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Seminar Nasional, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta
In this study the authors take the title "The Effect of Service Quality Satisfaction Level Of Baby Bones Distro Bandung". The purpose of the research by the author was to determine the response of consumers over the quality of service that has been done by the distros Baby Bones and how the quality of service response distributions Baby Bones the eyes of consumers, as well as determine the influence of the quality of service to visitor satisfaction conducted by distributions outlet of Baby Bones. Quality of service is an aspect of the company that must be considered to determine how much satisfaction on the quality of visitors that have been provided by the company. Many things can be done in the company in maintaining quality of service, for example the company gives a sense of security and comfort to visitors when they visit his place of business, this can lead to satisfaction in the end. This research was conducted in Bandung distributions outlet of Baby Bones. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect caused by the variable quality of service to visitor satisfaction distributions outlet of Baby Bones Bandung. To achieve these objectives, the research conducted using a sample of 100 respondents. The sampling method conducted accidental sampling, where samples were made respondents in this study is the distribution outlet of Baby Bones visitors who met by chance at the time of this study. To measure and analyze the relationship between the two variables over the method used in this research is descriptive and well done Validity and Reliability Test, Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient, Coefficient of Determination, and hypothesis testing. From the results of research that consumer responses to service quality on distributions outler of Baby Bones is good, which is indicated by the aggregate value of 4.05, which means either because they are in the interval 3.40 to 4.19. Responder can be said about the visitors satisfaction both in the amount of 4.03 since being on the 3.40 to 4.19 interval relationship of service quality and satisfaction of visitors value of 0.799 was obtained which included a strong category. The magnitude of the effect of service quality on visitor satisfaction by 63.84%. This means that the quality of care affect visitor satisfaction by 63.84%. The results of hypothesis test results obtained > = 13.145> 1.660. So rejected and accepted, this shows a positive effect on service quality visitor satisfaction. This means that there is a "positive influence between Service Quality Satisfaction Level Of Shopkeeper Distro Bandung Baby Bones.". Acceptable
quality service, customer satisfaction