Browsing by Author "Hamdani, Dani"
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- ItemAPPLICATION OF SPECIAL WORK EXCHANGE (BKK) INFORMATION SYSTEM BASED ON WEBSITE (CASE STUDY: AT SMK 1 CIKAMPEK)(International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Issue 1, 2020) Huda, Baenil; Tukino; Hamdani, DaniVocational High School 1 Cikampek is one of the vocational schools in Karawang Regency and the school has 7 engineering majors namely Mechanical Engineering, Automotive Mechanical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Industrial Automation Engineering, Chemical Analysis Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Agribusiness. Vocational High School 1 Cikampek Already has a Special Work Exchange (BKK), which is a body that handles the problem of the distribution of graduates and job vacancies. But the delivery of BKK Vocational High School 1 Cikampek information is still by sticking to the announcement on the BKK announcement board when there are job vacancies information or test schedules and information from the company. This is a problem for alumni who are home away from school, or are already outside the area, and therefore very much needed a website BKK 1 Vocational High School Cikampek which can be accessed anywhere by alumni. The purpose of this study was to produce a website BKK Cikampek 1 Vocational High School that can be accessed anywhere by alumni. The benefits of this web-based information system is that it makes it easy to deliver work schedule information and test info from the company. Making this information system using the Php programming language with a MySQL database and display using Adobe Dreamweaver to make it more interesting. Making this BKK profile website is useful for BKK Cikampek Vocational High School 1 and alumni.
- ItemDECISION MAKING ABOUT VOTER ELIGIBILITY AND SOCIAL ASSISTANCE RECIPIENTS IN BANDUNG(International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Issue 2, 2020) Supriadi, Hari; Istambul, Muhammad Rozahi; Hamdani, Dani; Amalia, Endang; ParlindunganThis research aims to create alternative media in the form of application design in managing population data and present information related to population data such as citizens who have the right to vote in the regional head election process and the head of state can then present information related to citizens entitled to receive social assistance from the government local. Designing alternative media, the method used is prototyping as an alternative media development model, which is related to population data, as for the steps, among others: Listening to customers, Designing, Evaluating prototypes. The findings of this research can provide convenience for management both at the RT / RW level in managing population data and can easily present information related to population rights both related to election data and those entitled to receive social assistance from local authorities. Business processes carried out in the RW / RT Riung area of Bandung Estate. Further observations at Riung Bandung Estate are needed in the future to provide information related to the data center (database) of a citizen. in short, it is very important for Riung Bandung especially at the RT / RW level, especially as a medium that can provide convenience in managing citizen data centers and presenting information entitled to participate in elections and receiving social assistance, as well as providing the information needed by citizens online. This research is expected to provide a different pattern as an alternative medium in the form of online information presentation, which can make it easy for residents to find out information related to the data center of a citizen.
- ItemDESIGN OF SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM AVAILABILITY OF TANNERY INDUSTRY RAW MATERIAL IN SENTRA SUKAREGANG, GARUT REGENCY(International Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, Insan Akademika Publications, Vol.06, No.02, 2017-10) Iriani, Yani; Juraida, Anita; Hamdani, Dani; Fauzi, EsaDistribution management is one of the important aspects in ensuring the smooth distribution of products from producer to consumer in an efficient Way. Based on Supply Chain Management (SCM) approach, the weak of the distribution system is one of the causes of price disparity. The availability of raw materials, intermediate materials, and end products of a company is often an important issue in a company. Sukaregang Industrial Center is the main leather center in West Java Province. The development of leather industry in Sentra Sukaregang in the last few years (2010 - 2015) experiencing shortage of supply of cow/sheep leather. The pwpose of this research is to make the design of information system of raw malerial availability with Supply Chain Management (SCM) approach in Sentra Sukaregang Regency of Garut. Through Supply Chain Management approach, it is hoped that the distribution of skin can be more transparent and can be seen slock availability in various areas. In conducting system design, system analysis is first conducted by interviewing stakeholders related to skin distribution. The proposed problem solving will be applied in the form of inventory information system in the form of analysis and design of object inventory information system of object oriented.
- ItemDESIGNING A RELATIONAL DATABASE MODEL FOR HARVEST MANAGEMENT APPLICATIONS USING THE LIFE CYCLE DATABASE METHOD(Solid State Technology Volume: 63 Issue: 3, 2020) Hamdani, DaniAgriculture is one of the dominant sectors in people's income in Indonesia because the majority of Indonesians work as farmers. However, Indonesian people who depend on agriculture for their income are relatively mediocre because the price of the food commodity produced is not in line with expectations. One of the factors that cause this is the poor delivery system from the place of production (agricultural location) to the market. Therefore, an application is needed that can be a bridge for farmers in increasing the progress of the economy in Indonesia. This paper focuses more on designing a model from a database that is built with the concept of a life cycle database design. Database design methodology using DBLC (database life cycle). Relational database design includes Conceptual Database Design, Logical Database Design, and Physical Database Design. The final result of this study resulted in 6 tables, namely farmers, product types, products, customers, transactions, and transaction details.
- ItemICT ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE USES THE INDONESIAN e-GOVERNMENT RATING DIMENSION (PeGi) (Case Study of ICT Masterplan of Cirebon City Government)(International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol.24, Issue 02, 2020) Virgana, R. A. E.; Hamdani, Dani; Chaniago, Muhammad Benny; Wahyu, Ari PurnoIn accordance with the Instruction of the President of the Republic of Indonesia No. 3 of 2003 concerning National Policy and Strategy for the Development of e-Government, each government agency must have a Strategic Plan for e-Government Development. The Cirebon City Government plans that the master plan for the development of information and communication technology is the basis for the development of information technology applications and infrastructure in the Cirebon City Government. This study uses the Indonesian e-Government rating dimension, the guidelines of which are made by the Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia, five dimensions have been determined which will be studied by the ICT masterplan, namely Policy, Institution, Infrastructure, Applications and Planning. It is expected that a plan for the implementation of Information Technology (e-Government) in the Cirebon City Government is in line with the latest developments and needs, and the availability of guidelines in the development, maintenance and management of Information Technology in order to support the tasks and functions of the Cirebon City administration.
- ItemMAPPING OF TSUNAMI DISASTER MITIGATION EVACUATION ROUTES OF THE MOVEMENT OF THE SUNDA SUBDUCTION MEGATHRUST (Case Study: Coastal Analysis of Southern Garut Regency)(Solid State Technology Volume: 63 Issue: 3, 2020) Sapanji, R. A. E. Virgana Targa; Hamdani, DaniPotential disaster due to the movement of the subduction zone between the Eurasian Plate and the Indo-Australian plate, extending from the west of Sumatra to the south of Java, Bali, and Nusa Tenggara. This subduction zone is called the Sunda subduction arc. It has several segments. The Java segment has a lower seismic magnitude and frequency. Megathrust is a shallow part of the subduction lane which has a shallow dive angle, so the impact on the southern part of Garut Regency has the potential for earthquake and tsunami disaster, has been analyzed spatially and geoprocessing with geographic information systems, plotting 149 earthquake points from 1958 to 1920, planning evacuation routes for earthquake and tsunami disaster mitigation, as well as measuring coordinates, height, slope, and width between the coast and settlements, tourist attractions, main roads south of West Java, and evaluation of existing evacuation routes so that the community has an evacuation route adequate and safe.
- ItemMODEL DESIGN OF PUBLIC SERVICE INFORMATION SYSTEM IN WEB-BASED DUKUHKARYA VILLAGE(Solid State Technology Volume: 63 Issue: 3, 2020) Rifai, Harris Putra; Salman, Muhamad Iqbal; Sari, Ummul Amania; Larasati, Tania Peni; Hamdani, DaniAdvances in information technology have a major impact on government agencies so that information systems are needed to create work efficiency and effectiveness. Dukuhkarya sub-district, located in the Rengasdengklok sub-district, Karawang regency, receives assignments from the regency / city to administer some administrative affairs based on the principles and assistance tasks. Several types of public services at Dukuhkarya Village are the making of a letter of application for KTP, KK, resident domicile certificate, death certificate and birth certificate. Unfortunately, the public service process carried out by Dukuhkarya Village has experienced problems such as inadequate facilities and infrastructure, limited services provided by the urban village and data storage is still carried out in the form of books or archives so that errors often occur even there are some files that are lost or damaged due to the large number of archives in the Village. The software development method used is the Waterfall Model. The system was built using the PHP codeigniter framework with MySQL as the database management software. This system can produce Certificate of Death, Certificate of Birth, Certificate of Domicile of Resident, Certificate of KK Making, and Certificate of Making KTP. The system built has not yet reached the implementation stage in the village because it is still in the internal testing stage. However, from the internal test results it can be seen that the system can function properly and as needed.
- ItemPERANCANGAN MODEL DIGITAL DASHBOARD HRIS MENGGUNAKAN PENDEKATAN CBHRM (Studi Kasus di PT. Daya Adicipta Mustika)(JURNAL MANAJEMEN INFORMATIKA, Fakultas Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Nomor 5, Volume 1, 2013-04) Hamdani, DaniCBHRM adalah salah satu pola pengelolaan sumber daya manusia yang sedang berkembang di Indonesia. Dalam pendekatan ini, kosakata kompetensi menjadi elemen kunci. Setiap pegawai akan dinilai berdasarkan kompetensi yang dimilikinya. Supaya hasil yang dicapai bisa lebih optimal, maka diperlukan sebuah model penyajian laporan/output yang baik. Salah satu solusi yang penulis usulkan adalah dengan menggunakan model digital dashboard. Mode; dashboard ini dibangun dengan menggunakan kerangka berpikir yang telah disesuaikan dengan siklus hidup model. Studi kasus dilakukan di PT Daya Adicipta Mustika, dun digital dashboard CBHmyang dibangun terdiri dari Talent Dashboard, Competencies Gap Dashboard, dun Comparison Dashboard yang saling berkaitan antara satu dengan yang lainnya.
- ItemPERANCANGAN SISTEM INFORMASI PENGELOLAAN DATA PEGAWAI DAN PENGGAJIAN PEGAWAI (Studi Kasus: BPRS Shadiq Amanah)(Jurnal Teknologi dan Informasi (JATI), Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Vol.1, No.11, 2016-03) Hamdani, DaniBagi perusahaan pegawai adalah aset yang paling berni/ai. Peningkatan produktivitas akan tercapai apabila terdapat peningkatan pada kondisi karyawan baik secara moril maupun materi!. Pentingnya kesejahteraan karyawan adalah untuk mempertahankan karyawan agar tidak pindah ke perusahaan lain, meningkatkan motivasi dan semangat kerja, dan meningkatkan sikap loyalitas karyawan terhadap perusahaan.Mengingat pentingnya pengelolaan karyawan dan kesejahteraannya, maka pemaniaatan sistem inJormasi untuk mengelola data pegawai dan penghitungan gaji sangatlah tepat untuk diterapkan di setiap perusahaan. Sehingga kesalahan data, perhitungan gaji, maupun lamanya proses pembuatan laporan yang biasanya terjadi bisa diminimalisir. Dalam pembangunan sistem inJormasi ini, dipilih metode prototyping agar pihak user dan pengembang bisa lebih kompak dalam merancang sistem ini. Sistem IY!iormasi yang dirancang menggunakan arsitektur HMVC (Hierarchical Model View Control) pada Jramework Codeigniter dengan MySQL sebagai DBMS-nya diharapkan dapat menjadi solusi atas permasalahan-permasalahan yang sering terjadi.
- ItemTHE PROTOTYPE OF EBOD JAYA ONLINE M-COMMERCE APPLICATION(International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol.24, Issue 02, 2020) Hamdani, Dani; Amalia, Endang; Mardiana, SitiIndonesian people are people who can not be separated from the use of smartphones. M-commerce is a sale and purchase transaction using a smartphone. Currently, in Indonesia the number of chirping fans has increased quite significantly. This opens up very promising business opportunities. Ebod Jaya Factory is a factory that provides for Bird Feed, medicine, vitamins, bird cages and accessories. The system development method used is prototyping. The results of this study are in the form of a prototype m-commerce application for the sale of products manufactured by the ebod jaya factory.
- ItemTOURISM DESTINATION MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM OF WEST JAVA AS AN EFFORT TO INCREASE COMMUNITY INCOME(Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 11, 03-Special Issue, 2019) Rahmayanti, Rima; Hamdani, DaniThe purpose of this research is to provide information to domestic and foreign tourists about the potential of tourist destinations in province of West Java by creating a market to make them easier for to travel. This research uses the concept of design action that appears in the work of social psychologist Kurt Lewin. As a result of this research, it consists of an application called "someah" expecting tourists can feel the comfort of West Javanese who are friendly so West Java is the most visited destination. The application of someah presents a ngendong that is a rented house by West Javanese in a tourist destination, kaulinan consists of special arts or appropriate cultural discussions in tourist areas, and Kuncen namely tour guides, users who can be used by governments, foreign tourists and local, kuncen, homestay business owner.