Analisis Faktor - Faktor Perbaikan Kualitas Jasa Trasportasi Untuk Armada Bis Wisata Di Perusahaan Otobis Darma Sardia

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Universitas Widyatama
DS Autobus Company was established in 1952. In the beginning, the company was not running bus as it main business but it was managing trucks transportation services. In 1970, this company started to run bus business. DS Autobus Company was established by H. Basar Darma Sadia. The company headquarter is at Jl. Sindanglaya, Bandung. The problem which investigated is how far the costumer satisfaction level from service quality of the company. This research has been prepared to help the company improving its service quality. Suggestion for improvement can be done when customerâ s perception and expectation known. One of the factors that determine customer satisfaction is service quality that composed of five dimensions. Model of analysis that used in this research is SERVQUAL. This model can investigate perceptions and expectations of customers based on five service dimensions and identify five gaps that cause low quality. Gaps mean unsuitable conditions between perceived service and expected service. From data analyzing and processing can be concluded that costumers expect to get the best service, expectation level that expected by costumers that almost fulfill by the company is about the rent price, from tangible dimension that got lowest score is feet space between chairs. Service quality priority that expected to improve based on ZOT level are feet space between chairs, bus isle width, reclining seat, and busâ crew performance. Key Words: Transportation Management, Service Quality, Service Management
Faktor - Faktor Perbaikan Kualitas Jasa Transportasi