Browsing by Author "Mu'minah, Iin"
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- ItemCONSUMER’S PRACTICES ON FAST FASHION IN THE CONTEXT OF INDONESIAN MUSLIM WOMEN(2nd International Conference on Research Methods in Management and Social Sciences (ICRMMS 2015), International Foundation for Research and Development (IFRD), Shinawatra University, 2015-02-07) Mu'minah, IinThe objective of this research is to investigate consumer’s practices on fast fashion in the context of Indonesian Muslim women community. Fast fashion industries is purposed to provide affordable products, shorten lead time, quick response, as responses to a dynamic environment. This research is aimed to gain insight factors influencing buying decision process of Indonesian Muslim women, and looking for suggestions for the industries on fast fashion. Please be noticed that this is not purposed to evaluate why some Muslim women wear Hijab (a type of Muslim women’s fashion style, that almost covers all the part of body except the face and hands) while the others do not. This research is a qualitative study. Data is collected by conducting personal face-to-face interviews, and delivering a semi structured questions through Facebook or email to the respondents.. Coding, grouping, clustering or contrasting methods are applied in the data analysis by using MS-Excel. Indonesian Muslim women community’s practices on fast fashion are mainly affected by their beliefs. They put beliefs as the highest priority instead of aesthetics. These findings would be beneficial for fashion industries stakeholders (producers, suppliers, fashion designers, fashion retailers, etc.), and also for the researchers in the topic. Originality. This study reveals consumer’s practices on fast fashion in such a Muslim society.
- ItemENTREPRENEURS IN TOURISM AREAS: MOTIVATIONS, PROBLEMS, AND SUCCESS FACTORS (A Case Study of Entrepreneurs in Pangandaran Tourism Area)(CIEL SBM-ITB Gedung SBM-ITB, 2010-07-11) Mu'minah, Iin; Lubis, S. B. HariThe purpose of this research is to profile or identify characteristics of SMEs (Small Medium Enterprises) entrepreneurs in a tourism area. This is because a tourism area has many unique phenomenas. The phenomenas could be identified by smart people (entrepreneurs) who could realize opportunities or potentials into their own business. However, not all of the entrepreneurs could survive for a long time. Only limited SMEs entrepreneurs had been successfully running their business. This research was a case study of Pangandaran tourism area. Pangandaran is a sub-district located in the south of West Java Province. Pangandaran has two beaches where people can satisfy themselves by watching the sunrise and the sun set while swimming. By this research, data collected by interviewing SMEs entrepreneurs used questionnaire as a guideline. These questionnaires are about motivations, problems, and success factors of the entrepreneurs. Eight entrepreneurs were interviewed. Each represented one product/ commodity or one service available in the tourism area. They were selected because they have been success running their business more than ten years continually. Techniques of analysis used were by creating matrix tabulation of entrepreneur’s development. Outcomes or findings of this research hope fully could stimulate growths of emerging entrepreneurs more rapidly and could also as a consideration for government in developing appropriate policies or regulations of a tourism area.
- ItemINOVASI DAN ADAPTABILITY UKM SEBAGAI STRATEGI MENGHADAPI PERSAINGAN ACFTA (Studi Kasus Sentra Industri Rajutan Kota Bandung)(Seminar Nasional SMART 2010 (Seminar on Application and Research in Industrial Technology 2010), Jurusan Teknik Mesin dan Industri Fakultas Teknik UGM, 2010-07-29) Mu'minah, IinPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari profil karakteristik UKM (Usaha Kecil dan Menengah) dalam menghadapi era ACFTA (Asean China Free Trade Agreement). Hal ini menjadi penting mengingat UKM merupakan salah satu sektor usaha yang dianggap akan paling terkena dampak penerapan ACFTA. Padahal, UKM sudah terbukti mampu menyerap banyak tenaga kerja Indonesia dan pula sudah terbukti memiliki daya tahan terhadap krisis moneter. Akan sangat disesalkan jika pada akhirnya nanti UKM malah berguguran dengan penerapan ACFTA karena ketidakmampuannya untuk berdaya saing. Bagi para pelaku UKM yang inovatif dan memiliki kemampuan adaptasi, penerapan ACFTA semestinya justru menjadi peluang dan atau tantangan baru dalam menciptakan pasar yang lebih luas. Penelitian ini menelaah issue dan strategi UKM dalam menghadapi ACFTA, dan merupakan studi kasus terhadap para pelaku UKM di kawasan sentra industri rajutan Binongjati Kota Bandung. Dalam penelitian ini dilibatkan pelaku UKM, asosiasi/ kelompok pengusaha, Pemkot Bandung dan Pemprov Jawa Barat, serta instansi terkait lainnya. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuisioner acuan yang dibahas dalam forum-forum diskusi terfokus, FGD (Focused Group Discussion). Adapun teknik pengolahan data menggunakan matrik analisis SWOT yang kemudian dikembangkan menjadi Matrik Dokumen Protokol. Matrik tersebut merupakan matrik usulan dan atau rekomendasi strategi UKM dan Pemerintah dalam menghadapi pasar bebas.
- ItemMONITORING SYSTEM ON NINE PRIMARY COMMODITIES' PRICE IN INDONESIA(International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology, 2012-06) Mu'minah, Iin; Sjaf, Soflan; Parnungkas, Wahyu W.; Kurdi, WahdatNowadays computerized systems are used broadly to support human being activities. One of the examples is a monitoring system on nine primary commodities' price applied in Indonesia. The government has a big concern to monitor those such commodities' price becguse of its strategic function for human. As it is well known that there are nine commodities in Indonesia categorized as sembako. Sembako stadds for Sembii Bahan Pokok which means nine primary commodities. They are rice, corn, wheat, soya bean, mdt, milk, sugar, cooking oil (coconut oil) and iodine-salt. The commodities have important function to falflll daily human basic needs. This is why Indonesian Government put a great effort fix up sembako remain affordable and available everywhere. This research is p u r p d to develop an information system to monitor sembako's price, as an early warning system. The data is collected from referent markets from all the states in Indonesia centralized in a system which is popular as Market Information System. The system is installed at Trading Ministry Office of Indonesian Republic. Methods of analysis were undertaken by identifying factors constituting the price of each commodity. The output of this study is an early warning system in relation to establish properly government policies when sembako's price are going unstable, or are signing to reach a maximum allowed price.
- ItemPROBLEMS, CHALLENGES AND POTENTIAL DEVELOPMENTS ON CLUSTER OF TEXTILE INDUSTRIES IN INDONESIA (Case Study on Cluster of Textile Industries in South of Bandung)(International Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering, University Adayalampattu, 2011-04-21) Mu'minah, IinABSTRACT The aims of this research are to capture general descriptions or to overview cluster of textile industries in Indonesia. The research is a case study which Bandung was chosen as a sample representation, because according to the data of Industrial Ministry, Republic of Indonesia, year 2005, about sixty five percent (65%) of Indonesian textile industries location are in Bandung and area surrounding. This study focused on problems, challenges and potential developments in order to improve industrial performances as competitive advantages of Indonesia. It has been proven that since many years ago the industries have given significant contribution to devisa of Indonesia, outside oil & gas industries. However, recently years the contribution is lowering because of many reasons. Global market competition forces Indonesian textile products to have better advantages rather than outsider’s products. But in facts, local (domestic) market were fulfilled by foreigners products such as China’s and Korea’s textiles products. The condition were getting worse because export (international) market are also decreasing by the same reasons. Surveys, interviews, and FGDs (Focused Groups Discussions) were conducted to all representations of textile industries stakeholders, as methods of data collections. Furthermore, data and findings research were analysed using SWOT (Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats) matrix identification. Those findings were tabulated and resumed as an official recommendation as considerants for Indonesian Government to establish precise strategies or policies in order to increase (textile) industrial competitive advantages of nation. Keywords : Cluster, Textile Industries, Strategies, Competitive Advantages, Indonesia.
- ItemSISTEM INFORMASI PASAR DAN MONITORING HARGA BERAS DI INDONESIA(Seminar Nasional Teknologi Industri 2012,Fakultas Teknik Industri, Universitas Trisakti, 2012-06-28) Mu'minah, Iin; Pamungkas, Wahyu W.; Kurdi, WahdatPenelitian ini ditujukan untuk membangun suatu sistem informasi untuk memonitor harga komoditas, khususnya yaitu harga beras di Indonesia. Hal demikian mengingat pentingnya beras sebagai bahan makanan pokok mayoritas penduduk Indonesia. Mengingat vitalnya fungsi beras tersebut maka Pemerintah berkepentingan untuk mampu menyediakan beras dengan harga yang terjangkau oleh seluruh lapisan masyarakat Indonesia, dan mudah diperoleh dimana pun di wilayah Indonesia. Namun pada kenyatannnya, terutama dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, harga beras cenderung terus meningkat dan meningkat. Kondisi demikian akan memprihatinkan sehingga atas dasar itulah Pemerintah memandang perlu untuk membangun suatu Sistem Informasi Pasar terkait harga beras. Sistem tersebut diharapkan dapat mendeteksi secara dini jika diprediksi akan terjadi kenaikan harga yang terus menerus atau terjadi ketidakstabilan harga, sehingga Pemerintah dapat secara dini mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh pada kenaikan tersebut, sehingga dapat diambil langkah yang sesuai untuk meredam gejolak harga. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dari pasar-pasar rujukan dari seluruh (33) provinsi di Indonesia. Data dikumpulkan langsung ke Sistem Informasi Pasar di Kantor Kementerian Perdagangan Indonesia. Sistem informasi ini bersifat on-line dan masih dalam proses pengembangan. Analisis pembentuk harga beras dilakukan dengan menganalisis struktur pengusahaan beras, sistem distribusi dan sistem pasar beras di Indonesia.
- ItemSISTEM MONITORING DAN TEKNIK PERAMALAN HARGA DAGING SAPI DI INDONESIA(Seminar Nasional Informatika,Jurusan Teknik Informatika, UPN Veteran Yogyakarta, 2012-06-30) Mu'minah, Iin; Pamungkas, Wahyu W.; Sjaf, SofyanPemanfaatan teknologi telah terbukti sangat membantu kehidupan bermasyarakat dalam suatu negara. Sistem monitoring harga daging sapi seperti yang diterapkan di dalam Sistem Informasi Pasar, Kementerian Perdagangan Republik Indonesia merupakan salah satu contohnya. Langkah demikian dilakukan mengingat peran dan nilai strategis daging sapi di Indonesia. Seperti diketahui bahwa daging sapi merupakan sumber protein bagi sebagian besar masyarakat Indonesia. Tujuan pusat monitoring harga ini adalah untuk menyediakan informasi mengenai harga daging sapi di seluruh wilayah Indonesia, memantau perkembangannya secara harian. Dengan demikian, sistem informasi ini berfungsi untuk memberikan notifikasi dini jika diprediksi akan terjadi gejolak perubahan harga, serta memantau disparitas harga di provinsi-provinsi di seluruh Indonesia, sehinggaPemerintah Indonesia, dalam hal ini yaitu Kementerian Perdagangan Republik Indonesia dapat secara dini mengambil langkah-langkah strategi yang sesuai untuk mengatasi gejolak tersebut. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada tahun 2010. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dari pasar-pasar rujukan di setiap kota atau kabupaten di wilayah Indonesia, sedangkan analisis harga dilakukan dengan identifikasi faktor-faktor penentu harga komoditas. Rekomendasi akhir diusulkan sebagai langkah mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang harus dicek di lapangan jika terjadi kenaikan harga daging sapi.