PENGARUH PERATAAN LABA (INCOME SMOOTHING) TERHADAP REAKSI PASAR MODAL (Studi Empiris Pada Perusahaan Manufaktur yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia selama tahun 2008 - 2012)

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Universitas Widyatama
The practice of income smoothing is the work done by the company management to reduce abnormal variations in earnings. This action is performed by the management company as investors who tend to focus their attention on earnings information compared with other information. The reaction of the capital market of all information published in the capital market will be proxied by an increase in stock price and volume trading activity (VTA). When the market reacts to new information that reaches the new equilibrium price, it can be said that market conditions efficiently. This research was conducted to examine empirically the effect of income smoothing on capital market reactions conducted research on manufacturing firm in 2008-2012, and listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange, there were 58 samples manufacturing company used as a benchmark study. This type of research used in this research is study event, see the market's reaction to an event (event) that the information is published as an announcement. Data collection techniques in this research using secondary data is published financial statements, as well as a list of daily stock price. Hypothesis test results of this research indicate that measures income smoothing does not have a significant effect on the capital market reaction at the Indonesian Stock Stock Exchange the period 2008-2012.
Peratan Laba (Income Smoothing), Reaksi Pasar Modal, Pasar Efisien, Income Smoothing, Reaction Capital Markets, Efficient Markets