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    (Jurnal Keuangan dan Perbankan , Universitas Merdeka Malang, Volume 14, Nomor 1, 2010-01) Hasbi, Hariandy
    Syaria mutual fund was one of the investments in capital market produds that used lslamic principle. Currently, people started switching to this investment product that was felt to give a better alternative than banking products. The purpose of this research was to find out the comparison between each performance of sharia mutual funds (fixed, stock, mixed and protection) and Jakarta Islamic Index(Jl1) as a benchmark of syaria portfolio in Indonesia period 2009 using Risk Adjusted Returns Measurement (Sharpe, Treyno4 andlensen), and its prospective in 2010. The method of this research used purposive sampling and SPSS ver. 13.0 as a tools of comparative statistical tests. Overall, these empirical results were concluded that the performance of syaria mutual funds was viewed from the aspect of return and risk variables showed a good performance compared to its market index (111) in 2009.
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    (Jurnal Imilah Kursor, Jurusan Teknik Informatika Universitas Trunojoyo, 2011-07) Falahah; Rijayana, Iwan
    Utility System is an approach for evaluate system implementation, firstly proposed by Kendall. This approach captured the perception of the system based on 6 points of vieH', which are possession, form, place, time, actualization alld goal. The detail info,.rnation ofthis approach is limited and arising the curiosity to explore more detail hoy!' to implement this approach to evaluate the il?(cjrmation system, especially for the system il1 academic environment. The aim ofthis research is to propose the altemative methodfor evaluate the system based on utility system approach. This method consists of a questionnaires package that derived from utility approach, to elicit the user perception. The questionnaires was implemented to evaluate the e-camplls system at Widyatama University which is chosell because of the structure of the _system that relatively simple and easy to access. The result gove some important facts, such as the difference ofexpectation from different user's point ofview and user's expectations for enhancement. The results also derived some recommendations to improve the utility system and need more extended research to explore the uncover facts for system improvement.
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    (Jurnal Keuangan dan Perbankan , Universitas Merdeka Malang, Volume 15, Nomor 3, 2011-09) Komariah, Siti; Julenah; M. chudori
    The economic crisis in Indonesia had an impact on the declining performance of the company'sfindamentals on the stock market. This degradation was caused by a failure in risk management, especially the unsystema tic risk. Many companies could not manage their debt policy, investment decision, earnings management, liquidity, and ownership structure that had implications for the risk. The objective of this research was to investigate the effect of stock return, inflation and ownersip stucture to investment risk of manufacturer industries in 2003-2009. Population of this research was manufacturing companies listed in BEI. The sampling method used in this research was purposive sampling and the results were 126 companies based on the criteria of the sample. Polling data method and judgment sampling were used to collect the data and two stage least squares (2 SLS) were as the analysis method. Based on the hypothesis test, it could be summarized that all predictors had a significant eflect simultaneously. Result of the I" model showed that only investment and profitability effect to stock return partially ; 2" model, SBI, KURS, and M2 had an effect to the inflation partially; 3* model was only dividend payout ratio and debt to equity ratio effected to ownership structure partially; 4" model showed that only return variable signijicantly influenced to investment risk partially.
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    (Jurnal Teknik Industri, Jurusan Teknik Industri, Universitas Muhamadiyah Malang, 2012-02) Rahmana, Arief; Iriani, Yani; Oktarina, Rienna
    Paradigma yang mendasari penelitian ini adalah bahwa UKM telah memberikan kontribusi terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi, yang ditunjukkan kontribusi terhadap penyerapan tenaga kerja sebesar 99,74% dari total serapan nasional dun memberikan kontribusi terhadap Produk Domestik Bruto (PDB) sebesar Rp 1.013,5 triliun atau 56,73%. Namun okmikian, dalam pengembangannya menghadapi beberapa masalah di antaranya adalah kurang permodalan, kesulitan dalam pemasaran, struktur organisasi sederhana dengan pembagian kerja yang tidak baku, kualitas manajemen rendah, SDM terbatas dun kualitasnya rendah, kebanyakan tiduk mempunyai laporan keuangan, as& legalitas lernah, dun rendahnya kualitas teknologi. Berdasarkan ha1 ini, diperlukan strategi yang komprehensif agar UKM berkembang lebih cepat, permasalahan yang dihadapi dapat direduksi, dun memiliki keunggulan kompetitif Rumusan strategi pengembangan yang diusulkan adalah menggunakan integrasi pendekatan location quotient (LQ), diamond cluster model, dun analisis SWOT. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa UKM yang mempunyai potensi yang besar untuk dikembangkan adalah sektor Industri Pengolahan karena memiliki nilai indeks LQ terbesar yaitu 4,277. Selanjutnya strategi pengembangan UKM adalah strategi ST, yaitu strategi menggunakan kekuatan (strength) untuk mengatasi ancaman (threat). Dengan strategi ini, sebaiknya UKM melakukan diversifikasi produk presisi dengan menggunakan teknologi CNC, CAD, dun CAM, meningkatkan kualitas produk, dun membina kerja sama yang intensif dengan para supplier untuk rnemperoleh pasokan bahan baku yang memanhi.
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    (Jurusan Teknik Industri Universitas Muhammadyah - Malang, 2010-08) Rahmana, Arief; Sunaryo, Indryati; Irianto, Dradjad; Hidajat, Ubuh Buchara
    Study of The Implementation Process of Quality Management (Case Study Research In Company X). This researxh is carried out study implementation process of quality management, which consists of three stages namely introduction, adoption and adaptation. Research strategy in this research is case study research in Company X, which is a company that already has the ability to export and certified quality assurance system. Prime method of collecting data is structured interview with director, managers, supervisors, and employees Company X. The result indicate that in the introduction stage are shown by customer recognition of quality product, Company X began to export, and demand of foreign customer to quality assurance system. In the adoption stage are shown by company’s plan for certification of quality assurance system, certification of quality assurance system, and quality assurance system, upgrading of quality assurance system, and production process evaluation. Those result give insight that Company X has carried out continous quality improvement through quality management implementation with the aim to enhance customer satisfaction.