Browsing by Author "Supriadi, Hari"
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- ItemDECISION MAKING ABOUT VOTER ELIGIBILITY AND SOCIAL ASSISTANCE RECIPIENTS IN BANDUNG(International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Issue 2, 2020) Supriadi, Hari; Istambul, Muhammad Rozahi; Hamdani, Dani; Amalia, Endang; ParlindunganThis research aims to create alternative media in the form of application design in managing population data and present information related to population data such as citizens who have the right to vote in the regional head election process and the head of state can then present information related to citizens entitled to receive social assistance from the government local. Designing alternative media, the method used is prototyping as an alternative media development model, which is related to population data, as for the steps, among others: Listening to customers, Designing, Evaluating prototypes. The findings of this research can provide convenience for management both at the RT / RW level in managing population data and can easily present information related to population rights both related to election data and those entitled to receive social assistance from local authorities. Business processes carried out in the RW / RT Riung area of Bandung Estate. Further observations at Riung Bandung Estate are needed in the future to provide information related to the data center (database) of a citizen. in short, it is very important for Riung Bandung especially at the RT / RW level, especially as a medium that can provide convenience in managing citizen data centers and presenting information entitled to participate in elections and receiving social assistance, as well as providing the information needed by citizens online. This research is expected to provide a different pattern as an alternative medium in the form of online information presentation, which can make it easy for residents to find out information related to the data center of a citizen.
- ItemDESIGN OF XYZ VILLAGE POOR HOUSEHOLD INFOR-MATION SYSTEM(International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol.24, Issue 02, 2020) Nugraha, Ucu; Supriadi, HariThe manual system for managing community data collection that is currently running is felt to be no longer adequate for handling workloads, especially household data collection poor. This situation demands immediate use of information systems based on computer technology that aims to better organize data so that the information obtained is more accurate. the existence of this sys-tem will also facilitate village officials in compiling reports and graphs on the development of community data in their environ-ment. The method used in making the system information on the collection of poor households is an observation method, an inter-view method. Whereas in the design of information systems conceptually is system analysis, and system design.
- ItemDIRECTION FOR CITY FOREST DEVELOPMENT AS AN OPEN SPACE IN SOUTH TANGERANG CITY (Case Study: BSD City Urban Forest Setu District)(International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol.24, Issue 01, 2020) Widyawati, Laili Fuji; Hermayadi, Eggy Galih; Sari, Dayu Ariesta Kirana; Supriadi, HariBSD City City Forest is one of the Green Open Spaces in the Setu District Area, South Tangerang City. The urban forest which is located on Tekno Widya Street is included in the category of natural tourism. There are many facilities in it such as jogging tracks, children's playgrounds and many ornamental plants in it. It can be seen from its development that BSD City Urban Forest has potential advantages to be developed into the tourism sector, but the condition of BSD City Urban Forest is also underdeveloped due to the lack of supporting facilities. The purpose of this study is to determine the direction of the development of the BSD City Urban Forest in order to maximize the potential and overcome the problems that are owned by the BSD City Urban Forest. The method used in this research is qualitative and quantitative methods and uses development direction analysis to determine the development strategy to be carried out in BSD City Urban Forest. The results of this study are directives for developing BSD City Urban Forests by using standard facilities to be able to make BSD City Urban Forests as an open space that is beneficial for the people of South Tangerang City and surrounding areas.
- ItemE-HOSPITAL: LOCATION INFORMATION AND DOCTORS SCHEDULE TO HOSPITALS IN BANDUNG(Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 11, 03-Special Issue, 2019) Supriadi, Hari; Istambul, M. Rozahi; Samihardjo, RosalinBandung City Government has complete and adequate health care facilities. This study aims to provide convenience for the community in obtaining service information about the location and schedule of doctors in hospitals in the city of Bandung by utilizing e-hospital applications. The research method used is the prototyping method as a system development model with the following processes: Listening to customers, Designing, Evaluating prototypes. The results of this study indicate that the e-hospital application can provide convenience for the community in accessing location information and doctor's schedule in hospitals in Bandung in the form of maps. Utilization of the e-hospital hospital application based on system monitoring has been used by the community to obtain information on the existence of hospitals and doctor's schedules until outside the city of Bandung. However, based on the results of the e-hospital survey, it has not been optimal, this has been shown that not all people utilize this application. The e-hospital application socialization is a strategy that can be taken in optimizing the utilization of the application.
- ItemEVALUASI PENERAPAN MERDEKA BELAJAR KAMPUS MERDEKA TERHADAP PERFORMA CIVITAS AKADEMIK FAKULTAS TEKNIK UNIVERSITAS WIDYATAMA(Fakultas Teknik Universitas Widyatama, 2021-12) Istambul, Muhammad Rozahi; Iriani, Yani; Margana, Riki Ridwan; Supriadi, Hari; Nugraha, UcuPada Semester Genap Tahun 2020/2021 dan Ganjil Tahun 2021/2022 Fakultas Teknik Universitas Widyatama (UTama) telah menerapkan kebijakan program Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM), sebagai bagian dari pelaksana kebijakan Universitas. Fakultas Teknik UTama dengan dukungan pendanaan dari Program Penelitian Kebijakan Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka Dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Berbasis Hasil Penelitian Dan Purwarupa Pts Ditjen Dikti Ristek Tahun Anggaran 2021 Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, telah melakukan penelitian Survey “Evaluasi Penerapan Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka Terhadap Performa Civitas Akademik Fakultas Teknik Universitas Widyatama“. Tujuan dilakukannya survey tersebut secara praktis dan teoritis yang berguna bagi Pemerintah selaku pemangku kebijakan secara nasional dan UTama sebagai institusi pendidikan. Survey dilakukan pada 16-23 Desember 2021 dengan tujuan untuk mengevaluasi pelaksanaan program MBKM di Universitas Widyatama. Pada pelaksanaannya, survey tersebut dilakukan terhadap seluruh sivitas akademika Fakultas Teknik Universitas Widyatama,yaitu: Mahasiswa, Dosen, dan Tenaga Pendidik.
- ItemFORMULATION AND EVALUATION OF SHEET MASK FROM RED RICE (ORYZA NIVARA) EXTRACT(International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Issue 1, 2020) Kusumawati, Anggun Hari; Gunarti, Neni Sri; Ridwanuloh, Dadan; Supriadi, HariSheet mask can moisturize the skin because of the sheet mask contained essence in the can help to moisturize the skin on the face, sheet mask is also very suitable for those who have dry skin. Sheet Mask from Red Rice (Oryza nivara) extract is to help skin care to rejuvenate facial skin from sun exposure after a day of activities. Facial masks have the ability to cleanse the skin to a deeper layer that cannot be reached with regular washing. Masks are useful for tightening, improving blood circulation, smoothing the skin, moisturizing the skin and refreshing the skin. Extraction is done by cold or maceration method. The extraction result from 4,300 kg of Red Rice Simplicia (Oryza nivara), obtained by the ethanol extract of Red Rice (Oryza nivara) as much as 73.85 g., With a yield of 1.7174%. Phytochemical screening is carried out which includes the identity of extracts, organoleptic extracts and phytochemical screening.Based on the results of testing the physical properties of sheet mask preparations, which consist of organoleptics, pH testing, viscosity testing, homogeneity testing of each formula, the essense sheet mask preparations are getting thicker viscosity when Carbopol concentration is added. The pH value of brown rice sheet mask preparations on all formulations by showing skin pH is around 4.5 - 6.5. The higher the concentration of the Carbopol gelling agent the higher the viscosity value. As in the table with formulation (F1) the viscosity value is higher than the viscosity value of the formulation (F2) and (F3). Based on the analysis that has been done on the preparation of red rice essense sheet mask (Oryza nivara) it can be concluded that all formulations produce good physical properties.
- ItemIMPLEMENTATION DECISION TREE ALGORITHM FOR ECOMMERCE WEBSITE(International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol.24, Issue 02, 2020) Parlindungan; Supriadi, HariMaking E-commerce websites has been widely used in business fields where buyers and sellers doesnt to meet in directly , the activities of transaction between one company or individually, the advantages of E-commerce marketing is the products sold will be more numerous and varied and has a wide range too, shop owners do not need to open another branch to distribute goods. This ecommerce sales system will reduce operational costs because there is no need to use too many employees. The recently problem today is E-commerce websites there will be a very large number of transactions, which are caused by sales data and orders that are opened at any time and not limited by distance and time. This automatically the amount of data ordering goods must be checked manually. The shop owner will sort and see the product and the number of orders, this is very difficult because of the category of goods sold when they are varied and consist of several product categories. The solution to the above problems can be overcome by adding a product category tracking system feature to the e-commerce website database, by adding the dec-tree algorithm concept this algorithm will automatically record and read the number of transactions and the number of items sold, the system will then provide a report on the system of the best-selling number of goods and the amount of stock, the results of this report can be used to display a product that is most sold to be offered back to consumers or as a recommendation for the next stock procurement.
- ItemPEMBANGUNAN SISTEM INFORMASI DESA BAGI APARATUR & MASYARAKAT DESA CIWARUGA (Studi kasus : Desa Ciawaruga, Kecamatan Parongpong Kabupaten Bandung Barat)(Universitas Widyatama, 2021-12) Istambul, Muhammad Rozahi; Supriadi, Hari; Aminuddin; Irwansyah, Wandhi; Rahmat, Hadian; Saputra, Dwi; Krishna S, Made Gde Vidya; Khasanah, Septiani Nur; Fauzi, Muhammad Rizky; Mulyani, Laras; Hardiana, RizkyPenelitian ini merupakan bagian dari Program Penelitian Kebijakan MBKM dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Berbasis Hasil Penelitian dan Purwarupa PTS Ditjen Dikti Ristek Tahun 2021. Oleh karena itu diperlukan keterlibatan sejumlah mahasiswa yang akan difatrakan dalam program merdeka belajar kampus merdeka (MBKM), dalam hal ini untuk memenuhi indikator kinerja utama (IKU) mengenai pembelajaran kolaboratif. Tentunya, peran mahasiswa tersebut akan membantu dalam penyelesaian penelitian mengenai sistem informasi desa (SID) berbabasis digital. Hasilnya akan memberikan dampak pengalaman dan pengakuan dari pihak masyarakat dan pemerintah Desa Ciwaruga mengenai kontribusi yang telah dilakukannya. Penelitian ini akan menjadikan objeknya pada suatu pemerintah desa, yakni Desa Ciwaruga Kecamatan Parongpong Kabupaten Bandung Barat. Sebagai sasarannya pada kegiatan rutin aparat desa dan masyarakat di Desa Ciwaruga. Keterlibatan mahasiswa dalam penelitian ini ditawarkan pada mahasiswa yang sedang melaksanakan MBKM, sehingga dapat lebih fokus dan optimal untuk objek implementasinya dalam menjalankan program MBKM, yang nantinya dikaitkan pada IKU kolaboratif pembelajaran. Lebih lanjut, seluruh perencanaan pembangunan sistem informasi desa akan dijadwalkan berdasarkan tahapan dalam metodologi pembangunan sistem informasi, yang meliputi survey pada objek desa; analisis situasi dan permasalahan; perancangan dan desain sistem informasi; database; coding; uji coba; hingga pendataan. Keseluruhan dari kegiatan penelitian ini akan menghasilkan luaran meliputi aplikasi SID, kegiatan uji coba dan pendataan SID, media digital, publikasi ilmiah, hasil rekognisi mahasiswa MBKM, dan laporan akhir penelitian. Keseluruhan aktifitas kegiatan penelitian yang telah dibantu pendanaannya dari Ditjen Dikti Ristek ini, sebagai wujud dukungan Universitas Widyatama dalam memberikan pengalaman terbaik bagi seluruh stakeholder yang terkait dalam penelitian ini. Sehingga pemahaman dan penerapan dari sutau program merdeka belajar kampus merdeka (MBKM) dapat menjadi salah satu pilihan terbaik bagi mahasiswa yang akan menjalankan proses pendidikannya.