its operations as a contractor in the construction field. The method used in this research is descriptive analysis. According to the research done shows that Limited Company (PT) KSS has implemented OHSMS well by setting some rules, policies, and procedures appropriate work that aims to prevent and reduce the potential danger of accidents arising in the work process. This is proven by the results obtained in the study that the accident happened is relatively small, meaning that the system safety management and occupational health (OHSMS) on Limited Company KSS was good that there were no accidents that can result in death to workers, does not occur their heavy work accident, because each value is 0, and what happens is just a light accident with the number 1 on a monthly basis only light accident or only reached 0.01%. Thus it can be said that (OHSMS) on Limited Company KSS has gone well and this gives the impact of high performance for the contracting company.
- ItemTHE EFFECT OF HUMAN CAPITAL AND SOCIAL CAPITAL ON PRODUCTIVITY OF COMPETITIVENESS (Case Study in the Creative Industries Sub Sector of doll industry in West Java Province Indonesia)(International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol.24, Issue 02, 2020) Hendayana, Yana; Riantani, Suskim; Sumadhinata, Yelli Eka; Dyahrini, Wien; Kuswara, Galuh BogaThis study analyzes the competitiveness of the creative industry subsector of the doll industry in West Java Province which is influenced by human capital, social capital, and productivity which have an effect on the competitiveness. The aim of this research is to know and to analyze the effect of human capital, social capital, directly and through productivity on competitiveness. This research used a quantitative approach as a survey method. The unit of analysis of this study is the SMEs (small and medium enterprises) Center of the doll Industry Subsector Creative Industry in West Java Province, with entrepreneurs as the observation unit, with a population of 191 entrepreneurs and a sample of 128 entrepreneurs. Data obtained from the survey results through a questionnaire distributed to entrepreneurs. Data were processed using descriptive statistical analysis. Likewise, human capital, social capital, and productivity have significant and positive effects on competitiveness. These findings suggest that productivity can be an intervening variable for competitiveness. The effect of this research is expected to increase the competitiveness of the doll industry in Indonesia's West Java Province.
- ItemEFFECT ON THE PERFORMANCE OF EMPLOYEES COMPENSATION IN PLN GENERATING AND PARENT PROJECT NETWORK JAVA AND BALI NUSA TENGGARA SOUTHEAST(Airlangga University, 2012-07-10) Dyahrini, Wien; Rachman, IbnuCompensation arrangements in a fair and reasonable in order to meet the needs of em-ployees, it is believed will be able to provide satisfaction for employees in the work. This study to find out how big the effect of compensation provided by PT PLN Parent Project Network Generator and Java Bali and Nusa Tenggara on Employee Performance. This research uses descriptive method, with samples taken by 37 respondents in random sampling. Based on the analysis of the data obtained that the implementation of the compensation has been running well, judging from the average value of 3.85 for the whole statement is included in either category. For the performance of employees with an average value of 3.40 is included in both categories, while the magnitude of the effect of compensation to the em-ployee's performance can be seen from the spearman rank correlation coefficient (r) of 0.563 indicates is the relationship. The magnitude of the effect of compensation on the performance of 31.69%, the balance of 68.31% influenced by other factors is not examined. Thus means that there are positive effects of compensation on performance.
- ItemEFFICIENCY IN PAYMENT TRANSACTIONS USING QUEING MODELS IN SUPERMARKET "X"(Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Islam Indonesia, 2012-11-13) Dyahrini, Wien; Rachman, Ibnu-
- ItemENTREPRENEURSHIP IN CREATIVE INDUSTRY: A SWOT ANALYSIS ON A DISTRIBUTION OUTLET AT BANDUNG JAVA(1st Malaysia-Indonesia Private University Industry Linkages Conference (UIBL 2009) & 2nd World Conference of International Entrepreneur & Family Business Association (IEFBA 2009), Institute of Malaysia - Indonesia Studies (IKMI) UNISEL Malaysia, APTISI Indonesia, International Entrepreneur and Family business Association (IEFBA), 2009-10-29) Dyahrini, WienThe development of creative industry shows a significant contribution to the regional growth specially Bandung. The paper describes the success of one company in a creative industry. The research applied the SWOT analysis to examine the performance of this kind of entrepreuneurship. The investigation showed that this company can use its potential strength in the quality and design of its products to win the competition and manage its business based on the strategies offered.
- ItemEVALUATION RESULTS OF TRACER STUDY AS AN EFFORT TO IMPROVE TEACHING AND LEARNING ACTIVITIES AT WIDYATAMA UNIVERSITY (CASE STUDY: GRADUATE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WIDYATAMA GRADUATING IN 2017)(International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Issue 2, 2020) Sumadhinata, Yelli Eka; Dyahrini, Wien; Kuswara, Galuh Boga; SP, Sri Wiludjeng; Hendayana, Yana; Riantani, SuskimCareer Center of Widyatama University was formed based on Widyatama University Regulation no. 005 of 2015 organizational structure. Career center is a university supporting mengenai struktur organisasi carrier center universitas widyatama. Carrier center is a university supporting institution that carries out soft skill learning activities, job fair, gathering, and Tracer Study. Tracer study is conducted as an evaluation for institutions especially in the effort to increase teaching and learning activities at widyatama university. This research aims to conduct a search for university graduates and evaluate the results of tracer study graduates in 2017. The number of respondents who filled the questionnaire was 384 people from 1302 total graduates in 2017. From the analysis of data processing descriptive statistics are known as much as, 60,94% of current graduates work. 63%. Respondents worked in the private sector and the rest were scattered in the government sector, non profit organization, areas including state-owned enterprises as much as 23%, and entrepreneurs of 14%. Overall horizontal alignment of 79,5% means that the competence gained during the education in Widyatama according to the needs in the field of work, and from the results of the study obtained data that graduates who do work with the level of education is 78 means good
- ItemGROWING CREATIVE INDUSTRY, A SWOT ANALYSIS OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP OF A DISTRIBUTION OUTLET(2010-01-25) Dyahrini, Wien; Hasanah, AlfiahThe development of creative industry shows a significant contribution to the regional growth specially in Bandung. The paper describes the success of one company in a creative industry. The research applied the SWOT analysis to examine the performance of this kind of entrepreneurship. The investigation showed that this company can use its potential strength in the quality and design of its products to win the competition and manage its business based on the strategic offered.
- ItemTHE IMPLEMENTATION OF TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT (TQM) BASED ON STAFF PERCEPTION TO THE OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE OF PT. KERETA API INDONESIA(De la Salle University-Dasmarinas + Universitas Widyatama Bandung, 2011-04-27) Dyahrini, Wien; Hasanah, AlfiahThe research investigated the effect of the implementation of Total Quality Management (TQM) consists of variables: focus to customer, continuous improvement and the complete involvement to the operational performance of the company, based on the staff perception. The object of the investigation is the PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (PT. KAI) iso certified 9001:2000. Using 38 sample based on simple random sampling, the reseach used questionaire and asked the employer start from staff up to general manager. The analysis used path analysis to investigate the hypotheses. The result showed that all of the three variables which are focus to customer, continuous improvement and the complete involvement have positive and significant effect to the operational performance of the company either partially or simultaneously . Keywords: Total Quality Management, focus to customer, continuous improvement, complete involvement, operational performance.
- ItemTHE INFLUENCE OF EMPLOYEE COMPETENCE AND MOTIVATION TOWARD EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE AT THE TELECOMUNICATION CORPORATION X ON THE BANDUNG AREA(Seminar Nasional Forum Manajemen Indonesia (FMI) 3, Institut Manajemen Telkom, 2011-11-09) Dyahrini, WienThis research is aimed at identifying the influence of worker competence and motivation toward worker performance at the Indonesia telecomunication corporation X on the Bandung area. Primary data is used and collected based on 97 respondents who in the Bandung area. This study uses path analysis as a means of analysis. Descriptif research result can be concluded that employee competence in good category, motivation in high category, and employee performance in good category. The results of the analysis verivikatif for simultaneous testing shows that the worker competence and motivation have significant influence toward the employee performance. Partially, the worker competence have significant influence toward the worker performance with positive sign. Also the motivation have significant influence toward the worker performance with positive sign. Key word: employee competence, motivation, and employee performance.
- ItemTHE INFLUENCE OF LEADERSHIP, COMPETENCY AND THE WORKING ENVIRONMENT ON PERFORMANCE (Case Study of Lecturers of the Faculty of Business Management University Widyatama)(Solid State Technology Volume: 63 Issue: 4, 2020) Rizaldi, Muhammad Fajar; Alamsyah, Agil Sakti; Adyasar, Muhammad Rizal; Muzakin, Riza; Dyahrini, WienThis research was conducted to find out the influence of leadership, competence, and work environment on the performance of lecturers at the Faculty of Business Economics, Widyatama University. Many lecturers think that getting assignments is not in accordance with their competence so that the resulting performance is not optimal. In addition, leadership also plays a role in performance. The pressure given by the leader can make lecturers' performance decrease. An uncomfortable work environment will also hinder productivity. The research method used is descriptive and quantitative by distributing a statement questionnaire as a primary data collection tool. The sample size is 107 lecturers from 144 lecturers at the Faculty of Business Economics, Widyatama University. The analysis used is Multiple Linear Regression Analysis with a significance level of 5%. Tests conducted resulted in the influence of leadership on performance 6.4%, competence on performance is 6%, work environment on performance is 26.6%, and leadership, competence, and work environment on performance as much as 27.5%.
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