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- Item2CASE TOOLS DALAM LINGKUNGAN OPERASI OPEN SOURCE (Ekplorasi Fasilitas dan Fitur pada Together dan Poseidon)(JURNAL INFORMATIKA (Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan Teknologi dan Kemahasiswaan), ITENAS, 2010-01) Rosmala, Dewi; FalahahCASE (Computer Aided Software Engineering) adalah sejenis software yang dapat digunakan sebagai alat bantu otomatisasi aktivitas manual siklus pengembangan perangkat lunak. Saat ini penggunaan CASE untuk sebuah proyek pengembangan perangkat lunak sangat diperlukan karena berbagai kemudahan disediakan CASE sehingga proses perancangan dan pembangunan software menjadi lebih efisien dan memudahkan penelusuran (traceability) serta memungkinkan proses reverse engineering (mencari bentuk desain dari kode yang sudah jadi). tingkatan integrasi yang disediakan oleh berbagai software CASE tersebut berbeda-beda dan penggunaannya dapat disesuaikan dengan tingkat kebutuhan dan daya adaptasi lingkungan yang menggunakan CASE itu sendiri. Berbagai merk CASE yang saat ini beredar dipasaran umumnya menggunakan standar pemodelan sistem berbasis object dengan notasi UML dan menyediakan fasilitas yang meliputi perancanganobyek, antarmuka, produksi template kode secara otomatis dan dokumentasi.
- Item3D PRINT COVID-19 MASK DESIGN SELECTION USING ANALYTICAL HIERARCHY PROCESS(Solid State Technology Volume: 63 Issue: 3, 2020) Rochman, Didit Damur; Anwar, Asep; Margana, Riki; Ferdian, RendiyatnaThe number of Covid-19 patient in Indonesia is increasing and requires attention form the ruling government with the adequate health facilities to cater the needs of the people. This research study on the mask design selection that is suitable to control the infection of the deadly disease. The obedience of the community to wear the suitable mask was found to be low and to curb this conditions, a study has been conducted to evaluate the usage of 3D print COVID-19 product design masks in the Indonesian society.
- ItemTHE 3P CONCEPT TO EMPLOYEE JOB SATISFACTION AND THE IMPACT ON ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE(International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol.24, Issue 01, 2020) Pawirosumarto, Suharno; Sutisna, Deden; Putra, Ivan Gumillar SambasBanks are a business entity that is managed by human resources in achieving goals. Overall performance improvement is important for the bank to encounter business competition. At the BJB Tasikmalaya, employee performance is at an optimal condition. It may be seen from the condition of employees who dealt with oversight while working; resulting the job performance quality is not in line with BJB standards. This study discussed the effect of compensation with the 3P concept on employee job satisfaction and its effect on organizational performance at the BJB Tasikmalaya. The sample was selected by 100 employees from 13 branches. Multiple regression analysis was performed by test the validity and reliability and test the classical assumptions. The results showed that there was an influence between the 3P concept on employee job satisfaction at BJB Tasikmalaya and job satisfaction on organizational performance.
- ItemTHE ABILITY OF CHILDREN WITH AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER (ASD) IN PRONOUNCING WORDS IN ENGLISH: Phonology Study(Solid State Technology Volume: 63 Issue: 4, 2020) Heryono, Heri; Puspa, Salma Dwi; Agustin, Sindy; Anisa, Puspa Nur; Setyanie, Ristia BellaAutism Spectrum Disorder or ASD leads to a disorder that involves main characteristic in establishing two-way direction communications or it is simply categorized as people who have disorder in words pronouncing that affects to their social-skill. The issues of elocution that looked by individuals might be brought about by their insight into the way to express certain words. It is likewise conceivable that they know enough the hypothesis yet not ready to articulate it appropriately. The matters of Phonetic receiving from respondents involved in the research were generally missing letters, the difference in sound, or even consolidated words into one when they talk. The methods of the research were descriptive research with qualitative method and some theories applied in this research were Phonetics and Phonology by their sub-unit as assimilation, rules, dissimilation to match with the type of ASD in getting the result of analysis. Based on the finding and discussion in the previous part, the researcher came with the conclusion. It can be inferred that all participants are categorized to assimilation category by 20% result as follow: dissimilation 8.58 %, deletion 45.71 %, lenition 5.71% and for about 8.58% of the respondents doesn’t speak the word (at all) while the rest 11.42% of the respondents had correct articulation. From the percentage it could be concluded that deletion type is the most dominant, especially deletion apocope with total percentage 56.25%.
- ItemACCESSIBILITY FOR PHYSICAL DISABILITIES PEOPLE TO ENGAGE WITH TRANSJAKARTA BUS: (CASE STUDY ON SESKOAL AND TIRTAYASA CORRIDORS OF SOUTH JAKARTA)(International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Issue 1, 2020) Azis, Rizka Amelia; Firdhayanti, Restu Amalia; Susetio, Wasis; Saudi, Mohd HaizamPeople with disabilities are part of Indonesian society who could acquire the same position, rights, and obligation as other Indonesian people in their lives and livelihoods. Therefore, the government policy should consider and accommodates disability rights in the community. The term people with disabilities, previously known as people with disabilities, but the latest development of the National Commission on Human Rights and the Ministry of Social Affairs views the term protection in the Indonesian perspective which has a negative connotation and is incompatible with the foundation of human rights with the noble values of the nation that uphold human dignity. Therefore, agreeing to the term disability is replaced by the term disability. This has also been supported by the issuance of Law Number 8 of 2016 concerning Persons with Disabilities. Based on the description in the background of the problem above, a number of problems were formulated as follows: 1. How is the implementation and fulfillment of the people with physical disability rights to engage with the Transjakarta bus? 2. What are the factors that influence public administration related to accessibility for persons with physical disabilities in the Transjakarta bus transportation mode? The theory used by the authors in this study uses the theory of equality before the law as adopted by Article 27 paragraph (1). It is agreed, everyone agrees equally before the law. Equality before the law in the simplest sense is that all people are equal before the law.
- ItemACCREDITATION MANAGEMENT: AUTOMATIC ASSESSMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH CENTER ACCREDITATION BASED ON FACTS AND SURVEYOR ANALYSIS(Solid State Technology Volume: 63 Issue: 4, 2020) Rosita, AiHealth development is an important aspect in the national development framework. The purpose of carrying out health development is to increase awareness, willingness and ability to live a healthy life for everyone so that an optimal degree of public health can be achieved. The success of health development will greatly support the improvement of the quality and competitiveness of Indonesian human resources. First Level Health Facility Accreditation (FKTP) is an acknowledgment given by an independent accreditation agency established by the Minister of Health after meeting accreditation standards. The purpose of this study was to develop automatic scoring for Public health center accreditation and tStandard health center accreditation documents in districts / cities. In the automation process, the design uses a water mall approach.
- ItemACTIVITY BASED COST SYSTEM : System Akuntansi Biaya Alternative Sebagai Respon Terhadap Perubahan Lingkungan Bisnis(FOKUS : Jurnal Akuntansi dan Manajemen Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Bandung, 1999) Nuryaman-
- ItemACTIVITY RESOURCE USAGE MODEL(FOKUS : Jurnal Akuntansi dan Manajemen Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Bandung, 2003-05) Christiana, VeronicaPembebanan biaya secara akurat kepada obyek biaya adalah merupakan hal yang sangat penting, karena akan digunakan sebagai dasara pengambilan keputusan. Keakuratan disini bukan dievaluasi berdasarkan pada biaya yang sesungguhnya mendasari, tetapi lebih merupakan konsep yang relatif dan berhubungan dengan kelogisan dan logika metode pembebanan yang digunakan. Tujuannya adalah untuk mengukur dan membebankan seakurat mungkin biaya sumber daya yang dikonsumsi oleh obyek biaya. beberapa metode pembebanan biaya jelas lebih akurat dibandingkan dengan metode pembebanan lainnya. Model ini digunakan untuk menjelaskan bagaimana sumber daya dikonsumsi oleh aktivitas dan aktivitas dikonsumsi oleh obeyek biaya atau untuk menghasilkan keluaran aktivitas (activity output). Selain hal tersebut activity resource usage model dapat digunakan untuk menentukan perilaku biaya, dan pemahaman perilaku biaya merupakan dasar yang akan digunakan untuk menentukan relevansi didalam pengambilan keputusan pemilihan berbagai alternatif
- ItemADAPTABILITY, CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION TO BE SURVIVE . STUDY ON ARTS AND CULTURE TOURISM BANDUNG(Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), Vol.12, No.8, 2021) Dora, Yenny MayaPandemic Covid 19 not only test the fortress defenses health and economy of Indonesia, but the impact also to all fields , including the arts and culture . Policy restrictions on social and physical are very impacting for the artists and workers of art . This study aims to determine influence Adaptability , Creativity and Innovation on Ability Survive the employers our of art and culture . Research is a research explanatory with approach quantitative that is designed to obtain evidence of the empirical , test and analyse the variables Ability Adaptation, Creativity and Innovation and Ability Survive . Data research obtained by spreading questionnaires to the employers tour of art and culture . The results of the data obtained were analyzed by using SPSS version 25.0. The results of the research have gained ability of adaptation to support creativity and innovation that are used in together will bring out the ability to survive for the employers tour of art and culture .
- ItemADAPTATION DECORATIVE IMAGES AS BACKGROUND IMAGES ON THE DESIGN APPLICATION(International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol.24, Issue 02, 2020) Maulana A, Deden; Firdaus, M. BenyaminThe treasures of ethnic images scattered in various regions in Indonesia are cultural values, as real wealth that can be used as an inspiring source and can be developed for diversity of decoration. It can be said that Indonesia is one of the countries with a high level of cultural diversity or a high level of heterogeneity, so that it is very natural to emerge various visual works in the form of decoration. Decorative motifs are decorative or decorative ornaments with visualized manifestations with various patterns aimed at beautifying a container. Decorative motifs can be placed on a flat surface, either on a two-dimensional surface or a three-dimensional plane that has depth. There are several types of decoration or motifs that manifest as imitations of nature (nature) or geometric shapes and elements of pigur or simplification of human images (figurative) to visualize a meaning. While the background image (background) in a graphic design item can be said as a visual reinforcement image with the aim to give emphasis or a visual binder in a series of media designs. Usually the background image is used for uniformity of items in media promotion activities. In the background image there are several elements, usually there are elements of fields, lines, points and ethnic images that are strengthened by harmonious color unity. As the most prominent illustration in the background there is in the packaging design, such as a background image that displays landscape illustrations, product illustrations, color blocks (color flat) or shapes (shapes) arranged with a combination of several other elements, this background image is processed by technical means photographically or using a computer. The purpose of this research activity, how to design a background image by using the elements of ethnic images can act as a treasure to enrich the development of imaging of an item or media design of a design. The research model is carried out by means of an experimental model approach that can be done by students in order to understand a way, process and techniques in developing ethnic images. The stages of the study were carried out with several stages of experimental case studies on the data that came with a simple image. Ethnic images were chosen according to the observation level of the uniqueness of the motifs accompanied by a brief narrative about the cultural background of the region which was considered to be representative of the design basis. Before starting the experiments the students conducted group discussions with a basic model of the problem approach (problem base learning), discussion (focus group discussion) and presentations. This research activity is expected to be able to open up knowledge about insights into ornamental variations as a source of data that can be developed as a basis for the design of work activities. Students gain experience by observing, discussing and executing in making designs on background images as identity images that can visually reinforce messages.
- ItemADVERSITY INTELLIGENCE VIEWED FROM HIGH-LOW SOCIAL SUPPORT IN DAAR EL-QOLAM JAYANTI ISLAMIC BOARDING SCHOOL STUDENTS, TANGERANG, INDONESIA(International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Issue 1, 2020) Rozali, Yuli Asmi; Sya'Bana, M. Fahad; Safitri; Faritzal, AdamNew students in boarding school feel the differences between their home school environment and conditions environment. These make the student must be able to adapt with the new environment and academic demands. Students are required to quickly adapt to the new environment, managing their time between studying, playing and subject memorizing. Adversity intelligence is something that students need when facing and dealing with their problems. One of the factor affecting adversity intelligence is the social support. The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of social support on adversity intelligence in students of Daar el-Qolam Islamic Boarding School. The design of this research is comparative causal with a simple random sampling technique with 219 sample students of Daar el Qolam Boarding School. Social support measurements are using scale of social support with a magnitude of reliability (α) = 0.936 with 52 valid items. Adversity intelligence measurement is using the item scale of adversity intelligence with reliability (α) = 0.886 with 36 valid items. Based on the results of the chi square test, this research earned sig score (p) = 0.045; ((p) <0 , 05 ), which is, there is the effect of social support for adversity intelligence, it means the hypothesis in this research is accepted. It is known that all students who are educated at Daar el-Qolam Boarding School have high social support as much as 53.0% and most of all have adversity intelligence climbers 38,9 %. Sex and birth orders of children in family have no effect on adversity intelligence.
- ItemAFFECTING ABILITY TO SOLVE MATH STORY QUESTIONS STUDENTS 4TH GRADE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL(International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Issue 1, 2020) Prawiyogi, Anggy Giri; Asmara, Andes Safarandes; Fatimah, Siti; SilvianaThis research aims to determine the difference between the effects of the problem based learning model and those who do not use the problem based learning model on the ability to solve mathematical story questions in 4th grade students of SD Negeri Adiarsa Barat II in 2018/2019. This research is a quantitative research with quasi experimental research type. With the sample used in this study amounted to 30 students with a population of 60 students. Data collection techniques using the ability to solve mathematical questions story in the form of essay. In testing the validity of the test the ability to solve mathematical story questions from 10 items all declared valid. The reliability test results obtained r11 finished 0.843. Hypothesis testing results, with the t- sig test (2 tailed) obtained 0.037 <0.05 with a tcount of 2.140> t table 1.699 then Ho is rejected, then it means there is a difference in the final value of the ability to solve mathematical story questions between students who use the Problem Based Learning model with who do not use the Problem Based Learning model. The results of this research concluded that there was a difference in the influence of the Problem Based Learning model on the ability to solve mathematical story questions in 4th grade SD Negeri Adiarsa Barat II in the 2018/2019 academic year.
- ItemTHE AFFECTING FACTORS OF BANKING PROFITABILITY(Solid State Technology Volume: 63 Issue: 4, 2020) Octavia, Evi; Yusuf, Toha Baharudin; Rahayu, Firda Aliyani; Putri, Hesty Utami; Supartika, OnengThis research meant to acknowledge and to test the impact between Non Performing Loan (NPL), Net Interest Margin (NIM), Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), and Biaya Operasional Pendapatan Operasional (BOPO) variable through the profitability of BUMN based bank. Through secondary data and quantitative method. There is 4 BUMN based bank that been heavily researched for a consecutive 10 years since 2010 to the late 2019 which is BRI Bank, BNI, BTN and Mandiri. Analysis method used here is the multiple linear regression analysis. The data processed by using the IBM SPSS Statistic 20 application by determining 0.05 significance state for the hypothesis test. It is shown that Non Performing Loan (NPL) not affecting not have any significant impact to the ROA. Net Interest Margin (NIM) in the other side inflicts a positive and significant impact to the ROA. Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) have a negative and significant impact to the ROA. Biaya Operasional Pendapatan Operasional (BOPO) also negatively impact and it is significant to the ROA.
- ItemAKUNTANSI MANAJEMEN DALAM PERSAINGAN GLOBAL(FOKUS : Jurnal Akuntansi dan Manajemen Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Bandung, 2003-08) Octavia, Evi
- ItemAKUNTANSI SUMBER DAYA MANUSIA DAN KENDALA DALAM PENERAPANNYA(2006-08) IslahuzzamanAkuntansi bertujuan memberikan informasi akuntansi yang relevan 5a9! pengambilan keputusan. Pemakai laporan keuangan memerlukan informasi mengenai suatu aset penting tetapi justru sering diabaikan, yailu human assef. Lapoian keuangan human resources seharusnya dapat diwujudkan dalam angka. Teiapi disinilah masalahnya, membuat laporan keuangan untuk ,ntangible assefs ini bukan pekerjaan mudah. Akuntansi konvensional memperlakukan pengeluaranpengeluaran untuk human resources sebagai expense, meskipun menurut sifatnya pengeluaran-pengeluaran Semacam itu sejatinya merupakan pembentukan modal manusia (human capitaf). Oleh kerana itu seharusnya dikapitalisasi. Perlakukan akuntansi yang berhubungan dengan cost atau value dari human resources ini berkembang sebagai akuntansi sumber daya manusia atau human resource accounting (HRA).
- ItemAKUNTANSI UNTUK PAJAK PENGHASILAN(Jurnal Bisnis, Manajemen & Ekonomi Vol 7 No. 1, Universitas Widyatama, 2005) Sari, DianaAkuntansi Pajak Penghasilan secara komprehensif telah diatur dalam PSAK 46. Meskipun sudah disahkan sejak tahun 1997, namun implementasi dari PSAK No 46 masih sering menciptakan kendala tersendiri bagi para akuntan. Banyak dari kita yang sudah lupa atau bahkan belum mengerti bahwa pajak berdasarkan 'hidupnya' pada akuntansi alias pembukuan. Dalam praktik keseharian memenuhi kewajiban menjalankan hak perpajakan kita sering lupa mengaitkan perpajakan dengan logika akuntansi, yang teringat acapkali adalah pasal dan ayat dari berbagai peraturan perpajakan.
- ItemALTERNATIVE DESIGN AND PRODUCTION (TILE) ORNAMENT CERAMICS FOR AESTHETIC HOME DECORATION(Solid State Technology Volume: 63 Issue: 3, 2020) Anggakarti, Deden MaulanaDecorative Ceramics is a term for a type of tile made from processed cement and has a visual element on its surface. On the surface there is an ornament image, which is a decorative image that forms decorations with plant patterns such as flowers, leaves and geometric areas, such as triangles, squares and circles. These decorated ceramics have been around for a long time, found in several areas that have local values as an area where the community is sufficiently calculated or an area that has historical value. Ornamental ceramics are installed on the wall or floor as a support for decorative elements to create a more memorable atmosphere. The patterns of decorated ceramics can be developed into several alternatives to add and create added value to the material. The more alternatives, it is possible that there will be more enthusiasts. With the many choices in this Decorative Ceramics, it will add excitement in supporting creating a spatial atmosphere in housing and living environments for all of us.
- ItemALTMAN Z-SCORE MODEL OF BANKRUPTCY RISK ANALYSIS OF PROPERTY SECTOR COMPANIES IN INDONESIA STOCK EXCHANGE(Internasional Journal of Accounting Information Science and Leadership, 2010) Muchlis, Tanti Irawati; Jayanti, Kurniasari DianEarly warning system for financial problem that threatened the operation of industry is needed to anticipates financial difficulty to company. One predicition model commonly used is Altman Z-score which analyze combination of financial ratios on financial statement to see the different between bankrupt and non bankrupt companies
- ItemANALISA EFEKTIVITAS PELATIHAN "MORNING BRIEFING" TERHADAP KINERJA KARYAWAN PADA PT. BANK "X", TBK., CABANG BANDUNG(Jurnal Bisnis, Manajemen & Ekonomi, Universitas Widyatama, 2008-08) Sukandi, Pipin; Sumdahinata, Yelli Eka
- ItemANALISA KINERJA SIMPANG TIGA TIDAK BERSINYAL DI MASA PANDEMI RUAS JALAN CIKUTRA DAN JALAN SEKEJATI V(Universitas Indonesia – Universitas Pembangunan Jaya, 2021) Budiman, Anjar; Maudina, Atry; Ilman, Kandiga; Syahdan, M.; A, Raden Herdian BayuWidyatama University intersection is located in Cibeunying Kidul District, Bandung City. At this intersection, traffic flow conflicts often occur which result in congestion, especially at certain hours because the location is an area of shops, settlements, and schools. Based on these problems, the authors analyze, and calculate the data from surveys conducted on Mondays and Saturdays, due to the beginning of community activities for work and vacation.. The results of the data analysis, peak hours are on Monday at 5-6 PM. and the results of the calculation of the existing state using the 1997 MKJI method, show that the performance of the intersection has a total volume = 2924 pcu/hour, capacity = 2661.69 pcu/hour , degree of saturation = 1.09. The existing condition of the intersection is already saturated due to DS > 1, therefore it is necessary to have an alternative to improve the intersection. By looking at the conditions in the field which are very densely populated, so the alternatives that can be used are the removal of side barriers and the implementation of a one-way system on the road..