Browsing by Author "Kuswara, Galuh Boga"
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- ItemCITRA UNIT KEGIATAN MAHASISWA TAEKWONDO DAN PENGETAHUAN MAHASISWA DALAM MENENTUKAN MINAT MAHASISWA UNTUK AKTIF DALAM UNIT KEGIATAN MAHASISWA TAEKWONDO UNIVERSITAS WIDYATAMA(Program Studi Magister Manajemen, Universitas Widyatama, 2019) Kuswara, Galuh BogaPenelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar citra unit kegiatan mahasiswa Taekwondo Universitas Widyatama dan pengetahuan mahasiswa Universitas Widyatama dalam menentukan minat mahasiswa Universitas Widyatama untuk aktif aktif kedalam unit kegiatan mahasiswa Taekwondo Universitas Widyatama. Penelitian ini dilakukan kepada 122 responden dengan membagikan kuesioner kepada mahasiswa-mahasiswa Universitas Widyatama pada bulan Agustus sampai dengan bulan Desember tahun 2018 dilingkungan Universitas Widyatama. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dan verifikatif untuk mengolah seluruh hasil kuesioner yang telah dibagikan kepada responden. Pengolahan hasil kuesioner untuk menguji hipotesis penelitian menggunakan program Microsoft Excell dan LISREL For Student, dimana uji hipotesis menggunakan metode analisis jalur. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa citra unit kegiatan mahasiswa Taekwondo Universitas Widyatama memiliki hubungan yang kurang erat kepada minat mahasiswa untuk aktif kedalam unit kegiatan mahasiswa Taekwondo Universitas Widyatama dan pengetahuan mahasiswa memiliki hubungan yang rendah dalam menentukan minat mahasiswa untuk aktif kedalam unit kegiatan mahasiswa Taekwondo Universitas Widyatama. Sedangkan kedua variabel tersebut memiliki hubungan yang sangat erat dalam menentukan minat mahasiswa untuk aktif kedalam unit kegiatan mahasiswa Taekwondo Universitas Widyatama, dimana apabila kedua variabel tersebut dapat dikembangkan secara aplikatif maka minat mahasiswa untuk aktif kedalam unit kegiatan mahasiswa Taekwondo Universitas Widyatama juga akan meningkat.
- ItemCOMMERCIAL BANKS’ PERFORMANCE AND CREDIT RISK IN INDONESIA(International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Issue 2, 2020) Riantani, Suskim; Sumadhinata, Yelli Eka; Dyahrini, Wien; Kuswara, Galuh Boga; Purwaningdyah, Sri Wiludjeng SunuThis research aims to measure financial performance and its effect on the level of credit risk. Financial performance used to predict credit risk consists of the level of capital adequacy measured through the Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) and the amount of credit measured through a Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR), while credit risk is measured through the level of Non-Performing Loans (NPLs) . The research method uses descriptive and verificative methods. The research was conducted on commercial banks listed on the IDX during the period of 2014- 2018. Observations were made on 35 commercial banks through the purposive sampling method. Data analysis using panel data regression models by testing as required. The results showed that the Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) has a significant effect on credit risk (NPLs), while the Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR) has no significant effect on credit risk (NPLs).
- ItemTHE EFFECT OF HUMAN CAPITAL AND SOCIAL CAPITAL ON PRODUCTIVITY OF COMPETITIVENESS (Case Study in the Creative Industries Sub Sector of doll industry in West Java Province Indonesia)(International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol.24, Issue 02, 2020) Hendayana, Yana; Riantani, Suskim; Sumadhinata, Yelli Eka; Dyahrini, Wien; Kuswara, Galuh BogaThis study analyzes the competitiveness of the creative industry subsector of the doll industry in West Java Province which is influenced by human capital, social capital, and productivity which have an effect on the competitiveness. The aim of this research is to know and to analyze the effect of human capital, social capital, directly and through productivity on competitiveness. This research used a quantitative approach as a survey method. The unit of analysis of this study is the SMEs (small and medium enterprises) Center of the doll Industry Subsector Creative Industry in West Java Province, with entrepreneurs as the observation unit, with a population of 191 entrepreneurs and a sample of 128 entrepreneurs. Data obtained from the survey results through a questionnaire distributed to entrepreneurs. Data were processed using descriptive statistical analysis. Likewise, human capital, social capital, and productivity have significant and positive effects on competitiveness. These findings suggest that productivity can be an intervening variable for competitiveness. The effect of this research is expected to increase the competitiveness of the doll industry in Indonesia's West Java Province.
- ItemEVALUATION RESULTS OF TRACER STUDY AS AN EFFORT TO IMPROVE TEACHING AND LEARNING ACTIVITIES AT WIDYATAMA UNIVERSITY (CASE STUDY: GRADUATE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WIDYATAMA GRADUATING IN 2017)(International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Issue 2, 2020) Sumadhinata, Yelli Eka; Dyahrini, Wien; Kuswara, Galuh Boga; SP, Sri Wiludjeng; Hendayana, Yana; Riantani, SuskimCareer Center of Widyatama University was formed based on Widyatama University Regulation no. 005 of 2015 organizational structure. Career center is a university supporting mengenai struktur organisasi carrier center universitas widyatama. Carrier center is a university supporting institution that carries out soft skill learning activities, job fair, gathering, and Tracer Study. Tracer study is conducted as an evaluation for institutions especially in the effort to increase teaching and learning activities at widyatama university. This research aims to conduct a search for university graduates and evaluate the results of tracer study graduates in 2017. The number of respondents who filled the questionnaire was 384 people from 1302 total graduates in 2017. From the analysis of data processing descriptive statistics are known as much as, 60,94% of current graduates work. 63%. Respondents worked in the private sector and the rest were scattered in the government sector, non profit organization, areas including state-owned enterprises as much as 23%, and entrepreneurs of 14%. Overall horizontal alignment of 79,5% means that the competence gained during the education in Widyatama according to the needs in the field of work, and from the results of the study obtained data that graduates who do work with the level of education is 78 means good
- ItemFAKTOR INTERNAL MAHASISWA DAN CITRA UNIT KEGIATAN MAHASISWA BANDUNG SANTO CLUB DALAM MENENTUKAN MINAT MAHASISWA UNTUK MENGIKUTI SECARA AKTIF UNIT KEGIATAN MAHASISWA BANDUNG SANTO CLUB DI UNIVERSITAS WIDYATAMA(Universitas Widyatama, 2015) Kuswara, Galuh BogaUniversitas Widyatama memiliki banyak sekali unit kegiatan mahasiswa yang berpotensial untuk memajukan civitas akademik maupun non-akademik, salah satunya adalah unit kegiatan mahasiswa Bandung Santo Club yang memiliki prestasi tingkat nasional, satu-satunya kegiatan mahasiswa Barongsay se-Indonesia, juga peralatan dan perlengkapan yang paling lengkap dari kesenian Barongsay di Kota Bandung (Sumber Hasil Wawancara Ka. Biro Kemahasiswaan tahun 2011 dan Pendiri Bandung Santo Club). Namun pada kenyataannya unit kegiatan mahasiswa yang dimaksud tidak bisa berkembang karena faktor internal dan citra dari unit kegiatan mahasiswa tersebut yang mempengaruhinya dalam minat mahasiswa untuk bergabung secara aktif. Penelitian ini dimaksud untuk mengetahui seberapa besar tingkat pengaruh dari faktor internal mahasiswa dan citra dari unit kegiatan mahasiswa Bandung Santo Club untuk menarik minat mahasiswa Universitas Widyatama untuk bergabung. Karena jumlah populasinya adalah mahasiswa Universitas Widyatama, penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dan verifikatif dengan metode perhitungan menggunakan rumus Slovin. Sampel yang diambil sebanyak 400 mahasiswa dari populasi mahasiswa baru sebanyak 5.537 orang. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara dan membagikan kuesioner secara langsung kepada responden, dan Analisis jalur digunakan dalam penelitian ini untuk menganalisis data secara statistik. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa faktor internal dan citra merek tingkat realibilitas dan validitas sangat reiabel dan valid dari setiap variabel. Hal ini dapat memberikan informasi bahwa variabel yang mempengaruhi variabel bebas, memang memiliki gap dan pantas untuk diteliti.
- ItemINFORMATION SYSTEMS OF DENTAL RESERVATION MANAGEMENT ON DENTAL CLINIC(International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Issue 2, 2020) Nugraha, Ucu; Kuswara, Galuh BogaInformation systems are very helpful for management performance, management information systems do not always use or need computer equipment in their operations, but in the era of rapid technological development now and demanded information can be presented quickly and accurately, the operational management really needs to be assisted with management information systems that use information technology devices. The iteration method is used as a method in developing this system, and the PIECES framework is used to categorize the problems that are found according to the needs of the community. The results of this study are in the form of a management information system that is able to manage clinical information quickly and precisely, as well as the information generated can be more accurate, and managers can more easily control the information system contained in the clinic.
- ItemIS IT TRUE THAT DIGITAL MARKETING, BRAND IMAGE AND PRODUCT QUALITY CAN INFLUENCE THE DECISION ON THE USE OF HELLO CARDS (Case Study of Widyatama University students)(International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol.24, Issue 02, 2020) Purwaningdyah, Sri Wiludjeng Sunu; Hendayana, Yana; Riantani, Suskim; Sumadhinata, Yelli Eka; Dyahrini, Wien; Kuswara, Galuh BogaTechnological developments in the current era of globalization are pushing information more rapidly. This will have an impact on the increasingly dramatic development of business activities. Every company tries to improve or change its marketing strategy in order to attract and retain customers. Among the marketing strategies used by the company are digital markting, brand image, and product quality, this is expected to be able to improve the decision to use halo cards in carrying out their daily activities. This study aims to find out how consumer responses about digital marketing, how consumers respond to brand image and how responses about the quality of halo card products and whether digital marketing factors, brad image and product quality influence the decision to use a halo card. The method used in this research is descriptive and verification methods. Data compilation techniques by distributing questionnaires, interviews and observations. The sampling technique used was accidental sampling. The tool used is Multiple Regression. The results showed that digital marketing, brand image, and product quality influence the decision to use halo cards positively and significantly. This is because digital marketing used by Telkomsel companies can be accepted by consumers and meet consumer expectations, as well as brand image and quality of halo card products are trusted because they have a strong signal.
- ItemLOW INTEREST IN READING OF STUDENTS MANAGEMENT MAJOR AT WIDYATAMA UNIVERSITY(International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol.24, Issue 02, 2020) Kuswara, Galuh Boga; Nugraha, Ucu; Lisdayanti, AnnisaWidyatama University is a source of research to find out the influence of Brand Images of the Department of Management Students at Widyatama University and the Store Atmosphere of the Widyatama University Library in determining the Reading Interest of Management Department Students at Widyatama University. The Management Department has the highest number of students and the Library facility has an A of Accreditation rating, but the drop in visits by Management Department students creates a gap between these variables. The steps applied in this study use descriptive and verification methods, with a total population of Management Department students at Widyatama University. The withdrawal of a sample of 115 respondents concluded that the Management Department's Image did not significantly influence the Reading Interest of Management Department students. However, other partial influences such as Store Atmosphere Library can determine a greater interest than simultaneously with the Image of the Management Department in influencing the Reading Interest of Management Department students at Widyatama University.
- ItemTAEKWONDO STUDENT ORGANIZATION PROGRAM TO FACING THE PANDEMIC COVID-19 (Case Study on the Widyatama Taekwondo Student Organization)(Solid State Technology Volume: 63 Issue: 3, 2020) Kuswara, Galuh Boga; Arifin, MaharThis research aims to find out the impact of organizational planning and organizational leadership style in determining the turnover intention of organizational members in the Taekwondo Student Organization in Widyatama University since Covid-19 was infected Bandung City and The Goverments issued a regulation Work from Home (WFH). Respondents in this study were active members of the Widyatama University Taekwondo Student Organization which amounted to 76 members from 2017 until 2020, where the members were students registered at Widyatama University. This research was started from March until June 2020 and using the instruments of this study used a questionnaire distributed to respondents in this study, the results of the questionnaire were processed using the SPSS version 20.0 program as a hypothesis testing in this study. The results showed that the Widyatama University Taekwondo Student Organization was able to plan programs well, as well as the leadership in the organizational environment coordinated by the organization management and trainers who were able to direct their members to get achievements as organizational goals. The variable turnover intention shows that members of the Widyatama University Taekwondo Student Organization still want to exist in this organization. It can also be seen that the influence of organizational planning and leadership style can influence turnover intention closely, but the leadership style can influence turnover intention more closely than organizational planning.
- ItemWHY ARE STUDENT RELUCTANT TO BE ACTIVE IN STUDENT ACTIVITIES? (A Case Study of Widyatama Taekwondo Team Bandung)(Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 11, 03-Special Issue, 2019) Kuswara, Galuh Boga; Anwar, Tezza AdriansyahTaekwondo is a popular martial arts sport among Students, because its activities are almost there in all educational institutions in Bandung. One of the educational institutions in Bandung that has a very good achievement in Taekwondo is Widyatama University. Taekwondo Activity Unit at Widyatama University has won the National Champion among Students for 6 times in a row. Many of the Students at Widyatama University have been in Taekwondo since elementary and even up to senior high school. However, they are reluctant to follow Taekwondo activities when entering college. This study aims to find out the reasons Students' reluctance to be active in student activities unit, especially Taekwondo unit. In addition, this study also aims to find the effort that can be done to increase student participation in the student activity unit. The research method used is descriptive-verificative. Respondents in the study amounted to 115 respondents, and counting techniques in this study using path analysis techniques. Students' reluctance to be active, especially Taekwondo, is caused by the time of practice that coincides with the lectures. Taekwondo is also not a martial art that is currently a trend when compared with other martial arts (e.g. Mixed Martial Arts, Muay-Thay). While Students are happy to follow the trend. Therefore, it takes effort to make Taekwondo martial arts back into the trend. This can be done by making Taekwondo viral through Korean movies or dramas that are being liked by Students. In addition, it can also create a documentation that shows Taekwondo can be used as a self-defense when conditions are pressed. Changes in practice time to Friday and Saturday, where Students are not studying, can increase student participation in campus activities.
- ItemWHY ARE STUDENT RELUCTANT TO BE ACTIVE IN STUDENT ACTIVITIES? (a Case Study of Widyatama Taekwondo Team Bandung)(3rd International Conference on Management Economics and Business of Universitas Mercu Buana (ICMEB), 21-22, 2018-02) Kuswara, Galuh Boga; Anwar, Tezza AdriansyahTaekwondo is a popular martial arts sport among Students, because its activities are almost there in all educational institutions in Bandung. One of the educational institutions in Bandung that has a very good achievement in Taekwondo is Widyatama University. Taekwondo Activity Unit at Widyatama University has won the National Champion among Students for 6 times in a row. Many of the Students at Widyatama University have been in Taekwondo since elementary and even up to senior high school. However, they are reluctant to follow Taekwondo activities when entering college. This study aims to find out the reasons Students' reluctance to be active in student activities unit, especially Taekwondo unit. In addition, this study also aims to find the effort that can be done to increase student participation in the student activity unit. The research method used is descriptive-verificative. Respondents in the study amounted to 115 respondents, and counting techniques in this study using path analysis techniques. Students' reluctance to be active, especially Taekwondo, is caused by the time of practice that coincides with the lectures. Taekwondo is also not a martial art that is currently a trend when compared with other martial arts (eg Mixed Martial Arts, Muay-Thay). While Students are happy to follow the trend. Therefore, it takes effort to make Taekwondo martial arts back into the trend. This can be done by making Taekwondo viral through Korean movies or dramas that are being liked by Students. In addition, it can also create a documentation that shows Taekwondo can be used as a self-defense when conditions are pressed. Changes in practice time to Friday and Saturday, where Students are not studying, can increase student participation in campus activities.