Browsing by Author "Lisdayanti, Annisa"
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- ItemCYBER-CULTURE TOWARDS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AWARENESS IN INDONESIA(International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol.24, Issue 02, 2020) Heryono, Heri; Lisdayanti, AnnisaRecent technology involving human as the central point of a prototypical agent has created an interdependence social life condition between them that might be emerging a cultural bias. In Indonesia, people tend to use every technology off-handedly, and this condition impacts to the integrated-culture in a peristaltic way for every human aspect. Cyber-culture popped out as the synthetics form of an old-fashioned culture followed before. It then becomes the most applicable terminology dealing with culture that is interfered by technology. The terminology of information technology has been widely implemented almost in whole activities of modern people. It becomes the main tools for doing job, living and interacting. The ability of using and understanding information technology also becomes a sign of awareness of technology. Then the use of this information technology turns to be the new culture that people lived on it. Culture that requires people to update everything they are integrated in for their daily routine. The paper presents about culture condition related to information technology awareness in Indonesia.
- ItemHOW TO IMPROVE ON THE CUSTOMER’S BUYING PROCESS AT THE MILKBAR BANDUNG (Through Store Atmosphere and Pricing Policy)(Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 11, 03-Special Issue, 2019) Lisdayanti, Annisa; Hapsari, Ayuningtyas Yuli; Firdaus, Faris MuhammadThe level of milk consumption in Indonesia is only 11.48 kg / capita per year, this is still lowest compared to other countries in Asia. The amount of milk consumption in Indonesia is less than Malaysia, India, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam and the Philippines. Bandung is an area with lots of culinary. The Milk Bar located on Sultan Tirtayasa street no. 27 has attempted to provide a change of atmosphere in a place with good service to its customers, in addition to pricing policy provided by the customer should be reviewed continuously in each period, The Milk Bar Bandung set the price on each product in such a way as to achieve the target Its sales value and seeks to influence customer buying decisions to buy their products. However, although The Milk Bar Bandung has set prices that are considered competitive, but the thing that happened was the decline in sales in the last three months. So to improve customer buying decisions then the application of store atmosphere and pricing policy needs to be considered well by the company. This research is descriptive and verificative, with sample 115 consumer of The Milk Bar obtained by means of iteration calculation counted 3 times. The data analysis was done using multiple regression. The results showed that of the two independent variables studied obtained the result that the price policy has a greater influence in improving customer buying decisions. And together obtained a value of 59.9% and the remaining 40.1% influenced by other variables not examined in this study.
- ItemHow to Reduce Plastic Waste by using Social Media Marketing?(International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol.24, Issue 02, 2020) Lisdayanti, Annisa; Sinaga, Obsatar; Mohd Saudi, Mohd HaizamEnvironmental problems faced in the world, including in Indonesia, are a plastic waste. It is estimated that in 2050, plastic waste can exceed the number of fish, this can happen if control measures are not immediately taken. Some cities in the world produce large amounts of plastic waste every year. And one type of plastic waste that is commonly found in plastic straws, this is included in the top five types of plastic waste. In 2017, a movement that aims to arouse public awareness of the environment, especially the movement not to use plastic straws, has been carried out. The same thing was done by social media influencers who claimed to have started leaving plastic straws, this was based on public concerns about the amount of plastic waste in circulation. This research is descriptive and verification, with a sample of 116 to the community in the city of Bandung obtained by means of iteration calculation 3 times. Data analysis was performed using multiple regression. The results of the research partially showed that of the four independent variables studied, it was found that the variable content creation had a greater influence on increasing people's decisions in using non-plastic straws. And the effect simultaneously obtained value of 83.9% and the remaining 16.1% is influenced by other variables outside this study
- ItemTHE INFLUENCE OF THE ROLE OF SOCIAL MEDIA AND INFLUENCERS ON DECISIONS TO COMPLY WITH HEALTH PROTOCOL DURING NEW NORMAL(Solid State Technology Volume: 63 Issue: 4, 2020) Lisdayanti, Annisa; Prakoso, Dicky Dwi; Fauzilah, Moh. Alfi; Nisa, Farida Choerun; Yuniarsih, Galih DwiIn early 2020, almost all over the world were affected by the coronavirus, which was the beginning of the spread in the city of Wuhan, China. Nearly 24 people of the world's population are affected by the virus, including in 1ndonesia which has reached more than 155 thousand people. Entering June 2020, 1ndonesia is implementing a new habit adaptation where people can carry out activities outside the home by complying with and following applicable protocols. Applicable protocols such as "social distancing" in public places and the use of masks and always washing hands or using "hand sanitizers". This appeal was carried out using social media and the role of influencers who were able to reach many ages. In this study, the sample used in the study of 116 respondents was obtained using iterations, based on the results of calculations carried out 3 times. The research design used descriptive and verification and the research method used was multiple regression. The results showed that the role of social media had the greatest influence, namely 70.8%.
- ItemTHE INFLUENCE OF THE ROLE OF SOCIAL MEDIA AND INFLUENCERS ON DECISIONS TO COMPLY WITH HEALTH PROTOCOL DURING NEW NORMAL(Solid State Technology, 2020) Lisdayanti, Annisa; Prakoso, Dicky Dwi; Fauzilah, Moh. Alfi; Nisa, Farida Choerun; Yuniarsih, Galih DwiIn early 2020, almost all over the world were affected by the coronavirus, which was the beginning of the spread in the city of Wuhan, China. Nearly 24 people of the world's population are affected by the virus, including in 1ndonesia which has reached more than 155 thousand people. Entering June 2020, 1ndonesia is implementing a new habit adaptation where people can carry out activities outside the home by complying with and following applicable protocols. Applicable protocols such as "social distancing" in public places and the use of masks and always washing hands or using "hand sanitizers". This appeal was carried out using social media and the role of influencers who were able to reach many ages. In this study, the sample used in the study of 116 respondents was obtained using iterations, based on the results of calculations carried out 3 times. The research design used descriptive and verification and the research method used was multiple regression. The results showed that the role of social media had the greatest influence, namely 70.8%.
- ItemLOW INTEREST IN READING OF STUDENTS MANAGEMENT MAJOR AT WIDYATAMA UNIVERSITY(International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol.24, Issue 02, 2020) Kuswara, Galuh Boga; Nugraha, Ucu; Lisdayanti, AnnisaWidyatama University is a source of research to find out the influence of Brand Images of the Department of Management Students at Widyatama University and the Store Atmosphere of the Widyatama University Library in determining the Reading Interest of Management Department Students at Widyatama University. The Management Department has the highest number of students and the Library facility has an A of Accreditation rating, but the drop in visits by Management Department students creates a gap between these variables. The steps applied in this study use descriptive and verification methods, with a total population of Management Department students at Widyatama University. The withdrawal of a sample of 115 respondents concluded that the Management Department's Image did not significantly influence the Reading Interest of Management Department students. However, other partial influences such as Store Atmosphere Library can determine a greater interest than simultaneously with the Image of the Management Department in influencing the Reading Interest of Management Department students at Widyatama University.
- ItemPENCAK SILAT AS A REFLECTION ON NATIONAL CULTURE (The Role of Digital Marketing in Increasing Public Awareness)(Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 11, 03-Special Issue, 2019) Lisdayanti, Annisa; Hapsari, Ayuningtyas Yuli; Widajatun, Vincentia WahjuWith the development of technology, the absorption of foreign cultures tends to erode Indonesian culture in the eyes of society. Many regional arts and languages are considered the expression of an endangered nation. A number of cultural heritages are abandoned by the community, one of which is pencaksilat. Pencak is a martial art, the ancestral heritage of the Indonesian people and one of the original branches of a sport born in the Malay family, especially Indonesia. Some people assume that pencaksilat is a martial art that contains mystical elements, even shirk. With this rapid technological development, it is hoped that the cultural values possessed by the Indonesian people can still be preserved. Even the role of technology can have a positive impact in disseminating information to the public, especially regarding martial arts martial arts. The design of this study uses descriptive and verification, using the iteration method, the sample in this study amounted to 115 respondents. The results of the study show that digital marketing influences the community in making decisions to watch the performance of pencaksilat martial arts by 30.5 percent and the rest is influenced by other variables not examined in this study.
- ItemPengaruh Kinerja Bauran Pemasaran Jasa Universitas Widyatama yang bergerak di Bidang Pendidikan terhadap Citra Perusahaan(Universitas Widyatama, 2008) Lisdayanti, AnnisaAnnisa Lisdayanti, Pengaruh Kinerja Bauran Pemasaran Jasa Universitas Widyatama yang bergerak di Bidang Pendidikan terhadap Citra Perusahaan di bawah bimbingan Maya Ariyanti, S.E., M.M. Universitas Widyatama adalah salah satu perusahaan pemberi jasa dibidang pendidikan yang merupakan salah perguruan tinggi swasta di kota Bandung. Dengan perkembangan pesatnya permintaan akan jasa pendidikan sudah tentu diiringi dengan timbulnya persaingan yang tinggi. Mahasiswa sebagai konsumen jasa perguruan tinggi pada dasarnya menilai lembaga pendidikan dari kreadibilitas, reputasi dan semacamnya, yang selanjutnya disebut dengan citra perusahaan (corporate image) dari perguruan tinggi tersebut. Permasalahan yang dialami oleh perguruan tinggi swasta adalah turunnya minat calon mahasiswa, hal ini disebabkan oleh karena bauran pemasaran yang dilakukan oleh pihak universitas dan pemikiran-pemikiran mahasiswa atas citra yang dimiliki oleh pihak perguruan tinggi. Hal ini pun dialami oleh Universitas Widyatama. Sebagaimana yang telah diungkapkan sebelumnya, maka pada penelitian ini diidentifikasi hal-hal berikut : bagaimana tanggapan mahasiswa mengenai bauran pemasaran jasa yang dilakukan oleh Universitas Widyatama, bagaimana tanggapan mahasiswa mengenai citra yang dimiliki oleh Universitas Widyatama, sejauhmana bauran pemasaran jasa mempengaruhi citra Universitas Widyatama dan bauran pemasaran mana yang paling berpengaruh terhadap citra Universitas Widyatama. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif dan verifikatif, terhadap 370 sampel mahasiswa dari populasi mahasiswa Universitas Widyatama. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan analisis jalur (path analysis). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa bauran pemasaran jasa yang dilakukan oleh Universitas Widyatama sudah cukup baik. Citra yang dimiliki oleh pihak Universitas Widyatama di mata mahasiswa sudah baik. Dari hasil pengujian statistik dengan menggunakan analisis jalur menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh bauran pemasaran jasa terhadap citra Universitas Widyatama tidak cukup tinggi, faktor-faktor di luar bauran pemasaran jasa yang tidak diteliti oleh penulis seperti program kerja Universitas atau prestasi yang pernah didapatkan olehUnit Kegiatan Mahasiswa mungkin berpengaruh terhadap citra Universitas Widyatama.
- ItemPENGARUH PEMASARAN BERBASIS PENGALAMAN DAN EKUITAS MERK TERHADAP KEPUASAN PELANGGAN PADA G FOOD AND COFFE FACTORY(Jurnal Bisnis, Manajemen dan Ekonomi, Fakultas Bisnis dan Manajemen, Universitas Widyatama, Volume 14 Nomor 1, 2015-05) Lisdayanti, AnnisaEkuitas merk merupakan faktor yang penting dalam sebuah interaksi bisnis, baik produk maupun jasaKaitannya dengan pelanggan biasanya ketika pelanggan melakukan pembelian produk atau penggunaan jasa. Perubahan sosial masyarakat modem di berbagai kota besar seperti Bandung berdampak pada kegiatan konsumsi masyarakat yang terus berkembang menjadi konsumM. Perkembangan tren gaya hidup masyarakat di Bandung menjadikan sebagian besar masyamkatnya mengkonsumsi suatu produk bukan bersifat basic needs, tetapi lebih dari itu. Kini konsumsi bersifat rnateri maupun simbolik untuk menandai kelas, status atau simbol sosial terteten sebagai cerminan gaya hidup merekaPenelitian ini bersifat deskriptif dan verifktif, 115 sampel konsumen G Food and Coffe Factory dengan menggunakan perhitungan itexasi sebanyak 3 kali. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan analisis regresi berganda.Hasi1 penelitian menunjukkan bahwa yang memengmhi kepuasan pelanggan tehsar &lah pemasaran berbasis pengalaman, ha1 ini menunjukkan bahwa G Food and CoBe Factory memberikan pengalaman tersendiri kepada konsumennya.Secara simultan, pengaruh antara pemasaran berbasis pengalaman dan ekuitas me* mernpengaruhi kepuasan pelanggan Faktor di luar pemasaran berbasis pengalaman dan ekuitas merk yang tidak diteliti oleh penulis seperti Wtas pelayanan memengaruhi terhadap kepuasan konsumen G Food and Coffe Factory.
- ItemRELIGIOSITY AND CELEBRITY WORSHIP RELATIONSHIP: A STUDY OF 2PM BOYBAND FANS COMMUNITIES(International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol.24, Issue 01, 2020) Sitasari, Novendawati Wahyu; Margarett; Safitri M; Lisdayanti, AnnisaIn the 2PM fan community known as All Indonesia Hottest United (AIHU) which has been established since 2012 there are approximately 52 active members. With the age of 2PM boy band who had stepped on 10 years in 2018 still found fans who are quite active. The purpose of this study is to look at the relationship between religiosity and celebrity worship among members of the AIHU community. This research is quantitative, using a non-experimental correlational method with sampling techniques saturated sampling techniques because the total population is only 52 subjects and the entire population is sampled. The scale of religiosity is based on Glock & Stark theory with a number of 22 valid items with a reliability coefficient (α) of 0.874. The celebrity worship scale uses the Celebrity Attitude Scale from Maltby et al (2006) with a total of 23 valid items with a reliability coefficient (α) of 0.899. The results showed p = 0,000 with a correlation coefficient of -0.626, meaning that the hypothesis was accepted that there was a significant negative relationship between religiosity and celebrity worship on AIHU members. Based on the value of R2 shows that religiosity contributed 39% in influencing celebrity worship, while 61% was influenced by other factors. Religiosity among members of the AIHU community tends to be high and celebrity worship to members of the AIHU community tends to be low. Statistical test results state, the most dominant dimension of celebrity worship in 2PM community members is the intense-personal dimension with a percentage of 42.3%.
- ItemTHE ROLE OF PUBLIC SERVICE ADVERTISEMENTS IN IMPROVING DECISIONS TO FOLLOW HEALTH PROTOCOL COMPLIANCE WHEN VISITING MALL DURING PANDEMIC(Solid State Technology Volume: 63 Issue: 4, 2020) Lisdayanti, Annisa; Dewi, Tasya Aulia; Setiawati, Dini; Utari, Julia Hikmayanti; Afriani, DeviBandung is a city that is famous for its creativity in various fields and is one of the big cities in Indonesia which has many malls scattered all over the city. In the new normal phase, which started around June 2020, several malls have been operating again with the supervision of the Bandung City Trade and Industry Office (Disdagin). This supervision is carried out to ensure that the mall has implemented the Health protocol during the current pandemic. One of the efforts made to educate the public in the new normal phase is through public service advertisements through electronic media and social media carried out by the current government. This study took a sample of 110 respondents from the city of Bandung. The results showed that 48.8% of public service advertisements affected people's decisions in obeying the Health protocol when visiting the mall during the pandemic, while 52.2% were influenced by other factors that were not tested in this study.
- ItemThe Role of Social Marketing Campaign in Increasing Public Awareness of Bringing Drinking Bottle(International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Issue 2, 2020) Lisdayanti, Annisa; Dewi, ElsaBandung is a city famous for creativity in various fields, including culinary. The culinary category with quite high growth is in the beverage industry. The impact of the increased processed beverage industry is the increase in plastic waste. In an effort to reduce plastic waste, it is necessary to have public awareness to work to reduce plastic waste, one of the efforts that can be done by bringing drinking bottles every day. In increasing public awareness, it is necessary to have a social marketing campaign. Calculation of the sample used in the study is to use iteration, the calculation results are carried out 3 times and the results obtained are 116 respondents. The research design uses descriptive and verification and the research method used is multiple regression. The results showed that the social marketing campaign had an influence on the decision to bring bottles to the community, with a simultaneous effect value of 63.8% and the rest was influenced by other variables not examined in this study.