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- ItemANALYSIS OF STOCK PRICES: A CASE STUDY OF INDONESIA STOCK EXCHANGE(International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol.24, Issue 02, 2020) SuryanaThis paper aims to examine the effect of bankruptcy predictions by the Altman Z-Score formulas to stock prices. This research was conducted on the basis of the phenomenon of retail companies throughout the period 2013-2017. This type of research is causal explanatory. The research population is 21 retail companies. The results showed that the prediction of bankruptcy using the Altman Z-score forumulas had a significant effect on stock prices in retail companies.
- ItemCASH WAQF(Solid State Technology Volume: 63 Issue: 4, 2020) Agustina, Ingrid Larasati; Suryana; Saudi, Mohd Haizam Mohd; Sinaga, ObsatarIn the golden age of Islam, waqf had already reached its heyday even though its management was still very simple. In the 8th and 9th centuries Hijriyah was seen as the golden age of the development of waqf. At that time waqf included various objects, namely mosques, prayer rooms, schools, agricultural land, houses, gardens, bakeries, office buildings, buildings, and others. Thus, mosques, prayer rooms, schools are only part of the things that are donated. By looking at the majority of Indonesia which has a lot of money compared to land or others, the opinion of the Hanafi, Maliki, and Hambali Mazhab is very suitable if implemented in Indonesia, so that unproductive lands can be developed and have good benefits for the welfare of the people in Indonesia. Also, the stated purpose of waqf is to retain the substance and spread the benefits of it, and the waqf in question is not the substance of money but its value so that it can be replaced with other money as long as its value is the same. The suitability of the implementation of cash waqf in Indonesia can be based on the MUI decree which issued a fatwa regarding the ability of cash waqf. Hanafi Mazhab regarding cash waqf is very good if implemented in Indonesia because cash waqf is economically very potential to be developed in Indonesia and the purpose of cash waqf is to collect fixed funds from the people. Then, it can be used for the benefit of the community. Cash waqf provides an opportunity for everyone to give alms and get a sustainable reward without having to wait to get rich.
- ItemEFFECT OF PROFITABILITY ON STOCK RETURNS OF COMPANIES IN THE FOOD AND BEVERAGE SECTOR IN INDONESIA(International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Issue 2, 2020) Prayitno, Yogo Heru; Suryana; Apriliana, Tria; Edison, Acep; Arsalan, SyakiebThe study aims to determine the effect of profitability with the variable Return on Equity on stock returns in food and beverage sector companies in Indonesia. The study was conducted using 18 companies as a sample using financial reports on manufacturing sub-food and beverage consumer goods. The research method used was purposive judgment sampling using multiple linear regression. The results of the study state that profitability using return on equity affects stock returns.
- ItemIMPROVE CRITICAL THINKING ABILITY AND MATHEMATICAL COMMUNICATION OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS STUDENTS WITH THE MISSOURI MATHEMATICS PROJECT (MMP) LEARNING(International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Issue 1, 2020) Nurapriani, Fitria; Kusumaningrum, Dwi Sulistya; SuryanaThis study aims to improve the ability of critical thinking and mathematical communication of Information Systems students by learning the Missouri Mathematics Project (MMP). MMP is a program designed to assist lecturers in the effective use of exercises in the form of project worksheets so that students achieve improved learning outcomes. MMP emphasizes cooperative learning and student independence. The method used is a quasiexperimental method with a research design using pretest and posttest without randomization (Group Pretest- Posttest Design). The study population was Information Systems students at the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, Buana Perjuangan University, Karawang. Samples were taken as many as 2 classes, one class as an experimental class (MMP learning) and another class as a control class (conventional learning). The average scores of the two classes did not differ significantly, namely the critical thinking ability of MMP class students before learning 6.41 (32.05% of ideal scores) and conventional classes 5.84 (29.20% of ideal scores). The average score of the mathematical communication skills of the two classes did not differ significantly, namely the MMP class of 6.35 (31.75% of the ideal score) and the conventional class of 7.29 (36.45% of the ideal score). Pretest critical thinking and communication skills of the two classes are still not good when compared with the ideal score.
- ItemINTELLECTUAL CAPITAL'S CONTRIBUTION TO INCREASING COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE(International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Issue 1, 2020) Handayani, Sri; Karnawati, Yosevin; S, armansyah H; SuryanaIntellectual capital is an intangible asset that may provide the company with a competitive advantage. Intellectual capital is difficult to understand, but if it is discovered and explored and developed it will be beneficial to be able to compete in its industry. The paper seeks to estimate and analyze the intellectual capital factor, which consists of value added capital coefficient, human capital, and structural capital toward competitive advantage. The design of this research is explanatory causal. Population in this study are mining companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2016 to 2018. The sampling technique of this study was saturated sampling with a total of 223 data. Data analysis techniques using multiple linear regression. The results of the study explained that the coefficients of value added capital, human capital, and structural capital simultaneously influence competitive advantage. Partially the coefficient of added value of capital and structural capital has a positive effect on competitive advantage. However, human capital does not affect competitive advantage. The results of this research are in accordance with resource-based theory in which intellectual capital is able to act as a unique resource to create competitive advantage for companies because it is able to provide added value to the company.
- ItemMONEY DEMAND POLICY MODEL IN MUSLIM COUNTRIES(International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol.24, Issue 02, 2020) Agustina, Ingrid Larasati; Delvina, Aulia; Savitri, Peti; SuryanaIn the theory of demand for money for Islamic monetary, Umer Chapra uses the Keynesian model as a foothold. From here finally the profit-sharing rate in lieu of interest becomes significant in the model. The question is which one is appropriate as a foothold, classic or Keynes. Which assumptions are actually in accordance with the characteristics of the Islamic financial system which are said to be interest-free, investment to the productive, consumption that is not excessive, with the obligation of zakat, infaq and shodaqoh? The formulation of the problem in this study is how the theory of money demand in Islamic economics and how to model the demand for money in Muslim countries. The method used in this research is a qualitative method using literature studies. The results of this study are that the demand for money in an Islamic country is determined by income, in this case transactions motive and precautionary motive dominates the reason of the Muslim population. Demand for money in the narrow and broad sense is not influenced by the interest rate so the implication is that the preferences of Muslims differ from the Keynesian model, so speculation motives are not found in Islamic countries and the complete elimination of interest rates in Islamic countries will not cause serious problems in relation to the effectiveness of monetary policy in these countries.
- ItemMUTUAL FUND INVESTMENT ANALYSIS: Sharia and Conventional(Solid State Technology Volume: 63 Issue: 3, 2020) Pitaloka, Celline Dyah; Wijaya, Indriawati Teja; Aprilianza, Ririn; Rochim, Dina Deviesta; SuryanaThis study aims to analyze the comparative performance of Islamic equity funds with the performance of conventional equity funds in terms of based on risk and return level of equity fund by measuring methods of Sharpe index, Treynor index and Jensen index. This study focuses on the types of equity funds. This study using a quantitative research, and secondary data. The population of this study is taken of the type of mutual funds available on the official website of the OJK (Financial Services Authority), the samples used are sharia and conventional mutual funds issued by the same investment manager and were active during 2018-August 2020. Data used in the form of Net Asset Value (NAB) data for 2018 - August 2020, Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) and LQ45, interest rate data of Bank Indonesia Certificate (SBI) and Bank Indonesia Sharia Certificate (SBIS) period 2018- August 2020. The method of analysis used is parametric t- statistic (independent sample t-test) with SPSS program. The study found that conventional mutual funds perform better than sharia mutual funds when using Sharpe, Treynor methods because the average calculation of conventional mutual funds is greater than conventional mutual funds. Conversely, if using Jensen method sharia mutual funds have a better performance because it has a higher average Jensen value than conventional mutual funds. For Sharia and Conventional Equity Mutual Fund Return levels there is nothing better than JII and LQ45. For Risk Level Sharia and Conventional Equity Mutual Funds are no different from JII and LQ45.
- ItemOVERVIEW OF SOIL WATER TAX COLLECTION IN BANDUNG REGIONAL FINANCIAL AGENCY(International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol.24, Issue 02, 2020) Tresnawati, Rina; Arnan, Sendi Gusnandar; SuryanaThis research aims to find out the basis for the imposition and procedure for collecting groundwater tax in the Revenue Division of Bandung Regency. Groundwater tax is the type of tax that has the largest arrears compared to other types of taxes. The total tax arrears are more than 30 industrial companies with highly varied tax arrears. The Water Acquisition Value is the Basis for taxing ground water. The research method used in this research is descriptive method. The results showed that groundwater tax collection performed by the Bandung Regency Revenue Division I was in accordance with Regional Regulation No. 01 of 2011 concerning local taxes and Regent Regulation Number 42 of 2016 concerning technical guidelines for water tax collection. Barriers of groundwater tax collection include the slow calculation of the water acquisition value, and the incompatibility of the amount of tax owed by the amount of tax calculated by the taxpayer.
- ItemPENGARUH NON PERFORMING LOAN (NPL), LOAN DEPOSIT RATIO (LDR), LOAN ASSET RATIO (LAR), BIAYA OPERASIONAL PENDAPATAN OPERASIONAL (BOPO) TERHADAP PROFITABILITAS (STUDY PADA PERBANKAN TERDAFTAR DI BURSA EFEK INDONESIA)(Seminar Nasional Akuntansi dan Bisnis (SNAB), Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Widyatama, 2017-07-20) Suryana; Edison, AcepPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Non Performing to Loan, Loan To Deposit Ratio, Loan to Asset, BOPO berpengaruh terhadap Return on Asset pada perbankan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 2013-2016. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah eksplanatori crossectional times series. Type investigasi yang digunakan adalah deskriptif verifikatif . Populasi penelitian bank yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 2013-2016 yang berjumlah 43 bank dan penarikan sampel sebanyak 30 bank menggunakan teknik purposive sampling, yang ditetapkan berdasarkan kriteria. Unit analisis adalah laporan keuangan dan menggunakan analisis regresi linear berganda pada taraf signifikansi sebesar 5%, diproses dengan program Eviews 8.0. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Non Performing to Loan, Loan To Deposit Ratio, Loan to Asset, BOPO signifikan berpengaruh positif secara partial dan simultan terhadap Return on Asset.
- ItemTHE ROLE OF GOOD WAQF ON THE OPTIMALISATION OF WAQF ASSETS IN INDONESIA(International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Issue 2, 2020) Suryana; Ikram, Syafrizal; Agustina, Ingrid LarasatiWaqf is instruments in Islamic economics that has the potential to improve people's welfare and overcome the problem of poverty. Waqf has two sides of the relationship, namely the relationship to God and also the relationship to humans/muammalah, The purpose of this research is to get issues related to waqf governance. The findings show that the waqf assets are still dominant in 3M (Masjid/Mosque, Mushola/prayer room, and Makam/the grave) and the management of waqf assets in Indonesia still does not lead to economic empowerment because most of the waqf is still mostly of consumptive waqf. The solution is Nazir must implement good management by implementing the principles of Good Waqf Governance, including the principles of accountability and accountability, candor, fairness, and independence. through the role of waqf governance, traditional waqf management will shift towards productive waqf management, so that the contribution will be greater and have an impact on the optimization of waqf assets managed by Nazhir in Indonesia, the more productive endowments will ultimately have implications for the welfare of society and the economy national in Indonesia..
- ItemSHARE RETURN ON SECTOR PROPERTIES AND REAL ESTATE INDONESIA STOCK EXCHANGE(Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 11, 03-Special Issue, 2019) Edison, Acep; Suryana; Arsalan, SyakiebThe study aims to examine the effect of Profitability Ratio by using the proxy Return On Asset Ratio, Solvability Ratio by using the proxy of Debt to Equity Ratio and Market Value Ratio by using the Price Earnings Ratio proxy for Share Return based on the phenomenon of registered Property and Real Estate Companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange during the 2014-2017 Period. The fact shows that there was a decrease in Share Return when the company's profits increased. This type of research is explanatory times series. The research population of property and real estate companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange is 48 companies. The number of samples of 36 companies using sampling purposive sampling technique is based on criteria of companies that have negative Return on Assets, Debt to Equity Ratio, and Price Earnings Ratio of 12 companies not used in the analysis. The unit of analysis is financial statements with a time horizon of 4 years, thus the test data is 9 x 4 years = 36 times series annual financial statements. Data analysis using Covariance-Based Structural Equation Modelling (CB-SEM) for observed variables (variable observerb) and processed using the Linear Structural Relations (Lisrel) 8.80 program. The results showed that, partially, Return on Assets, Debt to Equity had a significant effect on Price Earning, and directly and indirectly Return on Asset, Debt to Equity, Price Earning had an effect on Share Return.