Browsing by Author "Sulianta, Feri"
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- ItemDIFFERENT KINDS OF PROTOTYPING AND GENERATOR TOOLS TO DEVELOP ANALYTICS INFORMATION SYSTEM(International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol.24, Issue 02, 2020) Sulianta, Feri; Fauzi, EsaAnalytical tools and datamining tools can be used intended to learn the characteristics of the database that is owned, including also looking for data requirements that will later be used as a basis for building information systems that have analytical features such as: decision support systems or executive information systems. In this case, the use of analytical tools is included in the 'observation stage' in the first stage of system life cycle, which is to use analytical tools for exploration, before actually modeling the system. OLAP tools can be used as prototypes for analyst systems and also for users so users can see before the system with analytic features is created. This paper explains how to use the tool in uncovering findings on data that will be used as a basis for building systems that have analytical features such as Executive Information Systems, Decision Support Systems or Expert Systems.
- ItemEFFECTIVENESS OF DIGITAL CONTENT MODEL LEARNING IN SMALL SCALE TESTING FOR MEDIA LITERACY COMPETENCY(International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol.24, Issue 02, 2020) Sulianta, Feri; Sapriya; Supriatna, Nana; DismanIn order to improve digital literacy competence, digital content models learning based on Social Sciences in the User Generated Content Platform as a media literacy is made to educate people using Research and Development methods. The subject of this study involved respondents, at junior high schools, students at higher levels and citizens.This method was chosen as a step in developing educational products. In this research, the digital content model becomes a tested model through a small-scale phased test mechanism. The developed digital content model consists of six components, namely: Social Sciences Education, writing, knowledge, digital media, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and digital copyright. The digital content generated is then released on the User Generated Content Platform. The implementation of this digital content model shows a significant change regarding digital literacy competencies which effectively increases digital literacy competencies by 35.77% in the small scale testing. The results of this study are digital content models for social studies education to support the creation of a digital literacy culture for students and the public in the era of global competence in line with the government's efforts to promote digital literacy.
- ItemTHE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE BRUTE FORCE ALGORITHM FOR PASSWORDS RECOVERY(International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol.24, Issue 02, 2020) Sulianta, Feri; Zulpratita, Ulil Surtia; Rosita, AiSecurity problems, password theft, phishing websites, crackers, hacking threaten information ownership. Moreover, passwords with minimal durability which is considered as weak passwords become easy targets for crackers. There are so many method used to break the password for recovery lost. Every method has advantage and disadvantage, which is depend on condition and situation, including the characteristic of the password which is need to recover. Brute force is one of the oldest method to recover password, and still be used to recover the password for specific needs. In this research, the Brute Force method will be introduced as a method of recovering and breaking passwords. This method is easy to use in guessing passwords even though it takes longer because it is done by tapping a number of keywords. Thus computer users are more concerned about maintaining the confidentiality of passwords so as not to be easily broken down by others, because with a short time the password can be broken.
- ItemFORMATION OF PIXEL USING DIGITAL IMAGING TO CREATE STEREOGRAM(Solid State Technology Volume: 63 Issue: 3, 2020) Sulianta, FeriA two-dimensional image on a sheet of paper or a monitor can build a magical world that will captivate the eye and the power of the imagination. Your sense of sight will explore this unique world, like creating and getting many unique experiences from digital images. Scientifically, this "digital magic world" is known as a stereogram or autostereogram. The general definition of a stereogram is a unique, twodimensional image that has an illusionary sharpness that is able to create and construct a hidden threedimensional (3D) image. This is because the wallpaper effect, where the repeating pattern on the wallpaper can manipulate the brain until a virtual object appears behind the actual image, this is the basis of the autostereogram, also known as the single-image stereogram. In contrast to other three-dimensional image viewing techniques such as the hologram, the stereogram can be printed on plain paper, viewed on a monitor screen and does not require additional viewing devices, such as three-dimensional glasses. Our eyes are not used to it, so it takes a little practice and patience. For some people this is very easy, maybe for some people it takes more time in a matter of minutes or even hours, this is due to differences in the visual system.
- ItemINFORMATION SYSTEM SECURITY ANALYSIS AT PT. TELKOM USING KAMI INDEX(International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol.24, Issue 02, 2020) Yuliani, SY; Heryono, Heri; Rosita, Ai; Zulpratita, Ulil Surtia; Angga Laksana, Eka; Sulianta, Feriby the development of information technology, it provides convenience way for every individual or institution to perform its duties and functions. Information security used by institutions must be maintained, yet they can manage and further they can avoid failure. Therefore it is important to assess the relevant institutions to determine the level of maturity and completeness of information security. The assessment carried out was by using the Information Security Index (KAMI) issued by the Ministry of Communication and Information that has fulfilled the requirements and aspects of information security that refer to ISO 27001. Currently, PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia (TELKOM) has implemented information technology. At PT TELKOM there are well-implemented access controls including security or supervision of important work locations (server room, archive space); only employees are given a username and password to access it and also have implemented security to detect and prevent network access usage (including network wireless).
- ItemINTEGRATED MODEL DEVELOPMENT OF HORTICULTURE AND FORECAST COMMODITY USING WEB BASED GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM AND SMS GATEWAY TECHNOLOGY(The 4th International Conference on Information Technology for Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM), Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University, 26 - 28 April, 2016) Sulianta, Feri; Rosita, Ai; Laksana, Eka AnggaAgro industries are the industry's most promising and holds great promise for farmers in Indonesia. However, there is a pile of problems in the agricultural industry in Indonesia, namely fluctuations in prices when the implementation of the harvest. These constraints caused by increased yields while consumer demand has not changed, as a result of certain commodity farmers suffered losses. The major causes of products instability is because lack of information for the amount of the supply needs of the crop for farmers. For this reason, information management of agriculture (E-Agriculture) utilizing simulation production forecasts by combining GIS technology and SMS Gateway will be modeled as a basis to solve the problems of agriculture in province of West Java, especially in the district of Bandung and Garut in regulating the balance of plant production horticulture.Simulation web based Geographic Information System (GIS) is developed by considering simulation components, GIS and SMS Gateway Technology, and Spatial Data Layer.
- ItemMEMBANGUN ATURAN ASOSIASI MENGGUNAKAN ALGORITMA APRIORI SEBAGAI PERTIMBANGAN MEMBUAT ATURAN KEPENDUDUKAN(Seminar Nasional Telekomunikasi dan Informatika (SELISIK 2016),Universitas Pasundan, 2016-05-28) Sulianta, FeriData mining approach is used as a technique to obtain important information that can be used as supporting material in a decision . in this study, the association method is implemented to obtain relationship existing on population data , especially to get the relationship patterns of crime events related to characteristics of the population. In this case , invalid data and missing values must be handled carefully before building association rules. Apriori algorithm is applied to this method, since the algorithm is proven to generate rules with high degree of accuracy in establishing the pattern of connectivity between attributes . Association rules will be used as a basis for making policy related to the population problem .
- ItemMINING TRANSACTIONAL DATA TO PRODUCE EXTENDED ASSOCIATION RULES USING COLLABORATIVE APRIORI, FSA-RED AND M5P PREDICTIVE ALGORITHM AS A BASIS OF BUSINESS ACTIONS(8th Widyatama International Seminar on Sustainability (WISS 2016), Widyatama University, 5 - 8, 2016) Sulianta, Feri; Laksana, Eka Angga; Liong, Thee HouwThere are large amounts of transactional data which showed consumer shopping cart at a store that sells more than 150 types of products. In this case, the company is utilizing these data in making business action. In previous studies, the data that has a lot of attributes and record data reduction algorithms handled by the FSA Red (Feature Selection for Association Rules) are then mined using Apriori algorithm. The resulting association rules have high levels of accuracy and excellent test results, which rely more than 90%. In this study, the association rules generated in previous research will be updated by using prediction algorithms M5P, so that the reliability of association rules can be updated for the next day forward. Furthermore, some data mining technique such as: clustering and time series pattern will be implemented to examine the truth and to extend the validity of association rules which were built. It can be concluded that the association rules were established after will generate strong association rules with confidence equal or higher than 70% and the truth of the rules can be seen from the time series pattern on each group of goods which are then used as the basis of business actions.
- ItemOFFICE AUTOMATION SYSTEM DALAM MENDUKUNG INTERNAL AUDITOR(Seminar Nasional Akuntansi dan Bisnis (SNAB), Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Widyatama, 2017-07-20) Sulianta, Feri; Paryati, RetnoMengacu pada pernyataan dari The American Accounting Association (AAA), sebagaimana yang dikutip oleh Supriyono (Supriyono,1990:9) : “Pemeriksaan adalah suatu proses sistematik untuk memperoleh dan mengevaluasi bukti secara obyektif mengenai pernyataan-pernyataan kegiatan dan kejadian ekonomi untuk menentukan tingkat kesesuaian antara pernyataan-pernyataan tersebut dengan kriteria yang telah ditetapkan serta mengkomunikasikan hasil-hasilnya kepada pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan. Dengan demikian Internal audit adalah pemeriksaan terhadap perusahaan yang dilakukan oleh seseorang/tim yang dibentuk oleh internal perusahaan untuk memeriksa perihal peristiwa dalam periode akutansi kesesuaian informasi dengan standar dan melaporkannya pada pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan. Dalam aksus ini apliaksi sistem informasi kategori Office Automation System dijadikan perangkat utama dalam membantu Internal Auditor dalam pekerjaanya.
- ItemPENGGUNAAN TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI ERGONOMIK DALAM MENINGKATKAN KUALITAS KERJA(Seminar Nasional Akuntansi dan Bisnis (SNAB), Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Widyatama, 2017-07-20) Sulianta, Feri; Paryati, RetnoDi era informasi dan teknologi dewasa ini, segala aktivitas manusia terhubung erat dengan ‘perangkat dan peralatan’ bahkan manusia harus menggunakannya dalam waktu lama, seperti misalnya menggunakan perangkat transportasi, mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah tangga, duduk dan menggunakan komputer berjamjam, dsb. Hal tadi hanya sebagian contoh dari aktivitas manusia abad ini, masih banyak perangkat teknologi IT yang selalu menyertai manusia dalam pekerjaannya. Kenyamanan sewaktu beraktivitas dengan perangkat merupakan kebaikan dari faktor ergonomik yang dirancang sedemikian rupa. Meskipun demikian, faktor ergonomik tidak sepenuhnya dapat diandalkan, banyak pekerja menceritakan pengalaman tidak mengenakkan seperti nyeri, mata lelah, hingga aktivitas dan produktivitas menurun. Paper ini mengkaji ‘ergonomik’, berbagai teknik dan trik bekerja, dan menyiasati agar terbebas dari dampak perangkat dan pekerjaan terutama yang berhubungan dengan teknologi informasi dan komputer terutama dalam suatu perkantoran berbasiskan teknologi informasi.
- ItemUSER GENERATED CONTENT AS A PLATFORM TO DEVELOP STATE OF THE ART CREATIVE LEARNING STRATEGY(2nd International Seminar on Social Studies and History Education, Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, 2017-10-26) Sulianta, Feri; Zainul, AsmawiThe development of computer technology and internet has changed the behavior of today's society, as seen nowadays, people live in digital age, start from 1990s until now, more and more people rely on information technology and digital information itself. This digitizing information process has consequences that change the way people receive information and learn procedures. The digital information raised up, which brings many advantages such as: interactive presentation, multiple channel representation, 24-hour information availability, generated content economically. These advantages enable the growth of online portal that provides highly active online services and places for netizens gathering. In this research, UCNews portal known as user generated content platform, will be used to create creative learning strategy and beneficial education content for netizen. Things to be considered are: package content, content selection, distinctive time-series articles released, accumulated interactions and features reviewed. The results of research will be presented into Intelligent Perception Analysis in socio informatics perspective, which will be used as a consideration to stimulate netizens interaction, and to be considered to launch learning based information on user generated content platform.