Browsing by Author "Sofyandi, Herman"
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- ItemANALYSIS OF GROWTH CENTER SYSTEM USING THE WEIGHT CENTRALITY INDEX METHOD (CASE STUDY OF KARAWANG DISTRICT)(International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol.24, Issue 01, 2020) Suryandari, Ratnawati Yuni; Rachmayarini, Ayu; Kasikoen, Ken Martina; Sofyandi, HermanThe development of Karawang Regency in general puts pressure on aspects of the environment, social life, economy and culture of the community, which originated from spatial locations that have a central and supporting role in it. This phenomenon is called spatial interaction which provides an overview of how to manage spaces based on their potential and problems and their relation to the surrounding space. This spatial interaction will form a certain hierarchical structure in an area based on indicators that describe the characteristics of each hierarchy. Karawang Regency consists of 309 villages spread across 31 subdistricts. The growth centers in Karawang regency basically will always be centered on locations with good public services. This will provide an attraction for the community in other locations which is one of the factors in the development of a location and has an influence on the location around it. In addition, the existence of transportation facilities in the form of toll roads and new railway lines makes it easier to access from and to Karawang Regency. Some of the problems in the Karawang regency have led to the growth of new centers. Based on these strategic issues, this study aims to determine the growth centers and their hierarchies in Karawang Regency by using an approach in the form of the Weighted Centrality Index method. And to find out how fast the development is happening in Karawang Regency, the data to be analyzed is the data in 2011 and 2014. In this study, the determination of the growth centers is at the smallest level of the village, while in the Karawang Regency Spatial Plan for the year period 2010-2030, determining growth centers based on urban centers at the sub-district level. Based on the results of the study, there is a difference between determining the hierarchy in this study with the urban spatial structure of Karawang Regency because this study uses the smallest area of the village, while the Regional Spatial Plan (RTRW) uses the smallest area of the district. Whereas in this study, the hierarchy of each village in one district varied.
- ItemEFFECTS OF EMPLOYEE COMMITMENT, ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE, PERSONALITY AND EMPLOYEE LOYALTY IN EFFORTS TO CHANGE THE MENTAL MANAGEMENT OF FIELD WORKERS AT ADIRA FINANCE BANDUNG EMPLOYEES(International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol.24, Issue 02, 2020) Rachmawati, Mariana; Sukandi, Pipin; Sofyandi, Herman; Saudi, Mohd Haizam MohdThe results to obtain results of the study (1) Commitment, Organizational Culture, Personality, Loyalty Mental and Change Management has assessed both the Worker Field Finance PT ADIRA Bandung. (2) Obtaining Commitment study results have a positive relationship with the Cultural Organization of Field Workers at PT ADIRA Finance Bandung. (3) Obtain the results of the study of Commitment, Organizational Culture and Personality, partially and simultaneously influence on loyalty to PT ADIRA Finance Bandung. (4) Obtain the results of the study of Commitment, Organizational Culture and Personality, an effect partially or simultaneously to changes in the Field Worker Mental Manejeman PT ADIRA Finance Bandung. (5) Obtaining the results of the study of loyalty effect on Mental Manejeman changes in PT ADIRA Finance Bandung.Riset design While research causal (causal research) is to demonstrate a causal link one variable to another variable. Given the research that is exploratory, descriptive, verification dancausal through better data collection of primary data and secondary data, this study Given the observation unit is working PT ADIRA Finance Bandung, then in determining sample study conducted by probability sampling techniques., This study will use a method of Structural Equation Modeling Based on this amount, the dissemination or distribution of the sample was divided evenly on each. Employee Commitment study results ADIRA Finance Branch Bandung declared Good, Cultural Organization in the work environment in ADIRA Finance Cab, Bandung Good, Personality Lapanagn Workers still need to be improved it self Excellence employees, this happens field field workers do not focus on work and not creative, Loyalty Finance ADIRA field workers Cab, Bandung Loyalty good, Change Management Finance ADIRA Field Worker Mental Cab, Bandung Good, Commitment Employee Relations, Organizational Culture, Personality against ADIRA Finance Employee Loyalty Cab, Bandung expressed strong, Commitment, Organizational Culture, Personality affects loyalty. Commitment, Organizational Culture no partial effect on Mental manjemen changes. While personality affects the mental management changes. Loyalty effect on Mental manjemen changes.
- ItemTHE EFFECTS OF WORK FROM HOME AND WORK MOTIVATION ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE OF THE SUPERVISION TEAM AT OTORITAS JASA KEUANGAN REGIONAL OFFICE 2 WEST JAVA(WIBEST-III, 2022) Dewiyani, Wulansari; Derini, Istighfarin; Yokanigya, Desta; Desti, Gitta Triana; Bayan, Hikam Nur; Sofyandi, HermanAll nations on the earth carried out arrangements to limit the spread of the Coronavirus infection. The public authority of Indonesia has mandated that all organizations in the country to execute Work From Home (WFH). If WFH does not run as expected and there is demotivation, employee performance will decrease. This paper intends to discover the effect of work from home and work motivation on the performance of employees of the supervision team at Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Regional Office 2 West Java. The research approach employed in this study is descriptive and verificative. The conveyance of online polls gathered data. The sampling method utilizes an absolute inspecting method, which is that the samples are the same as the population of 37 workers. This study demonstrates that work from home and work motivation can simultaneously positively affect employee performance. The computed F value is 22.499 when the significance level (α) is 5%, the F table value is 3.08, and the sig F is 0.000, according to the F test outcome. While working from home in part has a positive effect on employee performance, the t-test calculation shows that t count > t table, or 2.328 > 1.6909. The outcome of the t-test calculation demonstrate that work motivation has a marginally positive effect on employee performance, with t count > t table, particularly 4.754 > 1.6909.
- ItemLearning orientation dan performa universitas widyatama dilihat dari persepsi dosen dan karyawan administrasi(Universitas Widyatama, 2006-09) Brahmana, Sunardi S; Sofyandi, HermanPenelitian ini ditujukan untuk meiihat persepsi dosen tetap dan karyawan administrasi Universitas Widyatama atas implementasi orientasi belajar sebagai salah satu budaya organisasi, performa, serta hubungan di antara keduanya. Hal ini dilatar belakangi oleh meningkatnya persaingan yang dihadapi Universitas Widyatama sebagai organisasi. ~ Orientasi belajar merupakan salah satu budaya organisasi yang memenuhi kriteria resource-based view (RBV) sebagai sebuah resource yang unik yang mampu membentuk kapabilitas suatu organisasi. Kapabilitas yang diintegrasikan dengan resources lain yang dimiliki organisasi melalui proses kreatif akan menghasilkan inovasi yang dapat menjadi advantage bagi organisasi. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa menurut persepsi para dosen tetap dan karyawan administrasi, budaya belajar diiingkungan organisasi Universitas Widyatama masih rendah, dan performa Universitas Widyatama secara relative selama beberapa tahun terakhir ini juga kurang baik. Hasil Uji hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa orientasi belajar berhubungan positif dengan performa, dan dari keempat elemen orientasi belajar, ditemukan bahwa elemen komitmen belajar tidak berhubungan dengan performa. Temuan ini sejalan dengan beberapa temuan penelitian terdahulu yang menyimpulkan bahwa orientasi belajar berhubungan positif dengan performa. Dengan belajar organisasi akan memiliki akumulasi pengetahuan yang akan sangat diperiukan dalam usaha kreatif menghasilkan inovasi yang akan menjadi advantage dalam menghadapi perubahan yang terjadi pada lingkungan.
- ItemLEARNING ORIENTATION DAN PERFORMA UNIVERSITAS WIDYATAMA MENURUT PERSEPSI DOSEN DAN KARYAWAN(JURNAL BISNIS, MANAJEMEN & EKONOMI , Vol.8 No.2, Fakultas Bisnis & Manajemen Universitas Widyatama, 2006-11) Brahmana, Sunardi S; Sofyandi, Herman-
- ItemMERIT PAY: Increase or Hinder Performance?(International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol.24, Issue 02, 2020) Sofyandi, Herman; Padmakusumah, Rizal RamdanOrganizations or companies implement the merit system solely to improve the performance of its employees. This is because the reward system stimulates the motivation of work to improve their performance. Although merit pay is widely used by many organizations, in fact some businesses still question whether merit pay can improve employee and organizational performance. At present merit pay is still a contradiction. This article tries to understand the pros and cons of the implementation of merit pay as well as its positive and negative aspects. The final part of this article tries to understand how merit pay must be implemented by the Organization to make it more effective.
- ItemPERSEPSI MAHASISWA ANGKATAN TAHUN 2008 ATAS BAURAN PEMASARAN JASA UNIVERSITAS WIDYATAMA(JURNAL BISNIS, MANAJEMEN & EKONOMI, Vol 9 No.6, Fakultas Bisnis & Manajemen Universitas Widyatama, 2008-11) Sofyandi, Herman; Hendri, Meriza; Budi, Takoda Setia-
- ItemTransformational Leadership Dan Organizational Citizenship Behaviour Di Utama(Universitas Widyatama, 2007) Brahmana, Sunardi S.; Sofyandi, HermanPenelitian ini ditujukan untuk melihat bagaimana persepsi dosen dan karyawan administrasi atas gaya kepemimpinan di UTAMA, bagaimana organizational citizenship behaviour dosen dan karyawan administrasi UTAMA, dan bagaimana hubungan antar keduanya. Penelitian ini dilator belakangi oleh ketatnya kondisi persaingan yang harus dihadapi oleh UTAMA. Salah satu kunci keberhasilan organisasi ditengah-tengah persaingan adalah sejauh mana orang-orang dalam organisasi secara sinergis berkontribusi positif, baik dalam perencanaan maupun dalam pengimplementasian rencana yang disusun yang diarahkan pada usaha pencapaian tujuan. Organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB) merupakan perilaku positif orang-orang yang ada dalam organisasi. Perilaku ini terekspresikan dalam bentuk kesediaan secara sadar dan sukarela untuk bekerja, memberikan kontribusi pada organisasi lebih dari pada apa yang dituntut secara formal oleh organisasi. OCB merupakan ekspresi kecintaan, loyalitas, dan rasa memiliki yang tinggi dari anggota organisasi. Jika organisasi memiliki orang-orang yang memiliki OCB tinggi, maka dapat diharapkan organisasi tersebut akan mampu menghadapi tantangan yang muncul dari perubahan lingkungan, baik internal maupun eksternal. Masalahnya adalah bagaimana memunculkan dan meningkatkan perilaku positif ini. Salah satu determinan penting bagi terbentuknya OCB dalam suatu organisasi adalah gaya kepemimpinan. Bukti-bukti empiris menyatakan bahwa gaya kepemimpinan transformasional mampu memicu terbentuknya OCB dalam organisasi. Temuan penelitian ini menemukan bahwa gaya kepemimpinan di UTAMA cenderung mengarah kepada gaya transaksional, OCB dosen dan karyawan administrasi masih belum tinggi, dan terdapat hubungan positif (parsial) antara gaya kepemimpinan dengan OCB. Mengingat pentingnya OCB bagi kemampuan organisasi bertumbuh ditengah-tengah kondisi lingkungan yang senantiasa berubah, sangat disarankan agar pimpinan UTAMA perlu memikirkan langkah-langkah untuk menstimuli peningkatan OCB dosen dan karyawan administrasi UTAMA.