Browsing by Author "Garniwa, Iwa"
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- ItemEKSISTENSI NILAI (VALUE) RELIGI DALAM PERILAKU CALON KONSUMEN PERGURUAN TINGGI DI JAWA BARAT(Konferensi Nasional Forum Manajemen Indonesia, FE Universitas Airlangga, 2010) Zulganef; Garniwa, IwaValue is important concept in marketing since the marketing is a value exchange between two fractions, hence the value can not be ignored in the field of marketing, especially in the field of consumer behavior. This research aim is to explore the existence of value in higher educational institution west java consumers. The consumers are candidate of higher educational institutions, those are the student of high school. Through multidimensional scaling technique, this research shows that there is a value which underlining perception of consumers of higher education institution when student perceives higher educational institution attributes.
- ItemHubungan Kepuasan, Kepercayaan, Dan Komitmen Dengan Kegiatan Opinion Leaderships Produk Politik Pada Mahasiswa Jawa Barat(2011-01-05T04:16:51Z) Zulganef; Nursjanti, Farida; Garniwa, IwaIntention to vote in general election is one of the most important things in the consumer behavior field, especially in political marketing. However, not many research investigate the existence of intention to vote in general election. The existence of intention to vote shows that people in a country tend to participate in his or her country political process, especially in developing his or her country. This mean that the Intention to vote is a crucial part in socialization of general election ideas and activities. This research investigated the existence opinion leadership in the general election participants, and relationships between attitude toward politics attributes (Attitude toward General Election participants, process, and candidate president programs), trust, commitment, and opinion leaderships. The results of this research will contribute to consumer behavior theory, politics, and marketing practice as well. Through the findings of this research, general elections commission and political party managers could make a better marketing planning and strategy. This research conducted on higher education students, since the higher education students are the largest part of participants in Indonesia General Elections, and they are also the largest general election participants who has right to vote legally. This research used cognitive psychology as a paradigm, and shows the paradigm was supported empirically, and expressed that the students more favorable to program than the candidate
- ItemIDENTIFIKASI KEBERADAAN KEPEMIMPINAN OPINI (OPINION LEADERSHIP) PADA PRODUK FESYEN, PERGURUAN TINGGI, DAN POLITIK(The 1st PPM National Conference on Management Research, Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM Jakarta, 2007-04) Zulganef; Nursjanti, Farida; Garniwa, IwaOpinion Leadership is one of the most important thing in consumer behavior field. However, there are not so many research that investigate the existence of opinion leadership in fesyen, higher education, and general election products. This research investigated the opinion leadership of students of Universities in Bandung related to fesyen, higher education, and general election products. Additionally, this research is verified some conflicting in opinion leadership previous research. The result of this research will make contribution to consumer behavior theory and marketing practice as well. Through the findings of this research, managers could make a better marketing planning and strategy. Based on previous research, we could raised the existence of opinion leadership in students of higher education in Bandung. To meet the objectives of this research, we use descriptive statistics and contingency table. This research also discuss the results of the research, made some recommendations, and limitations.
- ItemKAJIAN EKONOMI PEMUTUSAN / PEMBATALAN. PERJANJIAN BGSJBOT ANTARA PDJM DGN PT. PNP 2011(Penelitian Internal Universitas Widyatama, 2013-12) Zulganef; Garniwa, Iwa; LasmanahKajian ini menelaah kerugian-kerugian yang dialami oleh PD.Jati Mandiri (PD.JM) terkait dengan ketidak mampuan PT-Pilbers Nusa Perkasa (PT.PNP) untuk melaksanakan kinerjanya / prestasinya berdasarkan perjanjian Bangun Guna Serah (BGS) yang dilakukan oleh PD.Jati Mandiri dengan Pt.Pilbers Nusa Perkasa yang ditandatangani dihadapan Notaris lin Abdul Jalil,S.H.,Sp.N. Nomor 16 Tanggal 26 September 201 1. Ketidakmampuan tersebut diperkirakan akan mengakibatkan dampak kerugian bagi PD.Jati mandiri, terutama kerugian faktual dan kerugian potensial. Kedua bentuk kerugian tersebut dihitung berdasarkan kajian metode deskriptif dan verifikatif, yaitu metode yang menjelaskan dan memverifikasi data-data sekunder yang sudah ada (ex post facto) selama berlangsungya perjanjian kerjasama tersebut. Berdasarkan kajian, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa kerugian faktual yang dialami oleh PD.JM akibat ketidakmapuan PT.PNP melaksankan kinerjanya adalah sebesar Rp.ll.l35.674.150,42 (sebelas milyar seratus tiga puluh lima juta enam ratus tujuh puluh empat ribu seratus lima puluh rupiah empat puluh dua sen)sedangkan kerugian potensial adalah sebesar Rp. (Delapan milyar seratus delapan puluh empat juta seratus tiga puluh empat ribu enam ratas enam puluh empat) Berdasarkan kajian tersebut, maka Rekomendasi yang diberikan kepada PD.JM adalah: jika secara hukum PT.PNP memang sudah dianggap tidak mampu lagi untk melaksanakan kinerja sesuai dengan perjanjian, maka PD.JM segera mencari pengganti PT.PNP yang mungk/n sudah dianggap tidak mampu lagi, sehingga memberikan kerugian secara faktual maupun potensial. Penggantian tersebut diperlukan terutama untuk tetap mempertahankan nama baik (bonafiditas) Perusahaan terkait dengan pengelolaan tanah milik Pemkot, terutama nama baik dalam dunia bisnis sangatiah penting dan memberikan rasa aman dan percaya kepada para peminat yang I sudah memberikan uang muka dengan total nilai Rp.3,4 milyar rupiah. Selain itu juga untuk tidak membuat semakin bertambahnya kerugian faktual yang diakibatkan oleh ketidakmampuan PT.PNP melaksanakan kine rjanya.
- ItemPENGARUH KEPEMIMPINAN UNIVERSITAS/FAKULTAS DAN SIKAP DOSEN TERHADAP KINERJA DOSEN TETAP UNIVERSITAS WIDYATAMA(Penelitian Kelompok, Universitas Widyatama, 2007) Garniwa, Iwa; Nursjanti, FaridaUniversitas harus memiliki perencanaan kinerja yang merupakan suatu proses di mana dosen dan lembaga bekerjasama merencanakan apa yang harus dikerjakan dosen pada tahun mendatang. Sikap dosen terhadap_ pekerjaan merupakan keyakinan seorang dosen. mengenai pekerjaan yang diembannya. Pemimpin adalah signifikan bagi keberhasilan universitas dalam rangka memba'ntu tercapainya tujuan universitas. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah , untuk kepemimpinan fakultas/universitas widyatama, sikap dosen tetap Universitas Widyatama, pengaruh kepemimpinan dan sikap dosen terhadap kinerja dosen tetap Universitas Widayatama ยท Tanggapan dosen tetap UT AMA terhadap kepemimpinan Universitas Widyatama adalah negatif sebesar 41,28%, hal m1 menunjukkan bahwa pemimpin universitas/fakultas belum berhasil memahami keberadaan universitas sebagai organisasi kompleks yang unik, serta belum mampu melaksanakan perannya dalam universitas Tanggapan responden terhadap sikap dosen adalah sebagian besar positif (66,49%), hal ini dapat tercermin dari kepercayaan, kepuasan dan perilaku yang berpengaruh positif terhadap pekerjaannyadalam hal pengajaran, penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat Berdasarkan hasil statistik menunjukkan bahwa model kinerja dosen tetap dapat diterangkan oleh variabel kepemimpinan dan sikap dosen sebesar sebesar 62%, sisanya diterangkan oleh variabel lain yang tidak masuk dalam modal penelitian ini
- ItemPengaruh stress kerja terhadap motivasi serta dampaknya terhadap prestasi kerja dosen tetap universitas widyatama(Universitas Widyatama, 2007) Garniwa, IwaUniversitas Widyatama yang mempunyai visi untuk menjadikan universitas yang mampu menghasilkan sumber daya manusia (SDM) yang profesional di bidangnya dan dapat menyesuaikan diri terhadap perkembangan iptek, ha1 ini dapat dilakukan jika komponen-komponen yang terlibat dalam penyelenggaraan pendidikan memiliki komitmen dan kompetensi yang memadai termasuk diantaranya adalah staf pengajar (Dosen). Universitas Widyatama harus memiliki perencanaan kinerja yang merupakan suatu proses di mana dosen dan lembaga bekerjasama serta mencapai pemahaman bersama tentang pekerjaan itu. Kinerja seorang dosen akan baik bila dia mempunyai keahlian (skill) yang tinggi, dan mempunyai harapan (expectation) masa depan lebih baik, dan itu akan tercapai apabila stres kerja dikelola sehingga menimbulkan motivasi agar dapat meningkatkan kinerja. Penelitian ini menganalisis pengaruh stres kerja (konflik kerja, beban kerja, waktu kerja, karakteristik tugas, dukungan kelompok dan pengaruh kepemimpinan) terhadap motivasi kerja serta pengaruh motivasi kerja terhadap kinerja dosen. Hasil pembahasan menunjukkan bahwa stres kerja (konflik kerja, beban kerja, waktu kerja, karakteristik tugas, dukungan kelompok dan pengaruh kepemimpinan) berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap motivasi kerja dan motivasi kerja tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja dosen
- ItemTHE PERCEPTION OF BANDUNG UNIVERSITY STUDENT CANDIDATES ON THE DIMENSIONS OF HIGHER EDUCATION QUALITY: A DYADIC APPROACH(UNIVERSITI SAINS MALAYSIA, 2009-10-13) Zulganef; Garniwa, IwaThere are many important things in the consumer behavior field, for instance motivation, cognition, and perception. However, not many universities or academies put an effort into investigating the consumer perception on the attributes quality. This research investigated the perception of students on quality of universities in Bandung through dyadic approach or multiple respondents. The respondents were both internal and external consumers. This study considers university students as internal consumer and students of high schools as external consumer. The result of this research are some service dimensions that internal and external consumers evaluated. These service dimensions differ from other well-known service dimensions, such as service quality (servqual) or service performance (servperf). To obtain the dimensions, the authors conducted 2 studies. Through qualitative research, in the first study the authors found 36 attributes that internal consumers evaluated, while in the second study, through quantitative approach, the authors extracted the 36 attributes by factor analysis and found 11 dimensions of university attributes evaluated by consumers. This paper not only discusses the results of the research, but also makes recommendations.
- ItemPOSITIONING OF HIGHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION FROM THE PERCEPTION OF STUDENT CANDIDATES OF WEST JAVA HIGHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION(2010-07-15) Zulganef; Garniwa, IwaWest Java is the most populous province in Indonesia and it is the buffer province to the capital city of Indonesia, Jakarta. The position makes this province strategically important for foreign investors or companies to expand their business to Indonesia. This can be the starting point for the companies or investors to enter new markets. The management of companies needs essential market knowledge or information that could guarantee their steps, especially in higher education market. The main research goal of this paper is to provide some knowledge or information about the west java market, especially in the positioning of some higher education institution in Bandung. The research discussed in this paper has been conducted on two levels. The first part investigated some modal salient believes that has been evaluated by universities or higher education student candidates, and then, based on their modal salient believes, we mapped the perception of university student candidates on universities attributes. In the second part of the study, we have mapped the perceptions of higher education student candidates through multidimensional scaling technique. The research shows among other findings that higher educational student candidates make perceptions based on value, especially religious values. This paper would also make some recommendations on the positioning of higher education in West Java.