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Conference 3th Annual SEAAIR Conference
The University Organization need to build a professional and Competence Human Resources according to its needs requirement, to make them become central of sustainable competitive advantage and at the same time as a competition tool to entering the globalization. There is time when education adjust to its society and there is time education bring changes in the society. Each staff in the top and reliable university organization, need step, this individual competition will effect the perfonnance, can be used to predict someone's perfonnance. Concep~ of Competency Based Human Resource Management (CBHRM): A Competency is an underlying characteristic of an individual that is causally related to criterion-referenced effective and/or superior perfonnance in a job or situation. So that competency indicate ways of behaving or thinking, generalizing across situation, and enduring for a reasonably long period of time (Spencer& Spencer, 1993). Based on their study (behavioral event Interview studies of the distinguish characteristics of superior perfonners in a job) are generally consisting of six groups of competencies, indicates: Achievement and Action, Helping and Human Service, Impact and Influence. Cluster, Managerial, Cognitive and Personal Effectiveness. Each group contains two to five competencies. Each competencies has narrative definition and behavioral indicators, or specific behavioral ways of demonstrating the competency in the job. Competency Based Human Resource Management can be defined as a process of planning, organizing, implementation, and controlling of staff activities, starting from the recruitment until retirement, where by the process of decision making based on the infonnation of job competency requirements and individual competency to achieve the organization target. Its different with the conventional management. The activities and decisions in the Competency based Human Resources Management is more transparent and without race, age, sex, or demographic bias scientifically reliable and racial discrimination. With referring to the job competency requirements and individual competency, a system of human resources management can built, based on the integrated competencies based on Human Resource Management in human resource function, which produce variation of reports which is required for integrated human resource services. Infonnation provided, always refer to the job competency requirements and structural individual competency. With CBHRM the functions of Human Resources management become more practical and easier for implementation, such as staff carrier path planned, job family, recruitment, perfonnance appraisal, selection, compensation system, training for promotion, staffing infonnation system. From the experience the implementation of CBHRM in University organization, the stage that can be carried out: 1) Having sense of vision, mission, culture, values in organization 2) Comprehending and reviewing the university policy with employee, lecturer 3) Identifying organization competencies to reach the vision 4) Identifying job task and develop a Competency model for job requirements, with Expert Panel, Surveys -360 0 ratings, Behavioral Event Interviews (BEl method) 5) Validating the competency model 6) Competency Assessment for employee or lecturer 7) Preparing Applications in human resources function like selection training, professional development, perfonnance appraisal, evaluation of training, professional development programs.
competency, performance, sustainable competitive advantage