METAMORPHOSIS OF LEARNING METHODS IN UNIVERSITY (Phenomenological Study on Students of Economics Faculty At Widyatama University of Bandung)

The quality of life in a nation is determined by the education. The role of education is very important to create intelligent, peaceful, opened and democratic life. The progress of a nation can only be achieved through the regulation of a good education. Education reform must be always done to improve the quality of national education. The importance of metamorphosis on learning methods in university is to improve the quality of education and to motivate students in learning process. In this study, researchers tried to reveal the problems that occur on learning methods and to find the way how to motivate students of Accounting at Widyatama University of Bandung to learn. This study uses qualitative methods with interpretive paradigm and phenomenological approach to know the effectiveness of learning process and learning methods that can improve non-cognitive skills such as selfesteem, communication skills, interpersonal skills and learning to learn not only for the lecturer but also for the students of accounting at WidyatamaUniversity
Cooperative Learning, Student-Centered Learning, Effectiveness of Learning, Methodological Interpretation, Phenomenology