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- ItemANALISIS PENERIMAAN SISTEM INFORMASI BERBASIS WEB DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN TECHNOLOGY ACCEPTANCE MODEL(Simposium Nasional Rekayasa Aplikasi Perancangan dan Industri (RAPI) XII 2013, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Muhamaddiyah Surakarta, 2013-12-05) Iriani, Yani; Mariana, Adjeng; Lestari, Sri; MurnawanInformasi pemasaran merupakan titik tolak dasar untuk menyusun strategi. Keterbatasan informasi tersebut dapat mempengaruhi kualitas strategi pemasaran, baik strategi pasar produk, strategi bauran pemasaran (strategi-strategi produk, harga, distribusi, dan promosi), maupun strategi keunggulan bersaing, yang pada gilirannya dapat mempengaruhi daya saing industri. Hambatan suatu industri dalam meraih daya saing dapat mengancam kontinuitas usaha. Implikasi dampak selanjutnya akan mengancam industri kecil dalam kemampuannya untuk mengemban misi menciptakan nilai tambah dan kesempatan kerja di dalam negeri serta menjadi salah satu basic dalam pengentasan kemiskinan. Salah satu strategi pemasaran yang dapat digunakan oleh perusahaan adalah pemasaran berbasis website. Namun kenyataan di lapangan, banyak implementasi dari system pemasaran ini gagal disebabkan bukan karena faktor teknis namun lebih pada faktor sumberdaya manusia. Penelitian ini akan mengkaji perilaku pengguna sistem informasi di sebuah institusi lembaga pendidikan dan pelatihan di kota Bandung berdasarkan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya dengan pendekatan Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU) terhadap Perceived Usefulness (PU), 2) Mengetahui pengaruh Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU) dan Perceived Usefulness (PU) terhadap Attitude Toward Using (ATU), 3) Mengetahui pengaruh Perceived Usefulness (PU) dan Attitude Toward Using (ATU) terhadap Behavioral Intention to Use (ITU), dan 4) Mengetahui pengaruh Behavioral Intention to Use (ITU) terhadap Actual System Usage (ASU). Berdasarkan hasil analisis diketahui bahwa terdapat pengaruh variabel Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU) terhadap Perceived Usefulness (PU) sebesar 53.8 %, sedangkan pengaruh Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU) dan Perceived Usefulness (PU) terhadap Attitude Toward Using (ATU) sebesar (r2) 50.1 %. Diketahui pula bahwa pengaruh Perceived Usefulness (PU) dan Attitude Toward Using (ATU) terhadap Behavioral Intention to Use (ITU) sebesar (r2)= 82.5 %. Danterdapat pengaruh Behavioral Intention to Use (ITU) terhadap Actual System Usage (ASU) sebesar 64.5 %.
- ItemANALYSIS OF ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE MODELS USING PERFORMANCE QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS TECHNIQUE(De la Salle Lipa Philipines + Universitas Widyatama Bandung, 2011-04-27) Murnawan; Sumiati, RosTo create such an integrated perspective of enterprise architecture, we need both a description technique for architectural models and model-based analysis techniques to realize this global optimization in practice. However, the value of architecture models increases significantly if they can also be used to support the decision making process. In this paper we argue that whenever a change in the enterprise architecture is needed, model-based analysis plays a central role.This paper presents an approach for quantitative analysis of layered, service-based enterprise architecture models, which consists of two phases a top-down propagation of workload parameters and a bottom-up propagation of performance or cost measures. By means of an example we demonstrate the application of the approach, and show that a seamless integration with other performance analysis methods.
- ItemBUSINESS INTELLIGENCE DESIGN FOR THE PURCHASING AND SELLING DECISION MAKING(International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol.24, Issue 02, 2020) Murnawan; Ichsani, SakinaThe role of information technology in business enterprise processes is increasingly inseparable. The role of information technology as a tool for the performance of a company or organization in terms of providing the information needed in business operations, including management information, corporate critical data, the preparation of effective reports and Increasing the effectiveness of decision making. Business Intelligence (BI) is a tool that can support data processing to produce quality information and analyze information to produce knowledge that can support the decision-making process. BI Systems is a term generally used for applications and technologies that are used to help BI activities, such as collecting data, providing access and analyzing data, as well as information on company performance. Then, from the board, the executive can easily understand it and draw a conclusion from all the data for the decision-making process, especially in sales and purchases. From the application of the control panel, corporation can also make a conclusion of the forecast function, for example, which product is the most sold, which region ordered the most products, etc., which can help the executive to make a decision.
- ItemDESIGN OF THE BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE DASHBOARD FOR SALES DECISION MAKING(International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol.24, Issue 02, 2020) Murnawan; Samihardjo, Rosalin; Nugraha, UcuBusiness intelligence is a system that can help an executive or a decision-maker to analyze a fact that can become a value from a profit or sales from a different dimension. Business intelligence provides a data visualization usually in a form of graphics or charts that can help the decision-maker to make a decision. It can also help to do trend analysis and help make an indicator when the business is off the track. It can help the decision making a process like for item positioning and customer segmentation. The creation of a business intelligence dashboard can help PT. Inisiatif Mitra Mandiri to do the extensive analysis in order to make a decision such as sales performance monitoring, item positioning, and monitoring, and customer segmentation dashboard. Sales performance monitoring means that they can monitor the sales performance of a company and helping the executive to realize when their sales performance is off the track and need to be fixed. It gives a trend analysis about the sales and can help the executive to detect the losses. While item monitoring can be used to monitor the item in each site that is having high demand and can be used to plan for a placing and stocking the items on that site. For instance, executives can manage to make planning for item stocking on each site by looking to the previous years on which items are getting high demand. For customer segmentation, it can be used to determine a profitable customer that needs to be retained and it needs customer data from various dimensions that can help them to do the customer segmentation.
- ItemDESIGNING DATA WAREHOUSE IN PURCHASING DEPARTMENT USING DIMENSIONAL MODELING(Solid State Technology Volume: 63 Issue: 3, 2020) Iskandar, Defina; Darmawan, Galih Rizka; Puspitasari, Nindya; Darajaat, Raafi’ud; MurnawanThis study aims to design a data warehouse used to present operational information related to purchase prices, price increases, purchase values for parts, currency, and vendor performance evaluation at PT. XYZ, especially in the purchasing department. The problem is the difficulty obtaining the desired data because of the large amount of operational data that must be processed and combined from several sources. When the purchasing department has to decide which vendor to use for purchasing raw materials, it must look at data from each vendor, which takes a long time. The process of designing a data warehouse is done using top-down. The top-down method is a method where a series of processes begins by analyzing the problems that exist in the company. The data warehouse architecture that will be used is a centralized data warehouse. This architecture contains a collection of several separate sources and is put together into one centralized place. The data collected will be distributed into their respective functions for further use by the divisions—certain according to need. With the design of this data warehouse, it is hoped that PT. XYZ, especially the purchasing department, can easily get operational information needs without looking at data from several sources.
- ItemE-GOV MASTER PLAN (Case Study: XYZ City)(International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol.24, Issue 02, 2020) Lestari, Sri; Rijayana, Iwan; Virgana, R.A.E.; Murnawan; Nugraha, Ucu; Samihardjo, Rosalin; Mardiana, SitiInformation and Communication Technology is one of the technology develops very rapidly. The rapid development of ICTs will open opportunities and challenges for creating, access, process, and utilize the information appropriately and accurately. Information is a very valuable commodity in this era of globalization to be mastered in order to improve the competitiveness of an organization an ongoing basis. To answer these challenges, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia has initiated a policy for the use of ICT to build the Electronic Government for Good Governance is integrated from the local level up to the center. The aim is that the ICT infrastructure to be built can be used together to coordinate by all agencies, both at central and regional levels. The main indicators of their e-Gov are the services to the public and interaction between government agencies, as well as the interaction between government agencies and non-governmental, complete through online channels. That is, it can be said there are e-Gov if people still have to leave the house to take care of licensing, taxes, public school enrollment, certification of property, etc. Implementation of e-Gov development may not be comprehensive from the outset but will continue to grow steadily over time, in tune with the readiness of each layer of bureaucracy that would be expropriated e-Gov and socialization to people. But the reference and direction must be right in order to reach the goal, that no manual service to the public, both individuals and institutions, and there is no manual interaction among institutions, and there should be no redundancy process and data. Development e-Gov in XYZ City, still require the appropriate references to Reach Goal and Objectives with due regard to the development needs at every layer of bureaucracy, so we need a Master Plan E-Gov XYZ City that can accommodate the needs of the implementation of government services to the public and interaction with other agencies or other agencies online, according to the dynamics of development in XYZ.
- ItemENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE DIMENSION E-GOVERNMENT RANKING INDONESIA(International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol.24, Issue 02, 2020) Lestari, Sri; Mardiana, Siti; Rijayana, Iwan; Murnawan; Virgana, R.A.E.; Samihardjo, Rosalin; Nugraha, UcuRepublic of Indonesia under Presidential Instruction No. 3 of 2003 on National Policy and Strategy Development of e-Government, any government agency should have a Strategic Plan for Development of e-Government. XYZ City government plan that the master plan development of information and communication technology is the basis for the development of applications and information technology infrastructure in the city government XYZ. This study uses the dimensions of e-Government ranking of Indonesia (EGRI) that the guidelines created by the Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia, has defined five dimensions of the ICT master plan that will be reviewed, namely Policies, Institutions, Infrastructure, Application, and Planning.
- ItemAN IMPLEMENTATION OF FUZZY LOGIC TO SALINITY CONTROL OF CHANOS CHANOS POND BASED ON INTERNET OF THINGS(International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Issue 1, 2020) Indra, Jamaludin; Fauzi, Ahmad; MurnawanChanos chanos has great potential to become a business field in Indonesia. To manage a farm many factors must be considered, one of the factors that must be managed well is Water Salinity. At present in Tanjungpakis - Karawang Village, pond farmers still use traditional methods to find out the condition of pond water. Farmers do it by looking at the color of water, the smell of water and using taste buds. Generally brackish chanos chanos can grow well in water conditions that have saline levels ranging from 5 - 25 ppt. With changing environmental conditions and weather, the salinity of ponds usually increases or decreases, during the dry season the pond water salinity usually increases quite dramatically, whereas in the rainy season the pond's water salinity is usually at normal or even less normal limits. Farmers in the pond do additional fresh water in the dry season and increase sea water in the rainy season so that the pond's water salinity remains stable. this study made a water salinity control system for chanos chanos fishponds. The control system is carried out by measuring the salinity of pond water using conductivity sensors, processing data using fuzzy logic, direct monitoring through computers and mobile phones and using aquaculture, namely freshwater and sea water pumps to maintain the stability of salt levels in the ponds. This system runs well with an accuracy rate of 87.8% compared to refractor meter and condition determination using fuzzy logic with 100% accuracy.
- ItemMOBILE-BASED DESIGN OF COST ESTIMATION CALCULATION APPLICATION WITH USING FRAMEWORK CORDOVA (Case Study of DKI Jakarta Region)(International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol.24, Issue 01, 2020) Malabay; Augustinus, Andreas; Tjahjono, Budi; MurnawanCost estimation is a part that will be used as a basis for determining whether a construction project is feasible or not, the estimated cost is also required at the beginning before the start of a project. Cost estimation has an important role for the parties involved in it such as the Project owner, Consultant Planner and contractor. In general, construction cost estimates are divided into conceptual cost estimates and detailed cost estimates. Conceptual cost estimation is the estimated cost based on the concept or general description of the building to be built, for example a modest house, a luxury home, and. Through this estimation, conceptual costs are obtained, namely costs based on a general description that becomes a reference to the planned building construction before the detailed costs are calculated. Detailed cost estimation is the estimated cost based on a detailed calculation of the quantity and unit cost of each building component so that a more accurate total cost is obtained. The data used in this study came from the Indonesian Association of Appraisers (MAPPI) and the Ministry of Public Works and Homework which have been reviewed and used in the professional world.
- ItemPERANGKAT LUNAK PENYUSUNAN JADWAL PERKULIAHAN MENGGUNAKAN ALGORITMA GENETIKA(Konferensi Nasional Teknologi Informasi dan Aplikasinya, Jurusan Sistem Informasi Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Sriwijaya, 2011-10-21) Murnawan; Saputra, Rido
- ItemTHE QUALITY IMPROVEMENT TOWARDS MINIMIZING GRILLE BASE PRODUCTS DEFECTS WITH SIX SIGMA APPROACH(International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Issue 1, 2020) Pratiwi, Annisa Indah; Hakim, Afif; MurnawanQuality is an essential part of the company must be fulfilled to provide customer satisfaction. In the industrial revolution era 4.0, quality becomes an indicator of companies in competing with their competitor. The one automotive company in Karawang is processing in improving its product quality, especially in the painting process. The quality condition of Grille Base products have a high enough product defect ratio, namely 42.79% butsu defects (spots), 25.45% hajiki defects (cissing), 18.93% yarn defects (fiber), 4.66% orange peel defects, 4.27% sagging defects, 2.47% gross area defects, 0.68% blister defects, 0.58% thin paint defects, and 0.16% frosted defects (low glossy). The sigma score in the painting process is 2.8 sigmas with 84432.21 DPMO. This condition indicates that it needs immediately improved quality. The concept used is the six sigma approach with the DMAIC cycle (Define, Analyze, Measure, Improve, and Control). This research focuses on increasing the score of sigma in the painting process. FTA use for analyzing the improvements and FMEA identification used to determine the appropriate improvement. The results of improvements result in 2.9 sigmas with DPMO 71008, which means that there are millionth opportunities may facing 71008 products failures.
- ItemRANCANG BANGUN SISTEM PENDUKUNG KEPUTUSAN UNTUK KEGIATAN USULAN PADA MUSYAWARAH PERENCANAAN PEMBANGUNAN DAERAH (MUSRENBANG) DI TINGKAT KOTA/KABUPATEN (Studi Kasus : Pemerintahan Kota Cimahi)(Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi dan Multimedia (Teknomedia), Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer AMIKOM Yogyakarta, 2017-02-04) Sinaga, Ardiles; MurnawanSetiap pemerintahan daerah kabupatenlkota di Indonesia akan menyusun perencanaan pembangunan daerah yang akan di/akukan tahun berikutnya. Perencanaan pembangungani ini merupakan upaya yang di/akukan o/eh pemerintah daerah untuk mengatasi permasa/ahan yang te1jadi di masyarakat umum. Perencanaan pembangunan yang baik akan menghasi/kan perencanaan pembangunan yang matang yang dapat digunakan 11nt11k menagtasi masalah yang lerdapat pada masyarakat. Perencanaan pembangunan lidak hanya menerima masukan dari Satuan Ferangkat Kerja Daerah (SKPD) saja, telapi perencanaan pembangunan dapat diperoleh dari part1s1pasi masyarakat umum yang nanlinya akan digunakan sebagai masukan 11n111k membuat perancaan pembangunan. 1\1embua1 perencanaan pembangunan dapal melaksanakan mela/ui beberapa pendekalan, salah satunya me/a/ui pendekatan partisipatif. Pendekatan partisipatif dalam penyusunan perencanaan pembangunan kota/kabupaten biasanya disebut sebagai "Jvfusrenbang" atau Musyawarah Perencannan Pembangunan di tingkal Ke/urahan, tingkat Kecamatan, dan Kotaltingkat Kabupaten. Hasi/ Musrenbang ini nantinya akan digunakan sebagai masukan utama da/am persiapan untuk membua1 rencana ke1ja SKPD (Renja SKPD) dan Rencana Ke1_ja Pemerintah Daerah (RKPD). Tapi tidak semua aspirasi rakyat yang diusu/kan digunakan sebagai kegiatan yang diusulkan dalam perencanaan pembangunan. Hanya kegiatan priori/as yang diusulkan yang dapat digunakan sebagai masukan utama. Oleh karena itu. sistem pendukung keputusan dapat digunakan untuk membantu pemerintah daerah untuk menentukan di mana kegiatan yang diusufkan digunakan sebagai masukan utama. Penelitian ini dibuat untuk merancang sebuah sistem informasi pendukung keputusan da/am menentukan usu/an kegiatan yang akan digunakan sebagai masukan utama pada perencanan pembangunan daerah pada saat musym11arah perencanaan pembangunan (musrenbang) dilakukan di tingkat Kelurahan, Kecamatan, dan Kabupaten/Kota. Perancangan sistem informasi ini menggunakan a/at bantu seperti Flowchart, UML, J\lockUp (berbasis web), dan relasi antar table. Sistem informasi ini nantinya akan menghasilkan daftar peserta musrenbang, daftar kriteria usu/an, usu/an kegiatan, skoring usu/an kegiatan, peringkat usu/an kegitan. 11s11/an kegiatan priori/as ·dan yang ditolak, laporan usu/an kegiatan yag diterima dan yang ditolak.
- ItemSEGMENTATION MODEL OF CUSTOMER LIFETIME VALUE USING K-MEANS ALGORITHM(Solid State Technology Volume: 63 Issue: 3, 2020) MurnawanThis research aims to produce Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) values for each customer segment using the LRFM method (length, recency, frequency, monetary) and in clustering using the K-Means algorithm. The clusters produced in this research were 3 clusters. The results of the three segments have been tested for performance using Euclidean distance. The CLV value will be generated by multiplying the LRFM normalization value by the LRFM weight value and then adding it up. The sum of the CLV values is carried out for each cluster that has been formed. The percentage of the number of members in segment 1 is 50% with a CLV value of 0.3201328, segment 2 is 7% with a CLV value of 0.4646494 and segment 3 is 43% with a CLV value of 0.2311797. Analysis based on the LRFM value of each segment shows that segment 2 is the segment that has the best CLV value. This final project produces a visualization of Shiko Outdoor UMKM customer segmentation with interactive graphics and images in the form of a web-based dashboard.
- ItemSISTEM PENDUKUNG KEPUTUSAN MENGGUNAKAN METODE TECHNIQUE FOR ORDER BY SIMILARITY TO IDEAL SOLUTION (TOPSIS)(Konferensi Nasional Teknologi Informasi dan Aplikasinya, Jurusan Sistem Informasi Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Sriwijaya, 2011-10-21) Murnawan; Siddiq, Akhmad FadjarSistcm Pcndukung Kcputusan mcrupakan suatu sistem interaktif yang mendukung keputusan dalam proses pengambilan keputusan melalui alternatif -alternatif yang diperoleh dari hasil pengolahan data, infonnasi dan rancangan model. Sist~m pendukung keputusan pemilihan telepon seluler ini diharapkan dapat membantu para pengguna aplikasi ini untuk memilih telepon seluler sesuai dengan yang diinginkan berdasarkan alternatif dan kriteria yang telah ditentukan oleh pengguna. Dalam penelitian ini metode yang digunakan adalah Technique For Order Preference By Similarity To Ideal Solution (TOPSIS). Metode TOPSIS adalah salah satu metode yang digunakan untuk menyelesaikan masalah Multi Attribute Decision Making (MADM). Metode TOPSIS didasarkan pada konsep dimana alternatif terpilih yang terbaik tidak hanya memiliki jarak terpendek dari solusi ideal positif, namun juga memiliki jarak terpanjang dari solusi ideal negatif. Metode TOPSIS memiliki bcbcrapa kelebihan, diantaran)'a konsepnya yang sederhana dan mudah dipahami, komputasinya efisien, dan memiliki kemampuan untuk mengul.:ur kinerja relatif dari alternatif-alternatif keputusan dalam bentuk matematis yang sederhana.
- ItemTIME SERIES PREDICTION ON MOVIE RATING DATA(International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol.24, Issue 02, 2020) Laksana, Eka Angga; MurnawanTime series is known as method to make prediction based on series of data. It has some benefit in a lot of research domain including marketing, sport and education area. Movie is popular entertainment part which has a great number of fans. People choose movie with specific genre and has share some similar interest. This research use Movielens dataset as input for time series processing. This dataset contains historical data about user, ratings and datetime. This research implements timeseries on the Movielens dataset to make prediction on rating value by using fbprophet library. The experiment shows that the algorithm can predict the future rating which approximately will be chosen by users. Then the objective of this research is to create recommendation based on predicted rating for whatever movie on the next choice.